
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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The 1810 Federal Census - Town of Roxbury

Transcribed by Terry Thornton, June 2005
Key to the last two columns

1st Number: Free white males under age 10
2nd Number: Free white males age 10-16
3rd Number: Free white males age 16-26
4th Number: Free white males age 26-45
5th Number: Free white males age 45 and over

6th Number: Free white females under age 10
7th Number: Free white females age 10-16
8th Number: Free white females age 16-26
9th Number: Free white females age 26-45
10th Number: Free white females age 45 and over

Surname               First Name          Males     Females

More                  James               31010     10010     
More                  David               30100     00100     
Tufts                 Peter               00010     20100     
Nicols                Eliahim             01010     01010     
More                  John                00001     00001     
More                  Edward              00100     01200     
Russia                Henry               00001     00000     
Montgomery            Martin              30010     01010     
Lynch                 Catherine           22200     00101     
Patchin               Josiah              10100     20100     
Walker                Samuel              00010     30100     
Howard                Elihu               10010     01010     
Stratton              Joseph              02110     01001     
Allaby                James               10010     10100     
Stratton              Jesse               10010     00100     
Wight                 Harvey              21010     03010     
Wight                 Ebenezer            21010     22010     
Wight                 Synthey             00000     20010     
Patchin               Eunice              10000     02101     
Taylor                Samuel              30010     00200     
Holcot                John                21101     21010     
Montgomery            Thomas              00010     00100     
Noble                 Marcus              00200     10200     
Inman                 Ezeck               22210     21010     
Voorhis               Daniel              10010     10010     
Burret                Francis             00101     00001     
Jenkins               Sniffin             00100     10100     
Osborn                William             00100     00100     
Tiffany               Orris               20101     00100     
Osborn                Nathan              41001     10010     
Frisbee               Benjamin            21111     21011     
Bush                  John                30010     12010     
Murrin                Joel                30100     10100     
Caswell               Asahel              00100     00000     
Preston               Sylvester           00010     30010     
Turck                 Benjamin            11010     10110     
Burbans               Edward              00201     21001     
Franee                Cornelius           00010     20110     
Snyder                Zarchariah F.       00010     20010     
Snyder                Zarchariah          02001     30201     
Caswell               Cromwell            00100     00100     
Kettle                Jonathan            00001     00000     
Huggins               Samuel              10010     30010     
Church                Ira C.              02110     10010     
Huggins               William             30010     00010     
Jewel                 John                10010     00010     
Preston               Joseph              10100     00010     
Gleeson               William             01010     00100     
Sturges               Aaron B.            21010     22010     
Sely                  Seth                11001     00010     
Crank                 Laurence            21010     30010     
Judson                Benjamin            41010     11010     
Booth                 Levi                00100     10100     
Tupper                Chauncy             00010     00100     
Beach                 Samuel              10010     30100     
Harley                Thomas              00201     01101     
Ferris                Joshua              31010     02010     
Sears                 Abram               01101     00001     
Hawley                Abram               30001     20001     
Demoney               Henry Jun.          20010     20010     
Bloombergh            George              22201     20110     
Schermerhorn          Casper              20110     12110     
Lefever               Daniel              10100     00100     
McSheen               Frederick W.        10100     00100     
Hardenburgh           Lewis               01100     20100     
Murrin                Stephen             10001     00001     
Murrin                Stephen Jun.        00100     20100     
Person                James               00010     10010     
Baker                 Fanny               41000     10010     
Norton                Elon                00011     00211     
Norton                Eli                 00110     20100     
Voorhis               Jacob               10100     00100     
Soles                 John                12001     01210     
Van Loon              Abram               00001     00001     
Soles                 Benjamin            00100     00100     
Van Loon              Johannes            21110     30010     
Demoney               Henry               01101     00010     
Robinson              Elijah              30010     10100     
Crary                 Nathan              00100     00002     
Crary                 Archibald           00100     00100     
Stone                 Samuel              01101     01010     
Bushnel               Samuel              00001     21101     
Benton                Samuel              10100     00100     
Roberts               Samuel              11101     11001     
Sturges               Barlow              00121     00110     
Vroman                Walter B.           00010     10010     
Becker                Cornelius           00200     20100     
Tuttle                Charles             01001     00000     
Johnson               Joseph              12010     20010     
Finch                 Jeremiah            21001     10100     
Finch                 Samuel              00100     00100     
Peck                  Orlando             41010     02010     
Simonson              Cornelius           21110     11010     
Brinenstool           Michael             02210     01110     
Paddoch               Oliver              10010     00010     
Elwell                Thomas              00010     20010     
Finch                 Comfort             00001     00001     
Ballard               James               30010     20100     
Ballard               Peleg               01001     00001     
Peck                  David               00201     00101     
Peck                  Isaac               10100     20010     
Simonson              John                22010     21010     
Simonson              James               20010     20010     
Simonson              Christopher         00101     00101     
Donaldson             Robert              20010     21011     
Howel                 Benjamin            11010     20010     
Helons                Woodheel            31010     10300     
Moffat                Isaac               00401     00201     
Gleason               Wallis              01200     00100     
More                  Alexander T.        41010     12010     
Moffat                Francis             00100     00100     
Crowell               John                20010     10100     
Allen                 Eliphalet           11010     00110     
Allen                 Thomas              00100     00100     
Morse                 John                20010     20100     
Marks                 Rosetta             11000     20010     
Rockwell              Simeon              11010     31010     
Cagwin                Amos                01101     01101     
Cagwin                Garner              10010     10010     
Reed                  William             32110     01110     
Blackman              Ebenezer            01201     01001     
Jay                   James               10020     20100     
Vosburgh              Adam                11010     21010     
Daniels               Marjory             11100     22010     
Gleason               James               00111     01001     
Jenkins               Samuel              10101     02101     
Hicks                 Levi                10110     20111     
Root                  Josiah              20111     30110     
Bouton                Lewis               01200     00100     
Neal                  Salmon              01010     00000     
Squire                Enos                01010     11010     
Snyder                Jacob               00101     01010     
Hutcheson             Jonathan            00001     00001     
Tyler                 Amos                10010     30010     
Andrews               Joseph              00010     10110     
Andrews               Daniel              21000     00100     
Hicks                 Ambros              11001     01010     
Fuller                John                30010     12010     
Cranston              Samuel              01001     02100     
Cranson               Caleb               00100     00100     
Crosby                Parker              00010     30100     
Davis                 Thomas              00001     10100     
Tyler                 Jonathan            00001     00110     
Morehart              John                10010     21010     
Stratton              Samuel              01101     11001     
Follet                William             10120     20201     
Sweet                 Caleb               10010     00100     
Rowns                 Russel              10010     00100     
Watson                John                20001     00101     
Underwood             Oliver              41010     10100     
Scudder               Totham              21110     20110     
Scudder               Obadiah S.          40010     10010     
Scudder               Philetus            01001     21110     
Coon                  Abram               31101     12211     
Hubbel                John A.             22010     30010     
Robinson              Nathaniel           01010     00011     
Buckout               John                30010     20010     
Fuller                Samuel              30010     11110     
Walker                Sullivan            01010     30010     
Scudder               David               00010     10100     
Erskin                Mary                00000     10001     
Walker                Philip Jun.         31010     10010     
Walker                Thomson             10100     10100     
Linch                 Patrick             00100     00100     
Preston               Otis                11110     10110     
Montgomery            Robert              20010     10100     
Montgomery            William             10010     20100     
Older                 Nathaniel           00110     41100     
Simmons               Noble               20010     01010     
Baker                 Benjamin Jun.       20110     21010     
Baker                 Joseph              10010     30010     
Baker                 Reuben              00010     00000     
More                  Jonas               30021     21010     
Minor                 Odonyah             11211     42010     
Rundle                Shubal              11011     01001     
Homes                 Sarah               00000     20100     
Burroughs             William             21001     21010     
Bartram               Ezra                30010     10010     
Bartram               Eli                 01010     01010     
Burroughs             Eden                21010     11110     
Bo_ser                Benjamin            00101     00011     
Guire                 Thaddeus            00001     02201     
Guire                 Silas               10100     00100     
Lee                   John                01001     00001     
Lee                   David               02010     41010     
Dart                  Jeremiah            10110     11010     
Micar                 Lyman               32010     20010     
Kelley                Reuben              20020     20010     
Huys                  Nehemiah            11110     32010     
Bouton                James               20101     01010     
Squire                Sarah               01100     00101     
Squire                Daniel              00100     00100     
Bouton                Roger               02101     01001     
Gray                  Gullion             03101     01001     
Gray                  Charles             00100     00100     
Nicols                Enoch               21110     23010     
Banks                 Thad                00001     00001     
Banks                 Samuel              10010     00100     
Smith                 Joseph              01010     10010     
Titus                 Obadiah             11201     12010     
Gold                  Abram               30110     03101     
Corban                Micajah             41101     11001     
Corban                Timothy             10010     10010     
Allen                 James               00001     00001     
Stratton              U.                  10010     21010     
Pattison              Michael             10001     01101     
Whipple               Luther              00101     00002     
Whipple               Abraham             21010     23010     
Whipple               Thomas              00100     00100     
Keator                Cornelius           02010     20010     
Benjamin              Jesse               00010     20010     
Keator                John                00001     00000     
Keator                Gideon              12010     21010     
Sherwood              Moses               10010     10100     
Inman                 Ezeck Jun.          00100     00100     
Sickler               Conradt             11010     30010     
Garrison              Lewis               01100     00001     
Berry                 Thomas              20010     30010     
White                 David               22010     22010     
Baker                 John                13110     30110     
Shoret                Emmanuel            11110     21001     
Morse                 Joseph Jun.         00100     00100     
Mead                  David               32010     00010     
Ballard               Jeduthan            20010     00010     
Ferris                Matthew             01001     00000     
Todd                  John                00100     00100     
Buckley               John                30010     20020     
Adams                 Dingey              01010     10010     
Folhinier             Thomas              31010     10010     
Morse                 Joseph              11101     11110     
Ganung                John                01301     11110     
Ganung                Henry               01100     00100     
Cartright             Baily               22010     10010     
Adams                 Justus              21001     11101     
Jenkins               Nathaniel Jun.      10100     00100     
Warren                William Jun         00010     10010     
Warren                John                00200     10100     
Vermylia              Abram               00100     10100     
Garrison              Joseph              00010     30010     
Warren                William             00001     10001     
Birdal                Samuel              01010     10010     
Jenkins               Nathan              10010     32010     
Jenkins               Samuel 2nd          20010     00100     
Mullinox              John                22101     21010     
Vermilia              John                00100     00100     
Robinson              Stephen             32110     11010     
Ellis                 Eli                 00010     00000     
Scott                 Jaduthan            00100     00100     
Bouton                David               00201     00001     
Bouton                David Jun.          30010     11010     
Nothrip               Joseph              01010     02010     
Mead                  Amos                10100     00100     
Crook                 Henry               00011     11110     
Crook                 Conradt             00100     10100     
Craft                 Jacob               02001     00001     
Birdsal               Isaac               02101     11001     
Keator                John E.             31202     10210     
Keator                Joseph              20101     12110     
Woolhider             Jacob               11010     30010     
Bouton                Samuel              13010     41010     
Sheldon               Archibald           21010     10010     
Mosinan               John                41001     00010     
Hammond               Jonathan            00010     40010     
Mullinox              Stephen             00010     20100     
Kingley               John                00101     00001     
Closs                 Ezra                42010     01010     
Mullinox              Levi                31210     21112     
Vermilia              Solomon             10100     11100     
Ellis                 Elijah              10010     30100     
Robinson              Ebenezer            21010     20010     
Robinson              Issacher            11201     11001     
Hinkley               Nathan              00010     10100     
Hinkley               Josiah              21010     31100     
Cage                  Samuel              11001     01011     
Foster                Gilbert             10010     31010     
Mosier                Samuel              42101     20001     
Carl                  John                11010     31110     
Mosier                Alpheus             10010     10100     
Carl                  James               00001     00001     
Smith                 George              00010     00100     
Disbrow               David               11101     01102     
Mullinox              Israel              40010     22010     
Bennet                Solomon K.          20010     20010     
Barnham               Bethuel             42001     01110     
Hyde                  Joshua              00010     20100     
Kelley                Jonathan            00100     10100     
Kelley                Sniffin             20010     11010     
Micar                 Anna                00100     02001     
Odell                 John                00001     00001     
Stratton              David               00010     10100     
Baker                 Robert              41010     20010     
Harris                Ira                 00100     00100     
Myrel                 Lewis               11000     02001     
Stratton              Walter B.           00100     20100     
Allaby                John                30100     00100     
Hull                  William             00100     10100     
Hull                  Peter               00201     12101     
Kelley                Sylvanus            20001     20001     
Kelley                David               00110     01010     
Kelley                Ephraim             10010     10100     
Burden                Richard             30010     10010     
Huit                  Charles             10010     10010     
Austin                David               21010     10110     
Wheeler               Chas                00010     10010     
Morey                 Gideon              40101     21010     
Pattison              James               00100     10100     
Sweet                 Henry               01010     00010     
Sweet                 Daniel              20010     00010     
Horton                Justus              20100     00100     
Peekham               Prince              01101     10001     
Shaw                  Justus              10100     10100     
Shaw                  John                21010     20010     
Sulliman              Gersham             01010     00101     
Bailey                Jared               11201     31010     
Stratton              Jonathan            00010     11010     
Persons               Solomon             30101     10010     
Ryer                  Henry               31110     11010

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
©2016 - Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger