Key to the last two columns
1st Number: Free white males under age 10
2nd Number: Free white males age 10-16
3rd Number: Free white males age 16-26
4th Number: Free white males age 26-45
5th Number: Free white males age 45 and over
6th Number: Free white females under age 10
7th Number: Free white females age 10-16
8th Number: Free white females age 16-26
9th Number: Free white females age 26-45
10th Number: Free white females age 45 and over
Surname First Name Males Females
Barts Reuben 11201 02001
Hoyt Stephen 01010 30010
Hoyt John 00101 00101
Hoyt Ezra 10010 41010
Bennedict David 00200 00000
Dewey William 00110 20200
Dewey Stephen 00201 20010
Ketchum Jesse 10010 20010
Hodge Sanford 00100 00100
Norton Samuel Jun. 10010 01001
Robinson David 11001 20310
Pooler Hugh 00100 00100
Doty Elisha 10100 00100
Calkin Jeremiah 00011 00001
Homan William 10010 01010
Crandel Edward 21010 12010
Rogers Nehemiah 20010 12020
Sisson John 21010 22010
Bradshaw James 40101 01301
Evans Levi 00200 10100
Wattles Alexander H. 10010 10100
Doty Philip 01001 01001
Doty William 20010 21010
Stilson Gideon 11210 11001
Hodge Benjamin 00101 01101
Ketchum Jesse Jun. 10100 20100
Pooler George 11010 30020
Griffin Jonas 20010 21010
Stilson Benjamin 00101 00000
Ensign Otis 21301 11101
Hodge Hezekiah 12002 10001
Doty Elijah 00010 00100
Combs John 00001 00001
Case Ichabod 10001 12010
Evans William 00001 00000
Evans Consider 10200 01101
Gage Oliver 21111 22011
Paine Benoni 01001 00001
Bostwick Amos 00201 10101
Wolcot Nathaniel 11101 10100
Pooler John 00101 01001
Griffin Harvy 10110 20111
Higbee Ira 10010 01000
Smith Samuel 41010 00010
Lummis George 20010 00010
Acker Henry 00010 31010
Perry John 01010 11100
Hogaboom John 01101 11001
Welman John 22101 21110
Griffis Jonas 20111 21010
Blowers John 32010 11010
Biddle Jacob 12210 21110
Bradshaw Isaac 21210 11010
Welman John Jun. 00100 00100
Wood Ebenezer 00011 20010
Tomson Charles 11010 40010
McMullen Archibald 01010 00010
Hurr Leonard 00001 00011
Ridenbergh George 00010 20010
Ridenbergh Adam 02001 20201
Youngs John 30301 22001
Slayter Peter 00301 00001
Carrier Thomas 21001 42101
Crandel Abram 01010 32000
Bradshaw Bradly 10100 00100
McMullen Adam 00010 20010
Burdock John 01010 00010
Bush John 00000 00000
Jackson Peter 00000 00000
Buckman Samuel H. 00101 01001
Wood Stephen 00100 10100
Lindsly Timothy 01000 00100
Bigsby John 00001 20010
Beels John 20100 10100
McMullen John 00010 10010
Ritenbergh Peter 00010 10100
Morst John 10010 22011
Axtel Daniel 10201 21001
Spigerman Henry 10101 20010
Cooper Christian 20100 00100
Fuller Abram 01201 10101
Baxter Levi 32201 00110
Avery John Jun. 00100 10100
Huyk John 00010 00100
Huyk Richard 00110 00001
Niver Henry 01201 10001
Bradly David 10010 30010
Harrower David 20110 11210
Bradly Peter 01111 11001
Avery John 00211 02101
McFarlan John 00101 01010
Coon John S. 00010 00100
Wilson Stephen 00100 00100
Wright Nathaniel 00100 00200
Tomas John 00201 00201
Tomas John Jun. 40100 00100
Thomas Samuel 21010 21010
Barns Cowey 00100 10100
Dovoner William 11211 12001
Shepherd John 11100 10101
Speers Trent 11001 21010
Smith Nathan 30010 31010
Johnson Hugh 21101 22010
Johnson Walter 11201 22101
Farnham Solomon 11101 01101
Dudgeon Thomas 00211 00101
Dudgeon Thomas Jun. 00010 20010
Redfield Russel 22010 21010
Gillet Asa 11101 31010
Tilley Remembrance 21001 10001
Cotton Ira 11100 00010
Gold Talcot 00101 12001
Bradley Charity 00000 20010
Alsworth Job 10010 00100
Merchant Jurden 10100 10100
Cotton Thomas 00101 11001
Wheton Benjamin 21101 01001
Bodwell Andrew 00010 10010
King David 10010 30100
Hitchcock Ira 20010 20100
Fitch Amaza 30010 20010
Brown John 10013 30010
Olmsted Seneca 11010 00000
Clark Simeon 12201 10001
Parker Farington 31010 00010
Valentine Robert 00200 00100
Crawford James 10100 10100
Brian Fowler 10100 10100
Canfield William 20010 00100
Cleveland William 41110 10010
Brian Elijah 11101 22001
Hicks Caleb 30010 00010
Knapp Jacob 31010 21010
Judd Suplina 31010 11010
McDonald John 40010 00010
McGuire Laughlan 00011 00301
Scoval Lewis 30010 11010
Palmer Thomas B. 10010 20100
Robinson Jabez 10010 10010
McKinnon Daniel 10010 10011
McKinnon Hugh 10021 11011
McKinnon Allan 00010 01000
McGuarra John 20001 30010
McKinnon Malcolm 21010 22110
Moody Moses 00010 30110
Chapans Dolphin 10010 10010
Elmer Simeon 00101 00201
Howard Abraham 30110 10010
Wells Hezekiah 11001 00100
Wells Levi 31100 10010
Forterer Thachus 12110 11010
Wait Adam 21010 20010
Goodman Enos 01110 11010
Smith Plen 10110 11110
Frost Isaac 20010 10100
Jewel Isaac 10010 13010
Wait Martin 11010 21010
Neely Oliver 12001 11100
Shaw Moses 10010 30010
Camp William 01201 20101
McKinon John 20010 20010
Davis Thomas 10010 10010
Knickerbacker Solomon 01001 00001
Matimore William 21001 01010
Wheeler Ezra 20100 00100
Davis David 10100 10100
Coe Ariel 21010 21110
Begle Joseph 10110 00110
Wells Sibble 10000 00010
Fish Caleb 10010 30100
Odell Gersham 20100 10100
Payn Hezekiah 10010 10010
Goodman Thomas 00100 00100
Smith Davias 01111 11301
Smith Davias Jun. 20010 00010
Brown Collins 11010 22010
Hale Jonathan Jun. 40010 00010
Hale Jonathan 00001 00001
Hardy Danel 10010 30100
Upson Joseph Jun. 00010 30110
Hall Abner 00001 00010
Pooler Rufus 00100 00100
Larbey Ebenezer 00101 21010
Upson Joseph 00001 00010
Beels Abram 20010 21010
Taylor Urial 10010 30010
Wells Waram 00010 10010
McAdam Andrew 51101 30010
Smith Darius S. 00010 00010
Root Dennison 20010 00100
Decker James 00100 00100
McEyre William 00110 00101
Paul Jacob 10010 10010
Whitman Samuel 10010 00100
Whitman Elijah 10201 11101
Farasee Alexander 00200 00000
Malcolm John 01201 11001
McEwen Daniel 20010 10010
Graves Abram 20010 10010
Spencer William 10101 00010
Rogers Samuel 30001 02010
Owens Ebenezer 31010 11010
Owens Orange 00100 00100
Sively Abram G. 30110 10110
Foster Nathan 01101 00201
Rogers Hugh 12202 00001
Bigsbee William 21010 22010
Leonard Timothy 02001 01001
Humphrey Benjamin 31010 10010
Wilmot John T. 00010 20010
Worden Joseph 23010 20110
Howel Rachel 12100 02002
Gordon William 12001 01110
Reeves Isaac 00010 20010
Tatcher Joseph 00101 23011
Smith William 10010 10100
Huston James 11110 31110
Kitchum Samuel 01001 00001
Rogers Rufus 00010 31010
Chapman Daniel 22001 21010
Bradley Stephen 00101 10001
Bradley Henry 10100 00010
Blowers Jonas 00010 01010
Carley John 01010 01010
Hutton David W. 11010 00100
Crandel Laban 13101 21001
Sands Jonathan Jun. 10010 10001
Sands Jonathan 00001 00001
Brokway Jesse 10010 00010
Pinder Moses 32001 11010
Williams John 22001 12011
Carley Jonathan 01001 00001
Carley Adrier 10010 10010
Holden John B. 20010 01010
Horney Jacob 01201 41110
Swift Perez 01010 20110
Chace Joshua 01010 10010
Crowel Josiah 10101 01101
Eglston Jacob 10010 30010
Hill Elizabeth 00100 20001
Reed Jeremiah 11010 01010