Transcribed by Shirley Brownson, February 15, 1998, from the original. Milton Brownson (b. 1/3/1865 in Croton, Delaware Co., NY; d. 1/24/1940 in Flint, Michigan) was living in the town of Franklin, Delaware County, in 1891. He was married to Minnie Maxfield and had a 1-year-old son, Edward (b. 1/7/1890 in Croton, Delaware Co., NY; d. 2/24/1945). He was the son of Hermon & Mary (O'Connor) Brownson.
Milton Brownson Croton
Memorandum of 1891
1 - Rained Snow commenced to go it is about 2 ft deep Borrowed $50. Dollars of Mrs George Wolcott, paid to Jackson Hunt
2d Rained George Reid had bobs to go to Station School Meeting tonight comenced making horns paid into a note Georg Houghliting (?)
3d Snowed in morning Royal Prime paid me $2.00 Mrs Myers Buried today
4th Sunday went to church twice Dominic Cutter called
5th Went to Franklin Station for coal for home com... snowed all day
6th Went to Station after coal for T..horn 2,240 pounds
7th Snowed very hard I went over home and helped Stet saw wood stoped snowing about noon
8th have got hard cold Fanny Reynolds stayed here last night I sawed wood alone and drew in afternoon took a load to S Saunderes
9th Drew lumber for M Hime $12.10
10th Drew lumber for M Hime 1793 feet
11th Sunday went to church the text faith in prayer rained all day froze up at night
12th Sawed wood over home Stet helped me snowed and blew very hard
13th Sawed wood alone in forenoon filed saw for Frank Strong
14th Drew wood for Dick & Seymor 2 cords very cold
15th Drew wood for D & S 3 cords wether fine. Drew a load from over home
16th Drew wood for D & S 6 cords Minnie and Miss Frost went over to Mrs Bourn's weather very pleasant
17th Drew wood for D & S 2 cords rained went over and cut 3 maple trees
18th Snowed all night and all day in all about a foot went to church
19th went over home and sawed wood filed old saw
20th Tuesday went over to H Denney after hay did not get any sawed wood in after noon
21 Wed went over to Denies and drew two loads of hay for C H Treadwell rained
22 Thurs Rained Sawed wood
23 Friday went up after Edith went over home and filed up wood
24 Drew two loads of hay from Deneys
25 Sunday went to church Miss Frost went to church very cold
26 Mon drew one load of hay went over home and sawed wood very cold
27 Tues Drew two loads of hay
28 Wed Drew two loads hay one for Baldwin (?)
29 Thurs Drew one load of hay bought a saw at Archon(?) Drew a load of wood
30 Friday went up to Robs
31 Went to Cancers(?) was nominated for inspecter of Election John Warfield got hurt
1 went to church very pleasant
2nd helped pa saw wood
3d chopped on the bank Rained in after noon Bain lectured
4th went over home and sawed wood for my self
5th Sawed wood in forenoon Went up to Alts to dinner went to Franklin with Tompson
6th helped Alt saw wood in forenoon Went to school in afternoon last day of school
7th Homer Wheat helped me saw wood in forenoon drew wood in after noon
8th went to church it snowed
9th Monday went to Franklin Station after feed Stormed awfuly
10th Town meeting day went down with a load was Elected inspector had prayer meeting up to Albert Stilsons in Evening
11th choped on the bank
12th Minnie & Ella went over to H... I drew a load of wood for Dick S and went over to H to dinner Rung the Bell for Sam
13th choped on the bank and drew wood
14th Choped in forenoon helped Alt in Afternoon Granma went to Franklin John Remington took H... to go to S... Hollow paid me $2.00 got 13 1/2 pounds crackers slid down hill
15 Sunday went to church went over home after church
16 Rained sawed wood
17 Rained sawed wood
18 Alt helped me saw wood on the bank went to Donohon(?) borrowed $15.00 of Edmond(?) Dr Huyck got run away with and hurt quite bad snowed blew
19th went up to W Himers after wood in forenoon split wood in after noon
20th rained and I sawed
21st rained went up to M Bostwicks Tom Wheat Died 67 years old
22 Sunday cold and pleasant
23 stormed Frank & Prudie
24 Went up to Jay Scro.. for A Jackson after hay fixed poles for Curton
25th went to Earl Meredith rained played the Drama at night Stayed at George Handfords
26th came home from E M
27th stormed all day
28 sawed wood in forenoon went to covenant meeting
1st Sunday went to church pleasant and cold
2d Trimed out on the bank and drew up some logs
3d Tuesday sawed wood went down to prayer meeting at Geo Kellogg
4th went to Walton with Thompson bought a set wheels for baby waggon
5th helped Alt saw wood over home
6th helped Alt in forenoon cut for my self in after noon drew load of hay for Br...
7th went to the Station after coal drew 1960 took over 11 tubs butter & two crates eggs for Ted
8th warm and pleasant went to church
9th Monday Neb(?) Georgia went to the assylum rained hard the snow most all gone
10th sawed wood over home in fore noon helped scatter buckets in afternoon
11th went over home and toped sap bush skirred old Dick
12th helped gather sap 18 barrels rained all day
13th Stilson helped draw wood across the crick snowed quit hard
14 sawed wood
15 went to church
16 Monday rained
17 went up to Ross helped him saw wood Mrs David Georgia died
18 went up to Uncle S.. Strongs
19 helped Rob saw wood and came home at night he gave me $1.00
20 sawed wood
21 sawed wood in fore noon helped our folk in after noon
22 went to church rained
23 sawed wood over home
24 sawed wood in fore noon rained
25th went up on Case Hill and cut down wood for Perkins
26 Sawed wood for Perkins F. Strong helped me
27 sawed wood for Perkins
28 Sawed wood in fore noon helped Stil in after noon boil sap
29 went to church pleasant
30 went down to G Kelloggs helped F Strong saw wood
31 sawed wood down to Kellogg
1 sawed wood down to Kellogg
2d sawed split and piled 22 1/2 cords wood for Kellogg
3 Friday Drew S. Soundiss (?) 2 1/4 cords wood R Thompson 1 cord
4 split wood and choped on the bank
5 Sunday pleasant
6th Charley Murphie helped me draw wood across creek in forenoon
7 helped Stet saw wood
8 plastered the kitchen went over to Mary Bournes
9 helped saw wood over home
10 went over home fixed churn machine choped wood rained
11 borrowed money of H... gave M M Groton note went to Franklin
12 Sunday went to church rained
13 finished R T Prines wood sawed on Solies(?)
14 worked for Geo Reid stoned up ditch
15 sawed timber for G Reid
16 sawed wood
17 went over home and sawed wood
19 Sunday went to church pleasant
20 went up to A Saunders
21 and trimed apple trees
22 dug sand for Irve
23 drew manure for Irve
24 helped Irve half of day
25 drew wood across the creek in forenoon and went to church in after noon
26 Sunday
27 went out with carpet stretcher sold 5 North Franklin
28 helped Thompson dig sand
29 went over to H Sanfords with carpet stretchers sold 4
30 went to Amos Woods with carpet stretchers sold 2
1 picked up around the house and cut wood
2 drew VanTassle 3 cords wood drew some home
3 Sunday
4 went up to Rob Primes(?) to work at mowing his house
5 was sick snowed
6 was sick the snow covered the ground
7 went to R Primes moved the siting room & tore down the milk house
8 moved the kitchen
9 split wood and piled
10 Sunday
11 went up to M J Woods
12 helped to trim apple trees
13 planted potatoes
14 went over and started the water went up to A Paynes
15 cut up E... helped put down carpet
16 papered went over home and helped shell corn went up to Robs and stayed all night
17 up to Robs
18 put in a new door sill for Rob come home in after noon
19 sold note to A Payne payed H Treadwell $10. packed trunk went up to Robs stayed all night
20 walked to Delhi took the stage for Arena got to Clarks Factory at one oclock stayed all night at Herbs
21 commenced work for Frank on T Castles house
22 ceiled up the grand army room starway
23 got out lumber for cupboard went up to toll gate and got trunk went up home with Frank
24 came down to Church Mr ... preached a memorial Sermon Mr Block preached in after noon went over and saw the cove in after noon went to C E society and church in Evening
25 planed boards and put up cupboard at Castles
26 finished geting out casings for cupboard in after noon came up to Garets (?) to work on house worked on cornice
27 Wednesday worked at Garets put on cornice had hard frost
28 Shingled on Garets house went to prayer meeting
29 Shingled and put on cornice Frank went off at noon rained some
30 Rained Everyone went to Decoration Frank let me have $5.00 and his horse and I went home started at 11 got home at 7 went over to our folks at night
31 Sunday started for Arena at 2 stoped at Andes went up by lake Delaware got here at 4 1/2 oclock took the horse home Ed Harkness was here
1st Shingled on house rained finished shingling
2 Worked for Hubble(?) on Hen house Frank slept in Blogets house caught Martin there this morning rained most of day
3d worked on Hubles hen house Walter worked there stayed at Uncle Wills very hot
4 finished Hubles Hen house to day went up and got trunk very cold
5 Went to work for Blodget tore down chimney and took out partition
6 Saturday put in door and partition for Blodget went spearing(?)
7 Sunday went to church and went up to Lewis(?) Hamilton
8 worked on Blodgets barn put up gable rafter
9 put in window casing and ... the roof
10 comenced shingling on gable went up to Lewis Hamiltons and stayed all night
11 finished shingling the gable went to church
12 Friday put on ridge boards and put up stairs went up to Lewis H
13 cased windows put up partition for horse stall Minnie came down with Lewiss'
14 I stayed home with Edward in morning went to Endeavor in Even
15 ceiled up in front of horse stalls for Blodget
16 Made doors and put in granery went up to Uncle Franks with Walters horse
17 got out posts for stalls and hung doors put up joice over stable
18 Thursday made stone b...l for Blodget and plowed ...
19 Built door for Uncle Will cellor patched roof on House and barn went up to Uncle Franks
20 moved briars for Uncle Frank went up to Grants (?) Mill and sawed out fish pole
21 went to church went up to the folks and climbed the rocks
22 cut brush in forenoon went down to Arena cut out fish pole
23 Tuesday started for Thomas lake went over afoot followed a blazed road through the woods 3 miles Frank John Walt and I caught 110 trout today stayed at Mr Haynes Frank paid me 2.00
24 Fished down the outlet of Thomas Lake and up to Beaver Kill across P Bankes and got 141 trout caught 5 in the lake at night
25 started for home fished actross Merwins was ordered off and Wevers(?) Sills bought some bread rosted fish for Dinner camped on an Island in the river above Jonses caught 90 trout had bread and milk trout for supper
26 had breakfast at 4 oclock of trout and bread I went on ahead and stoped at I Knopps and he gave me all the milk I could drink we came down to Jonses and had bread and milk at 9 oclock Frank and I went on ahead and slept in the bridge grove until noon then we started up Alder Lake outlet and came down the cats cradle got home about 4 oclock with 60 trout Rob came after Minnie she was up to Mr Edwards berying we all went down to Uncle Wills and had some music
27 Saturday Minnie & Edward & Rob went home I worked for Blodget laid stable floor and put up joice over cow stable and put up corn stalks helped Uncle Wills folks milk
28 went to Church had Exercises in church for Childrens day
29 Worked for Blodget tore out partition in kitchen Boarded with Walter went up Uncle Frank
30 Went to a raising up to John Wickhams
1 Wednesday worked on Blodgets house in forenoon went to Margaretsville with John Castle
2d put on base boards and cased corner of kitchen laid cow stable floor in after noon
3 laid floor over head in horse stable put up partition between cow stable and horse stable
4 put up horse stalls and shute worked alone in afternoon Walt went to Margaretsville went up to Uncle F at night
5 Sunday came down from Uncle Franks went to church very cold
6 worked on stables up to B Irve Harkness & wife came down here had a good sing at night
7 visited with Irve and wife they went up to Lewis rained all day Frank payed me $20(?)
8 started from Arena about 10 oclock Robert Winters rode as far as platkill (?) school house then walked up to Miles Falkners and saw ... had dinner then went up to New Kingston hired out to James Archibold for $2.00 per day bought ...
9th Thursday worked for John Russell put in horse stalls built a roll door and hung it
10 worked for Eleck Thompson put on cornice on barn in forenoon shingled in afternoon sick with sore throat paid me $1.50
11 commenced work for Mr Archibold drew in 14 loads of hay
12 Sunday walked down to Arena 9 miles and back attended CE society in Evening
13 Monday mowed by hand in forenoon drew in after noon
14 mowed by hand all the forenoon and drew in afternoon
15 Mowed in morning then comenced drawing it rained at noon in afternoon went down by Mrs B... had a splendid time
16 worked for John Russell hung a roll door made two window frames made a door for up stairs and hung that got a letter from home J Russell paid me 3.00 J Archbold paid me 7.00
17 Friday went up and called on R Archibold and wife came down to Arena then went up to Lewis H staid all night
18 Started for home afoot rained all day walked to Delhi rode home in stage
19 Sunday went over to our folkses in after noon
20 Went over home and picked peas Minnie picked berries I helped draw a load of hay rained paid C D Murphie 100. H.C. D...
21 Tuesday helped pa mow the bank across from Mrs Goldsmithes went up
22 went up to Alts in after noon helped Irve draw in 8 loads paid E M Kelley .80 cts
23 staid around home rained paid Wm Munn $1.00 Will and wife Emily ... was here to supper
24 went up to Robs and stayed all night
25 came home in forenoon helped pa finish haying Sillie Whitman was here
26 Sunday Arthur and his girl was up here Rob & Edith was down
27 Monday I was sick had a dress maker here went up to see R T Primes house went bering in after noon
28 went to Oneonta with Minnie bought a square pr shoes
29 helped pa draw in Mrs Goldsmiths hay he went to Kortright in after noon
30 built a waggon for Edward pa came home with Dr Mitchel and family
31 Dr and I went fishing in forenoon took a ... ride had turkey for dinner
1 Saterday pa took Dr and family to Oneonta
2 Sunday took care of Edward the rest over to church Rob & Edith were down went over home
3 started for Arena Minnie took Jack and ... to Delhi and I walked from there took dinner just above Andees stayed to Uncle Wills all night
4 Rained fixed my gun wound my fish pole went up to Uncle Franks stayed all night
5 Wednesday came down to Arena with Uncle Frank sawed out 3 fish poles and finished two
6 worked for Blodget on barn fixed cow and ox stansions went to prayer meeting
7 worked for Blodget on kitchen framed sills
8 Framed Studding for kitchen put up one end
9 Sunday came down from Uncle Franks went to church
10 Monday put up kitchen put on roof boards very hot
11 put in the ... and extended the piaza
12 planed casings roof boarded piaza riped window casing
13 Ripped door and window jams put on cornice comenced siding
14 got out window caps planed window jams and sided some saw Dominic Race
15 Saturday worked for Blodget sided up kitchen Minnie & Mother came over here went up to Lewis Hamiltons at night
16 Sunday Minnie and I went up to Halcotts ... after Minie Reynolds took dinner with E P Vail came down and stayed at Uncle Wills
17 Went BlackBerying up on Bryants hill got 28 qts Minnie & ... started for home about noon I went up to Lewis H and stayed all night
18 started out to get sub for Dairymen got 4 came down to Arena and Frank payed me $10. and I stayed with him all night
19 Started for home afoot went cross the lots over dingle (?) hill to Andes walked to Robs got there at 12 1/2 oclock cradled and raked & bound oats all the after noon came home at night
20 went over home and stayed most of the day
21 helped pa board the barn over
22 pa started for Arena after Ma I worked at the barn Minnie came over and we stayed all night
23 Sunday Came over home after Breakfast Rob & Edith Alfred Strong and wife were her to Dinner rained very hard
24 worked over home part of the day helped hose(?) company some paid Jackson Hurt $10.
25 Cut a door through from the kitchen to the dining room turned a door pole
26 helped draw in oats firemen held field day with Drama in evening pa & Alt went to Meredith Square
27 thrashed rye
28 Friday thrashed rye in forenoon cleaned up in after noon 16 bus
29 dug out stumps
30 Sunday Rob & Edith down rained
31 Pa went to Delhi mowed thistles in forenoon cut Buck wheat
1 Dug stumps in forenoon rained in after noon
2 Minnies father & mother went to the fair to Delhi gathered pears
3 went berying
4 helped dig stumps in forenoon come home at 3 o'clock rained
5 Rained in forenoon worked at stumps and trimed trees in after noon
6 Sunday Rob & Edith were down
7 Worked over home Mowed in after noon
8 Went to Oneonta Milton Bostwicks Golden wedding
9 Went up and helped Rob draw in salt
10 dug potatoes in forenoon and thrashed Buck wheat
11 dug potatoes
12 dug potatoes
13 Sunday went up to Robs
14 cut corn
15 dug potatoes
16 plowed and drew stone
17 plowed drew stick of timber for C Murph... finished diging potatoes
18 drew in corn and filled silo built wheel barrow fixed sandsive
19 Saturday drew dirt ... meadow and drew pine limbs dug sand in after noon
20 Sunday went to church in evening
21 Dug sand
22 HB went do apprisd(?) built fence dig sand
23 dug sand stil drew gravel up to the dom... drew a load of wood
24 cut corn finished
25 went to Sidney ... out on the bridge Minnie went with me
26 went to Arena after my trunk stayed at Lewis sold Uncle ... ...
27 Sunday come home got here at noon
28 Started for Sidney got here at noon worked in after noon hired board at Mr Woods boss on the bridge broke his crin(?)
29 Worked on the bridge put up staging and unloaded three cars of iron rained
30 worked on bridge put down track for the traveler unloaded two more cars
1st Thursday worked on the bridge built a traveler
2 worked for Mr Wood helped move a barn
3 worked for Mr Wood moveing a barn
4 Sunday went down and heard Mr Adams preach heard Mr Clark lecture in evening
5 worked on barn rained turned rollers
6 worked at barn
7 rained all day helped ...
8 Thursday finished barn worked on house ceiled up went to prayer meeting
9 worked on the house ceiled up last day of sidney fair
10 put on cornice and shingled Alt was down here
11 Sunday went to church went over to the Stone quary went to C E Wood payed one $5.60
12 Shingled and put on cornice very cold
13 shingled
14 Wednesday shingled on house put in some cornice
15 finished shingling put on corner boards
16 put on corner boards ceiled up ... went home in after noon walked from Olegs
17 Registered votes
18 Sunday stayed home took care of Edward went over home in after noon
19 started at 6 oclock for Olegs got there 8.20 to late for train had to wait
20 built stair steps and lathed rained all day
21 rained got out casings cased the parlor bought a pair of R boots $1.76
22 put on Mopboard and made window casings went to prayer meeting
23 put window frames to gether and put them in in forenoon worked one hour after noon
started for home at 3 oclock rode part way in stage
24 Registered votes was not much work
25 Sunday took care of Edward went over home in after noon
26 pa caried me to I Ogdens got to Sidney at 9 oclock worked for Mr wood put in window frames up stairs
27 dug cistern for Mr wood worked 8 hours
28 ... around all day and hired out to B... and ...
29 Thursday worked on Jamisons house shingled
30 worked on Jamisons house laid floor
31 worked in forenoon laing floor went home in after noon
1st Sunday stayed home with Edward Rob and Edith were down
2 helped pa husk corn
3 attended Election was chairman of the board
4 carried the returns to Franklin
walked to Franklin Station missed the train walked to Sidney worked 3 hours in after noon for BFR
5 Shingled BFR house and put on cornice
6 Shingled very cold
7 Shingled cold in morning hot in midle of the day
8 Sunday went to church
9 got out window frames
10 put window frames to gether
11 built window frames turned in afternoon
12 Thursday Turned in fore noon Sided in after noon
13 Sided on B... house
14 Sided and put up piazza posts
15 Sunday went to church five different sessions
16 worked on piazza
17 Rained very hard and wind blew worked in shop turned some
18 very cold Sided in forenoon worked in shop in after noon
19 Sided all day
20 Friday Sided and helped put on sills for the second house
21 sided most all day helped sheet up some ... night
22 Sunday went to church cold but pleasant
23 rained very hard worked in shop in after noon
24 Cold put up rafters sheeted up gables
25 put on cornice in fore noon came home in after noon recd $24 of BFR
26 Thursday went over home to thanksgiving dinner had Turkey
27 sick out some and set around home
28 went up to Robs Snowed quite hard for the first
29 Sunday Alt brought me down to Ira Ogdens I footed it over the hill in about 3 inches of snow stayed all night at Mr Frenches
30 Monday took the train for Sidney built my tool box in forenoon worked in shop in afternoon
Dec 1, 91 Tuesday worked on the house shingled warm and nice
2 put up gable on house put on base very warm and pleasant
3 put up piaza turned some in mill stayed over to Ashels all night
4 worked on piaza wind blew very hard rain drove us off in after noon
5 put up partitions up Stairs in forenoon commenced siding
6 Sunday went to church went up by the second house in after noon
7 Sided and tore down scaffolds
8 put on corner boards and sided
9 Sided all day
10 Sided tore down scaffolds and put on cove(?) very warm
11 Sided up front gable put in false gable hung one set Blinds put on 2 bunches lathe at night
12 Saturday Hung blinds put on 2 bunches lathe at night
13 very pleasant and warm went to church led C E at night sat up with Ashel
14 Hung blinds
15 finished hanging blinds on first house
16 hung blinds on second house
17 turned in forenoon sold carpet stretcher in after noon went to prayer meeting
18 Friday put in windows commenced casing
19 put on base board in five rooms Minnie & Edward came on train
20 Sunday went to church with Minnie & Edward
21 put on base and hung blinds a perfect day without a cloud and very warm
22 put on base
23 fitted windows
24 fitted windows in forenoon and worked in shop in after noon
25 Friday worked in shop in fore noon
26 rained very hard started for home at Eleven oclock got home at 7 very bad going
27 Sunday Rob & Edith and Ed Oliver here
28 piled up wood went over home
29 went up to Robs very cold
{he ended here}