Biographical Review - 1895
The Leading Citizens of Delaware County, NY
This volume contains Biographical Sketches of The Leading Citizens of Delaware County New York
Biography is the home aspect of history
Boston Biographical Review Publishing Company 1895
Section 5 - pages 208 through 251
HENRY EUGENE GANUNG, now a very prominent citizen and trader in Arkville, in Middletown, was born in Roxbury in the same county, January 11, 1859. His great-grandfather was John Ganung, and his grandmother before marriage was Miss Devough Knittin. John Ganung came from near Croton Falls, Putnam County, and settled at Batavia Kill, a pioneer in that section. After the death of his first wife he married the Widow Sloat. He lived to a good old age, and finally died as the result of a broken arm. His children were Harry, Sniffin, Devough, Hannah, Sally, Ebenezer, Reuben. Three belonged to the first wife, and the others to the second. He was a committee-man of the Revolutionary War.
His son Devough, the grandfather of the special subject of this sketch, was born in Putnam County, whence he was taken to Delaware County. His wife was Hattie Gregory; and they raised nine children: Hannah, Polly, John, Thomas, Sally, Sniffin, Jane, Edward, and Julia. It is Sniffin Ganung who is connected with this biography by his marriage with Electa Kelly. He was born at Batavia Kill. After working with his father till the age of twenty-five, he began business for himself, farming, speculating in land, and selling the timber cut therefrom. In 1870 he made a change of base, going into mercantile business at Roxbury, where his marriage took place. His wife was the daughter of Hiram and Sally (Borden) Kelly and the grand-daughter of David and Susan (Baker) Kelly , and more about the Kelly family may be found under that name. David Kelly was born in Putnam County, and found his way into Delaware County by following the blazed trees in the forest. He decided to take up land in what is now Halcottville, where he lived the rest of his days. Besides a farmhouse he built a grist-mill. He also served in the Revolutionary War, and lived to be ninety-nine, his wife dying at eighty-four. Their children were David, Norman, Reuben, Hiram, Elizabeth, Susan, Marcia. Hiram Kelly was born in Putnam County, but came to Delaware County, and eventually took the homestead, caring for the farm and mill as long as he lived. There were three hundred acres of land, whereon his ten children grew up -- Judah, Jane, Caroline, John, Electa, Emiline, Deborah, Hiram Borden, Norman, and Lorenzo Kelly. Their father lived to be seventy, and his wife died only a year younger. He was a Republican and a Baptist.
Sniffin Ganung lived to be seventy-five, and was an old-line Democrat. At his death he left only two children. The elder, Bogordis Ganung, was born June 3, 1846. He married Josephine Aken, has one child, and carries on a saw and planing mill in Roxbury. In that town was educated the other son, the subject of this sketch Henry Eugene Ganung,. He remained with his father in the grocery till 1887, when twenty-eight years old. Then he became station agent on the Ulster & Delaware Railroad. One year he worked at the station called Big Indian and another year in Stamford. Since then he has been five years at the Tannersville station, Kaaterskill Railroad, and has also spent one year in the general office of the New Jersey & New York Railroad. Later he was at Fleishmanns two years and three years at Arkville. While a young man, he had learned surveying, and now took it up for a short time as a trade, but soon left it to engage in general merchandise in a store on Doctor Street, where he has a fine location. In 1892 he built himself a beautiful home near Main Street, leading to Kelly's Corner, where reside so many of his kinsfolk. He did not marry till 1890, when thirty-one years old. His wife was Ella Kilquest, the daughter of John D. and Hannah Kilquest. Her father came from Sweden to America, settled in New Jersey, and then came to Ulster County, where he worked in a tannery. Later they moved to Halcott, in Greene County, then to Beaver Kill, where they bought a farm now numbering a hundred acres, one of the best in town. The Killquests have four children, -- Ella, Tilla, Emil, and William. Mr. Kilquest is a Republican, and the family attend the Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Ganung have only one child, a daughter, Nora, born July 24, 1892. He is a Democrat and has held the offices of Notary Public and Pension Agent. Masonically, he belongs to the lodge in Margaretville; and he is also a Knight of Pythias. In religion he holds very liberal opinions. Active in temperament, he is sure to become a still more important factor in the community as time adds to his experience and wisdom.
GEORGE E. SMITH, M.D., the leading physician of Masonville, was born in this town, December 28, 1858, son of Phineas W. and Lucretia (Haight) Smith. His father was born in Massachusetts, and his mother in the town of Tompkins, Delaware County. The doctor's grandfather, Darius Smith, was from New England, and was one of the first settlers of Masonville. He was engaged extensively in the lumber trade for many years, and held several public offices in the town. He died here at the advanced age of ninety years. He had six children, one of whom is now living , Justine M. Smith, of Corning, N.Y.
Phineas W. Smith, son of Darius, was educated and brought up in Delaware County. He was a prominent farmer, owning a fine farm of one hundred and thirty acres, and was also a well-known raiser of stock. In politics he was a Republican, and held the office of Justice of the Peace. He reared two children, George E., the subject of this biographical mention, and Calista, who died at the age of eighteen. His wife, Lucretia, died in 1860, aged thirty-two. He survived her seventeen years, dying in 1877, aged sixty-eight.
George E. Smith attended the district schools of Masonville, afterwards giving his attention to the study of medicine, for which he showed an early predilection. When about twenty years of age, he studied with Dr. I. J. Whitney of his town, remaining with him about three years. He attended the New York Medical College for two years, graduating in 1882. After receiving his diploma, he came to Masonville, and bought out the practice of Dr. Whitney. He then went to New Berlin for two years, afterward going to Valentine, Neb., staying there one year. His next location was at Hornellsville, N.Y., whence in 1889 he returned to Masonville, where he has remained ever since, and has built up a very large practice. He was married September 12, 1882, to Miss Betsy A. McKinnon, a daughter of Daniel and Adeline S. McKinnon of this town.
Dr. and Mrs. Smith have no children. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Presbyterian church. In politics the Doctor is allied with the Republican party, and is not one who shirks the responsibilities of office. He was elected Supervisor in 1892, and re-elected in 1894. He is a member of Masonville Lodge, No. 606. A. F. & A. M., of which he is Master. Dr. Smith is an extremely capable and popular man, well informed and practical, an ornament to his profession, and a highly useful, public-spirited citizen.
MRS. ELIZABETH W. ALEXANDER, widow of the late Charles Alexander, may properly be counted among the most esteemed and respected women of Walton where she is well know as a devoted mother, a true friend, and a genial acquaintance. Her father, Malcom Wright, was a native of Scotland, where he was born in 1805. When seventeen years of age, he came with his parents to America, and settled in Delhi, Delaware County, N.Y. Here he married in 1828 Margaret Shaw, and commenced life as a farmer, being possessor, in company with his two brothers of a large farm. With one of these brothers, he later purchased a farm of one hundred and fifty acres in Walton, about two and one-half miles above the village; and it was on this estate that Malcom and Margaret Wright lived for many years, and reared a family of six daughters and three sons.
Seven of these children are still living, and, with one exception, all are residents of the town of Walton. John Wright, the only member of the family who has forsaken the town of his birth, is now a resident of California, the Golden State and Italy of America. After a long period of faithful labor in his adopted home Malcom Wright died in 1877, at the age of eighty-three years, passed away, their bodies now resting side by side in the Walton cemetery, where a fitting monument marks the graves of the beloved husband and wife.
Elizabeth W. Wright, the subject of this sketch, was married October 19, 1854, to Charles Alexander, who was born in Pound Ridge, Conn., in 1833, son of John and Susan (Knapp) Alexander. When Charles Alexander was a small boy, his parents moved to New York, settling at Unadilla, and a few years later removed to Walton, where they became the possessors of one hundred and sixty acres of fine farm land. Of the four sons and one daughter born to them here two of the sons, Charles and Albert, and the daughter, Mrs. William Townsend, are still living, and occupy their pleasant homes in Walton.
For fifteen years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander operated their farm with great success, but at length bought a small piece of land near the village, and a few years ago erected a fine, pleasant home at 94 North Street. Here Mr. Alexander died September 15, 1888, having reached the age of fifty-six years. By his unbounded industry and patience he had accumulated a goodly amount of worldly possessions, which at his death became the property of his widow and four daughters. One of these daughters, Elma S., wife of Charles Pierson, died June 17, 1891, aged thirty-five years, leaving one child, Nellie M. Pierson.
Mrs. Pierson had been a teacher in the public schools, where she was greatly beloved; and her family has the most profound sympathy of a host of friends in their great bereavement. The surviving daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are: Jennie, wife of Welles L. Baker, of New York City; Mary and Martha, twin sisters, who reside with their mother at Walton, the former being a musician of some distinction. Mrs. Alexander and her daughters are members of the Congregational church of Walton, and take an active part in all the good work of this society, whereby the public is benefited and men and women are encouraged to lead nobler and better lives.
EBENEZER W. LINDSLEY, a highly respected citizen of Downsville, was born December 12, 1826, in Sullivan County, son of Samuel C. and Sebiah (Worden) Lindsley. Samuel C. was born May 16, 1798, and was the son of Nehemiah and Mary (Guildersleeve) Lindsley, the former of whom was born December 31, 1769, son of Joniah and Hannah C. Lindsley, who were of English descent.
Nehemiah came to Delaware County shortly before 1798, and during the first three years assisted Mr. Stone, a merchant on the Pine place, acting as clerk and shoemaking, and adapting himself generally to the work at hand. Mr. Stone, thinking him lonely with his family so far away, sent for Mrs. Lindsley and the children; but, contrary to expectation, this displeased Mr. Lindsley to such an extent that he wished them to return immediately. As the team with which the journey had been made had given out, they were obliged to stay. Some time after this Mr. Lindsley left Mr. Stone's employ, and settled in Lindsley Hollow, buying a farm of several hundred acres. He was for a short time with Mr. Wilson in the tanning business, in Lindsley Hollow, where he erected a house, barns, and out-buildings; and there is standing to-day a barn built by him in 1809. Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah Lindsley had these children -- David, Ira, Samuel C., Ezra, Hannah, Agar, Rachel, Abigail, Cyrus G., and Sarah M. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lindsley were Presbyterians, and the church lost a faithful worker when he died, August 8, 1835. His wife survived him several years, and died December 30, 1850.
Samuel C. Lindsley, the third son of Nehemiah, was born in New Jersey, but was brought in his infancy to Delaware County, where he continued to live until after his marriage. He took up surveying , and successfully followed this throughout the remainder of his life. He taught common schools a long time, beginning when he was sixteen. In September, 1824, he married Sebiah Worden, daughter of Pardon and Mary (Haines) Worden. She was born May 8, 1794 and died in Mary, 1864. They raised a family of four children, namely: Phoebe Calista, who died when young; Ebenezer W., the subject of this sketch; Ira D., born April 30, 1828; and Emeline Adelia, born November 29, 1828: and Emeline Adelia, born November 29, 1829, who married John Baer, and now lives in Walton. After his marriage Samuel C. bought two hundred acres of his father's farm, erected a house and barn, lived here about twenty-nine years, and then sold out and went to Walton. A little later he went to Downsville, where his wife died, and then to Sand Pond to live with his daughter, but finally came back to Downsville, and here died March 6, 1878. Mr. S. C. Lindsley was a strong Democrat, and was greatly interested in all that concerned the town and the people. He held several public offices, among them being that of Assessor and Commissioner of Highways. He was a member of the Baptist church, as was also his wife.
Ebenezer W. Lindsley, who was born in Sullivan County, came to Downsville when a boy seven years of age, and was here reared to manhood. Deciding to follow his father's profession, he took up the study of surveying , and by diligent application, together with his father's assistance, he soon mastered this useful branch of mathematics, becoming in time one of the best and most patronized of Colchester's surveyors, his practice extending to the neighboring towns and counties. His first work in this line was done in 1849, when he surveyed the old Wilson property; and shortly after he corrected the lines of Baxter farm on Baxter Mountain. April 15, 1851, he entered the store of Downs & Elwood (located where F. B. Bear's block now stands) as clerk, and in May, 1855, was taken as a partner in the firm, continuing in this but three years. In May, 1858, he sold out and went West, seeking for a good location in which to establish himself, and during this time visited Wisconsin and Kansas. But, meeting with little success in this quest, he finally came back to the town where he had started in life, and on February 1, 1859, bought his old stand, and carried on a general store for about ten years, when he sold out, and then gave his whole attention to surveying.
On October 10, 1855, Ebenezer W. Lindsley married Mary A. Finch, born Mary 7, 1826, the daughter of Jesse and Hulda (Mallory) Finch. Mrs. Mary A. Lindsley died Mary 21, 1857, leaving one child, Lilian E., born October 3, 1856, who is now married to Henry Bates, lives in Walton, and has a family of three children. On April 23, 1860, Mr. Lindsley married for his second wife Julia Ann Shaffer, born August 20, 1821, daughter of Colonel Adam and Helena (Yeaples) Shaffer, and by this second marriage has one child, Mary Emma, born August 23, 1863, who resides at home, and is a teacher of music. Three brothers, Jacob, Adam, and Philip Shaffer, came to Delaware County, and settled. Adam, the eldest son of Philip Shaffer, raised a family of twelve children, namely: Sally; Daniel. B.; Aaron P.; Deborah A.; Jane C.; Asa G.; Julia A.; Nicholas Y.; Adeline; La Fayette; Morgan S.; and Helena, Mrs. Lindsley. Colonel and Mrs. Shaffer were members of the Baptist church, and died many years ago, she in Jun, 1831, and he in June, 1854.
Mr. Lindsley is an honored and trusted member of the community in which he lives, was executor of the estate of G. W. Downs , son of Abel Downs, who started a small store in Downsville in 1798, was administrator of the R. W. Elwood estate, and has held several town offices, such as Clerk and Assessor, where he has faithfully performed the work assigned him. He is a Prohibitionist, and what better thing could be said of a man than that he is a worker for the cause of temperance? He has been Notary Public continuously since April 1, 1867.
MYRON HILL, a wealthy farmer of Kortright, was born in that town January 18, 1824, and is a son of Cyrus and Abigail (Burdict) Hill. His grandfather, John Hill, was one of the first settlers of Kortright, and a shoemaker by trade. He was a local preacher of the Methodist faith, and spent the last days of his life in Livingston County, where he died at the age of eighty years. His wife, Phoebe Smith Hill was also an octogenarian, and was the mother of a large family, of which Benjamin Hill, of Livingston County, is the sole survivor.
Cyrus Hill was born in Kortright, September 18, 1794, and died in 1834, at Bloomville. He was a hard-working farmer, and by his industry and honorable dealing made a comfortable fortune. Politically, he was a Democrat. The Methodist Episcopal church found in him a consistent member. His wife was Abigail Burdict, born April 27, 1794, in Kortright, a daughter of Alden Burdict, a pioneer of that town. She lived to be seventy-eight years old, and was the mother of five children, four of whom are living, namely: Alden A., of Stamford; Myron of whom we write; Elizabeth, the wife of Lewis Avery, of Kortright; and Freelove Jane, residing with her brother Myron. A daughter, Louisa, died at the age of sixty-five years. Mrs. Abigail Hill was an adherent of the Baptist church.
Myron Hill was educated in the district school until fourteen years of age, when he started out in life for himself, working on the farm of John Avery, and receiving ten dollars per month. In 1859 he assumed the control of his grandfather Burdict's farm, agreeing to pay off the debts and support the aged couple for life. In this undertaking he was eminently successful. The present farm contains four hundred acres, the original purchase consisting of sixty-nine acres. Mr. Hill is industrious and thrifty, and by his untiring efforts and indomitable perseverance has increased his farm to its present large proportions. He leases about two hundred acres, and cultivates the rest himself, devoting his time to stock-raising and dairying. He has never married, his sister living with him and taking charge of the household affairs. Mr. Hill is liberal in his religious views, and a Democrat in politics, eminently successful in his occupation, and respected throughout the town where he resides.
LORENZO D. KELLY is a prominent resident at Kelly's Corners in the town of Middletown, Delaware County, but was born in Halcottsville, in the same county, September 29, 1831, the son of Hiram Kelly, who was born August 8, 1784, in Putnam county, New York, and his wife, Sally Borden, whose birth was on January 15, 1784. his paternal grandparents were David and Susan (Jones) Kelly. David Kelly was born in Putnam County, and came to Delaware county as a pioneer farmer in 1802, taking up land in Halcottsville, now owned by the Kelly brothers. His one hundred and thirty acres were part of the wilderness. yet, when the family came thither, they brought all but one child, the journey being accomplished in wagons. Of their seven children five grew up to adult age--Susan, Reuben, Phineas, Norman, and Hiram Kelly. The little hut which already stood on the place eventually became but a central point surrounded by houses, barns and a grist-mill: and there David Kelly lived till he lacked only four years of a complete century. His wife did not live so long by sixteen years, but eighty may be considered a reasonably good old age. In religion they were stanch Presbyterians, and the grandfather was a private in the Revolutionary War. He was the more prosperous in his undertakings because he owned the only mill in this section of the country.
The birthplace of his son, Hiram Kelly, was in the south-east part of Putnam County, near what is now called Dykeman Station, but was then called Bullet Hole. After the removal, which took place when he was eighteen year old, Hiram assisted his father on the new farm and in the mill. In later years he came into possession of the homestead, adding thereto some two hundred and fifty acres more land, besides enlarging and remodeling all the buildings. His wife, Sally Borden, was the daughter of Joseph Borden, an early settler on the farm adjoining the one where Hiram L. Kelly now lives. Hiram and Sally Kelly had ten children: Judah, born January 21, 1809; Jane Ann, born March 17, 1812; Caroline, born February 8, 1815; John, born January 20, 1818; Electa, born October 20, 1819; Emeline, born September 24, 1822; Deborah, born November 4, 1824; Hiram B., born July 16, 1827; Norman, born on the last day of June, 1829; Lorenzo D., born September 29, 1831, and named doubtless for the eccentric but large-hearted Christian who in those days went from hamlet to hamlet throughout the States, preaching the gospel with fervor. On this farm Hiram Kelly continued to live until his death, at threescore and ten, his wife living to be seven years older. Mrs. Kelly was a member of the Baptist church. In politics he was first a Whig and afterward a Republican, and rejoiced at the national triumph of the Republican party during the year preceding his death, in 1861.
Whatever education the youngest son received was in the district schools. In 1853, at the age of twenty-two, Lorenzo began farming at Bragg hollow where he bought one hundred and fifty acres, and married Sarah Ann smith, daughter of Hiram and Susan (Chase) Smith. Father Smith was the son of Edward Smith, a native of Kent, Putnam County, where he not only carried on a farm but was County Judge. He lived to be fourscore, was a Democrat, and left six children-Polly, Hiram, Phoebe, Clara, James, Edward, and Joseph Smith. Hiram Smith was a farmer in Putnam County till his death at the are of forty. His wife died at thirty-six and they left two children, Naomi and Sarah Ann Smith, the latter becoming the wife of Lorenzo Kelly. She was born October 19, 1831, a month after her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly lived in Bragg Hollow six years, and then sold their farm and removed to Prink Street, where they bought two hundred and six acres, and lived for another six years. In 1864, they again sold out, and bought their present estate of the same size, two hundred and sixty acres, in the village now named Kelly's Corners, after Mr. Kelly himself. About twenty years later, in 1886, he built a fine large dwelling-house, besides new farm buildings, barns, and a house to let. There he leads at present a comparatively retired life. He and his wife have four children: Emma F. Kelly was born August 26, 1859, and is married to A.F. Sweet, a wagon-maker in the village. Edward Kelly was born December 13, 1855, and died, greatly lamented, on June 13, 1871, before he was sixteen years old. Clara J. Kelly was born December 15, 1862, and died July 21, 1884, at twenty-two, the beloved wife of B. L. Searl, of Margarettville. W. Grant kelly was born September 1, 1870, and is still at home, helping his father.
Mr. Kelly is a Republican. The family attend the New -school Baptist church. Their residence is on the banks of the Delaware River, where in summer twenty or thirty boarders from the city find a most attractive home. In every nook of the village is felt the influence of Mr. kelly, easily its first citizen in progress and public enterprise.
CHARLES GILBERT HOUCK, carpenter, contractor, and builder, residing in Walton, is conducting a successful and well-established business, which occupies an important position among the various industries of this flourishing town. Reed's Creek, in the town of Hancock, was the place of his birth, which occurred on December 11,1858. His father, Levi T. Houck, one of Walton's valued citizens, a son of the late Rufus Houck, was born in the town of Franklin, November 4, 1838.
Rufus Houck, who was presumably of New England parentage, was born in Dutchess County in the year 1801, and departed this life in Delaware County about the year 1875. He was three times married. his first wife lived but a few months after marriage. By his second wife, whose maiden name was Rhoda Whaley, and who was a native of Massachusetts, he had seven children, namely: Rufus, a farmer, residing on Beer's Brook in Walton; Edwin, also a farmer, a resident of Reed's Creek in Hancock; Cordelia, the widow of Jonathan Bolton, of Harvard; Levi T., of Walton; maria, who married her cousin, Abram Houck, residing in Mansonville; Mariette, the widow of Edwin Denio, step-son of Rufus Houck, living in Hancock; and LeGrand, a resident of Walton. After the death of the mother of these children Rufus Houck married Phoebe (Lewis) Denio, the widow of Joseph Denio, and the daughter of Henry and Mercy (Holly) Lewis. She is now deceased, the only surviving member of the family of her parents being Mr. Joseph Lewis, and aged farmer of Shelby County, Iowa. Of this union one child was born, Zeliaette, the wife of Dwight Curtis, of Walton, both of whom are deceased.
Levi T. Houck was reared among the rural pioneer scenes of earlier years, and educated in the old log school-house on Reed's Brook, which had the customary puncheon floor and old-fashioned open fireplace. He remained at home assisting his father in clearing the farm until his marriage, when he began life on his own account. He married Jerusha Denio, the daughter of his step-mother, and a sister of Edwin Denio, the husband of his sister Mariette. Besides the subject of this sketch, four sons and one daughter were born of their marriage, the others being as follows: Julius, a farmer at Carpenter's Eddy; Erkson, a real estate dealer in Antigo, Wis.; Sylvester, a resident of Rock Ritt; Hattie M., a dressmaker, living at home; and Abram, a farmer, on Baxter Brook.
Charles G. Houck, the eldest son of Levi, was brought up on the home farm, and had a common-school education. Possessing a good deal of mechanical ingenuity and little taste for a farmer's life, he began when about eighteen to learn the carpenter's trade, which he has continued to follow; and as a contractor and builder as well as a carpenter, he has met with excellent success. He is an energetic, active citizen, whose public-spiritedness is unquestioned, and is a warm supporter of the principles of the Republican party. He is warmly interested in the American Protective Association, of which he is a member, and is also influential in the wigwams of the Red Men, having passed the chairs.
Mr. Houck was united in wedlock September 23, 1885, to Miss Jennie H. Howland, a native of Walton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Howland, the latter of whom died in 1879, leaving her widowed husband and four children to mourn her loss. Mr. and Mrs. Houck have no children of their own; but they have an adopted son, Philo C. Houck, the son of Sylvester Houck. He is an active little lad, eight years old, quick at his studies, and already showing a good deal of mechanical genius. The cosey and comfortable home of this family, into which they moved in 1891, is pleasantly located on St. John's Street, and is made very attractive to their many friends. In religion both Mr. and Mrs. Houck are worthy and active member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
DR. HENRY A. GATES, one of the leading physicians of Delhi, was born in Franklin, Delaware County, N.Y., December 9, 1849, and is a son of William H. and Marietta (Strong) Gates. William Gates, the grandfather, was an early settler in the town of Franklin, beginning life there in a log cabin, but as his means increased, built a fine frame house and out-buildings. He spent his life on the farm which was brought by his energy and care to a high state of cultivation. He was the father of three children- James, Herman, and William.
William H. Gates, the father of Henry A., was educated in the district schools of Franklin, and, as was the custom in those days, went to school in the winter and assisted his father on the farm during the summer. Upon reaching his majority he purchased a farm of his own, upon which he and his help-mate quietly passed their days. He married Miss Marietta Strong, a daughter of William Strong, of Meredith, and their union was blessed by the birth of four children-Henry A., Clifford J., Julia A. (the widow of Samuel J. Donnelly), and William H.
Dr. Henry A. Gates received his early education at the district schools of Franklin and at the Franklin Literary Institute, where he remained for two years. He then began the study of medicine with Dr. Ira Wilcox, of Franklin, with whom he prepared for college. In 1874 he entered Bellevue College, being graduated with high honors in 1877. Upon the completion of his college career, he commenced practice in Delhi, and has continued here ever since. he makes a specialty of diseases of the eye and ear, being well known in this branch of the profession throughout the county. he is a prominent member of both the State and county medical societies.
Dr. Gates was married in 1880 to Miss Jeanette C. Hudson, daughter of Mrs. M.D. Hudson, a representative of one of the oldest and most prominent families in Delhi. In politics he is a stanch supporter of the Republican party, but has never sought any public office. He is a member and Trustee of the First Presbyterian Church, in which he takes a deep interest, and is also a trustee of the Delaware Academy. The genial manners and kindly disposition of Dr. Gates have made his esteemed by all classes; and , as he is still in the prime of vigor and manhood, he has the promise of many years of usefulness in the pursuit of his profession, of which he is a distinguished member.
O.D. WOOD one of the most popular station agents on the Ulster & Delaware Railroad, was born April 12, 1862. His grandfather, David Wood, was born in Connecticut, and removed to Delaware County, where he engaged in farming, living to a good old age. William Wood, son of David and father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Connecticut, November 11, 1824. He received a good district-school education, and at an early age began to work on a farm. He had the misfortune to break his arm; and, as there were no skilled surgeons in his vicinity at that time, it was not properly set, and troubled him for the remainder of his life. He learned the shoemaker's trade, and first worked at Grand Gorge. He married Sarah M. Fredenburgh, who was born May 10,1830, the daughter of John and Fanny (Maybie) Fredenburgh. The latter was born in Schoharie County, and was one of the early settlers of Gilboa, buying one hundred and fifty-six acres of land at Grand Gorge, where he was very prosperous as a farmer. He had a family of sixteen children. He was a Republican in politics, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Fanny Maybie was a daughter of John Maybie, a farmer and one of the early settlers, who raised six children. William Wood had six children, namely: Fannie J., who was born December 24, 1856, and died October 15, 1861; Malinda A. Wood, who was born December 16, 1859, and died October 14, 1861; O.D., the subject of this biography; Fanny E., who was born August 29, 1864, and married Charles G. Keator, a farmer of Grand Gorge, and has one child; Alfred L., who was born August 28, 1870, and now lives with his brother, O.D. Wood; Albert, the twin brother of Alfred, died September 9, 1871.
O.D. Wood lived at the home of his parents, and was educated in the district schools. At the age of seventeen he entered the store of W. P. More as a clerk, and there remained for two years. He then learned telegraphing, remaining in his first position two years. For one season after that he took charge of the station at Tannersville, Greene County, on the Kaaterskill Railroad, going from there to Pine Hill, where he stayed one year. May 1, 1886, he was appointed station agent at Grand Gorge, and since remained here.
Mr. Wood married Ellen J. Bunt, daughter of Ann M. (Wase) and William bunt, a farmer of Tannersville. Mr. and Mrs. Bunt have eight children-Ellen, Emma, Bertha, Edith, Edward, George, Lillian, and Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have one child, Sophie Marguerite.
Mr. Wood is a Republican in politics and an esteemed member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In his work as station agent he has come in contact with many people, all of whom speak of him in the highest terms. He is always kind and thoughtful of others, thus making many friends.
GEORGE W. FITCH, ex-President of the Delaware County Bank, and now Treasurer of the Delaware Loan and Trust Company, one of the most prominent merchants of Walton, N.Y., was born in this town on December 10, 1837. His parents were Nathaniel and Sally (Benedict) Fitch. His grandfather, Nathaniel Fitch, was born in New Canaan, Conn., January 8, 1770, and was married to Anna Smith, born May 1, 1767. About 1810 the family came to Walton and settled, the country being then a comparative wilderness; and here Mr. Fitch took up an extensive tract of land, which was soon cleared and brought under cultivation. He and his wife were the parents of six children, all of whom have passed away from earthly scenes. The eldest, Polly, born December 27, 1792, married Simms Hanford, died in Delaware County. Anna, born July 15, 1795, married Anson White, and lived in North Walton. Nathaniel, born June 1, 1797, married on October 2, 1817, Sally Benedict. Esther, born May 23, 1799, died single in Walton. Eliza, born December 2, 1809, died in 1837. Charles S., born May 31, 1812, died May 14, 1893.
Nathaniel, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a man of sterling worth and integrity, and was highly respected for his many good qualities. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits up to the time of his death, which took place August 12, 1872, at the age of seventy-five. His widow, Mrs. Sally B. Fitch, died February 17, 1879. They were the parents of ten children: George N., born August 10,1818, died December 30, 1837. Sarah, born June 24, 1822, is the wife of Dr. A. E. Sullard, a representative of his district in the Assembly. Maria died in infancy. William, born October 23, 1827, died May 20, 1836. Mary E. died in infancy. Julia A., born December 24, 1831, married the Hon. N.C. Marvin, of Walton. Lyman M., born March 10, 1835, married Elizabeth N. Green in September 1859.
George W. Fitch, the eighth child of Nathaniel and Sally Fitch, has been for many years one of the representative business men of Walton. He was taken into partnership by his father in 1859; and in 1866 his brother was also admitted to the firm, which was known as N. Fitch & Sons. The firm is now Fitch Brothers & Seeley.
Mr. Fitch was married May 30, 1861, to Miss Harriet Sinclair, born December 27, 1839, in Stamford, in the eastern part of the county. By this union there were five children of whom the eldest, maria M., born January 23, 1863, died June 26, 1882. Edward, born May 27, 1864, is Assistant Professor of Greek at Hamilton College, of which he was a graduate in the class of 1886. He took a position at Park College for three years, when he was called back to Hamilton. He is in Germany at the present time, perfecting his studies. George S., born May 12, 1866, has held the position of cashier of the Delaware County Bank, and is now cashier of the Bank of Auburn. Roderick, born November 3, 1867, married Miss Adelaide Hawley, a daughter of John B. Hawley. Anna S., the only daughter now living, was born August 22, 1869, and resides with her parents.
Mr. Fitch is a member of the Republican party, but is not an ardent politician. He has been Town Clerk for one term, and was also a member of the school committee. He has been eminently successful as a merchant, possessing industry, integrity, and good judgment, and is one of those enterprising men who give life and spirit to a town, promoting its steady growth, and whose influence is sure to be felt after they shall have departed.
The accompanying portrait of Mr. Fitch is doubly interesting as being a very good likeness of one of the leading citizens of Walton and as representing a descendant of two prominent pioneer families of Delaware County, who came here from Connecticut, Fitch and Benedict.
DUDLEY BALDWIN DEAN, one of the leading farmers of Masonville, Delaware County, N.Y., was born in that town, December 13, 1828, his parents being Reuben Dean, who was born in Connecticut, June 10, 1797, and Abigail Gould Dean, born in Saratoga County, New York, October 30, 1804.
Reuben Dean began life's battle for himself at the early age of eleven years, hiring himself out to farmers by the month, and moving from one place to another. In 1814 he came to Masonville, and worked for a Mr. Smith, a Justice of the Peace, remaining with him for six years. Being diligent and saving he accumulated enough money to buy a small farm of his own, purchasing the one now occupied by his son, Milton P. Dean. He resided on the farm until his death, which took place when he was sixty-seven years of age. Mrs. Dean is living at the present day, having arrived at the advanced age of ninety years. Twelve children were born to them, ten of whom are still living, namely: Mrs. Mary A. Colby, of Saratoga County; Gustavus Dean of Sidney; Dudley Baldwin Dean, Mrs. Jane E. Smith, Milton P. Dean, Mrs. Julia A. Donohue, all of Masonville; Mrs. Adelaide Sherman, of Ballston, Saratoga County; Mrs. Orline Seeley, of Iowa: Reuben Dean , of Saratoga County; and Orville Dean, of Masonville.
Dudley B. Dean was educated in the district schools of Masonville, living at home and helping on the farm until he was of age when he worked out and managed to save money out of his wages of twelve dollars a month. He set to work and erected a small house sixteen feet by twenty, where he kept bachelor hall for three years. His first purchase of land comprised sixty-seven acres; but he has added to it from time to time, until he now owns four hundred and ten acres of the finest farm land in the county, which has been gained by his own hard, honest toil.
Mr. Dean has a fine dairy, keeping forty-nine head of cattle, besides other stock. He has filled the position of Poor Master for two years, and at the present time is Excise Commissioner. In politics he is a Democrat, and both he and his wife are members of the Baptist church.
Mr. Dean was married, September 30, 1854, to Matilda Clarissa Hill, a native of the adjoining town of Tompkins. By this union he has had seven children, all of whom are living namely: Royal D. Dean, a farmer of Masonville; Mrs. Abigail Jackson of Masonville; Uriah P. Dean, a farmer of Tompkins; Gould Dean, a farmer in Masonville; Mrs. Mary J. Blencoe, of Unadilla; Dudley B. Dear, residing at home; and Mrs. Clarissa M. Webb, of Unadilla.
Mr. Dean is known as one of the most prosperous and substantial farmers of Masonville. Both his public and private life have been above reproach; and, filling the important positions to which he has been elected with dignity and credit, he has always given his time and influence to the advancement of his native town.
CLARK A. GOULD, a retired merchant of Walton, was born in this town on November 12,
1841, of old pioneer ancestry. His grandfather, Luther Gould, was a native of Connecticut,
whence he removed to Delaware County, New York, and settled among the few inhabitants here
at the beginning of the century. Luther Gould's wife was Abigial Beers; and they were the
parents of four children, namely: Anna; Luther, the father of the subject of this sketch; John;
and Harry. Grandfather Gould died when about fifty years of age; but his widow lived to reach
the good old age of seventy-eight years, dying in 1835. They had been farmers since pioneer
times, who by their earnest daily toil and strict economy succeeded in keeping the wolf from the
door and living in comparative comfort.
Much trouble was experienced in getting valid title to the land, as, after improvements
had been made, new claimants would appear with claims originating with some old English
grants; and to avoid litigation, with possible defeat at the end, the farm would be rebought at
the expense of every dollar which had been saved, and notes given for the amount lacking. It
was only after the farm was allowed to be sold for taxes and redeemed from the State that these
persecutions ceased.
Young Luther was born on the old homestead in 1806, and died there in 1861. On June
2, 1839, he was married to Miss Mary M.E. Alverson, who was born in Tompkins in 1807,
and died in 1873, leaving two children: the subject of this sketch; and his sister Harriet, wife of
Jared Chase, of Rock Rift.
Clark A. Gould was reared in the home of his birth; and there he became instructed in
primitive methods of farming, at the same time attending the district school, where he
succeeded in conquering the three R's --- Reading, Rinting, and Rithmetic. His studies,
however, were abruptly terminated by the illness of his father, which made it necessary that
young Clark leave school, and attend to the management of the farm. When twenty-one years of
age, his father having died, leaving the farm encumbered with debts, he sold the farm, and
began business as the proprietor of the general store at Rock Rift, where he remained for
twenty-five years, leaving that place to take up residence in Walton. He purchased his present
house in 1889.
His first wife, Mary Chase, a daughter of Augustus B. Chase, became the mother of one
son, Bertis M. Gould, who received his education and was graduated at the high school in the
town of Walton, and is now a salesman in the dry goods store. Mrs. Gould died in 1871, when
but twenty-seven years old. Mr. Gould was again married on September 3, 1873, to Miss
Maggie Wilson of Downsville, daughter of Charles and Rachel (Van De Bogart) Wilson. Her
father died November 7, 1894, nearly ninety-two years of age. Her mother is till living, aged
seventy-eight. Mr. and Mrs. Gould have three children, as follows: Luther, who died when a
child of nineteen months; Vernon, who died at the age of seven months; and Clark Sumner who
was born May 27, 1880.
Mr. Gould is a Royal Arch Mason, and a consistent Republican. He has held the
position of Postmaster and Justice of the Peace many years. Mr and Mrs. Gould attended the
United Presbyterian Church of Walton, of which Mrs. Gould is a member. Mr. Gould is man of
genial disposition and engaging manner, an example of nobility of character, firmness of
principle, and uncommon business capabilities, one whom his fellow-citizens regard with respect
and deference.
WILLIAM E. HOLMES, one of the most successful and best-know business men of Downsville, in
the town of Colchester, was born in Hamden, September 27, 1836, a son of John A. and Rachel
B. (Lindley) Holmes. He is one of a family of fourteen children, eleven of whom reached
maturity --- Orpah, James W., Ephraim L. Sarah A., Samuel O., William E., Mary A., Jonathan
A., John N., Viola A., and Ellen.
John A. Holmes was born in 1803, and grew to manhood without the usual advantages
of education. He learned the shoemaker's trade; but, having an active mind and a desire to
improve his circumstances, he devoted his evenings to study and reading until he felt qualified
to enter mercantile life. He began in the lumber business and farming, and soon became one of
the largest lumber dealers in Delaware County, being a self-made man with a clear head, good
judgement, and remarkable business qualifications. He accumulated a comfortable fortune,
owing at one time over eight hundred acres. He purchased of Jackson Merrill the farm now
known as the Hawley place; and here he lived with his wife, Rachel Lindsley, a daughter of
Nehemiah and Mary (Gildersleeve) Lindsley. Nehemiah Lindsley moved to Delaware County in
1797, and operated a tannery in company with Isaac Wilson, becoming the possessor of about
six hundred acres of land in Lindsley Hollow, where he was an industrious and successful
farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsley were the parents of ten children --- David, Ira, Samuel, Ezra,
Hannah, Agar, Rachel, Abigail, Cyrus G. And Sarah --- all of whom have passed away. The
father of this family died August 8, 1835; and his wife's death occurred December 30, 1850. Mr
Lindsley was a Whig, and both he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. The
family of Mr. Holmes lived on the farm until his death, January 25, 1865. He was a Republican,
and a member of the Presbyterian Church. William E. Holmes grew up on his father's farm, and
was educated at the Franklin Literary Institute. He adopted the vocation of a teacher, receiving
the first term twenty-five dollars month and board. The fourth year his salary had been
increased to fifty dollars a month and expenses. At the close of that time he enlisted in
Company K, One Hundred and Forty-fourth New York Volunteers, and was discharged in May
1863, re-enlisting in September, 1864, and serving until the close of the war. He was first
Lieutenant in the First New York Volunteer, and took part in the engagements at Honey Hill
and Bull's Bay. On returning home Mr. Holmes entered merchantile life in Downsville opposite
the present Presbyterian church. In 1868 he erected a store on the site now occupied by him'
and started a general store, which he enlarged in 1890, making it fifty by seventy-five feet, three
stories high. He and his two sons, Augustus B, and Charles J., now compose the firm, which
carries a large stock of groceries, dry goods, furnishing goods, and agricultural implements. The
business of this enterprising firm is constantly increasing. The third floor of the building is
rented to Masons and other societies.
January 9, 1866, Mr. Holmes married Miss Frances D. Bassett, a daughter of Phillip and
Margaret (Hitt) Bassett. Phillip Bassett was born January 7,1804, and died July 27, 1866.
February 25, 1835, he married Margaret Hitt, born December 16, 1802, and died November 9,
1849. There were the parents of two children: Francis D., born October 25, 1842, and George
P. After the death of his first wife Phillip Bassett married Maria L. Barbour, December 24, 1851.
Mr. and Mrs. William Holmes have had four children: Augustus B., born December 28, 1868;
Charles J., born December 9, 1870: William E., born January 13, 1876, and died February 16,
1879; George S., born February 14, 1881. Charles J. Married Lina M. Warren, June 20, 1894,
and still resides with his parents. Mr. Holmes is the owner of the saw-mill and the adjoining
land, known as the Downs tannery site, and, in company with his son George, engages
extensively in the manufacture of shingles, laths, and other lumber. He also possesses five
hundred acres of land in different parts of Colchester. He rents his farms and operates four
dairies, owning one hundred cows and fifteen teams. Each and every part of his various
enterprises receives his personal attention, and it is by this means that his success has been so
The residence of Mr. Holmes in Downsville is one of the finest in the town, and here his
many friends ever receive a gracious welcome. He is a member of the Downsville Lodge, No.
464, A. F. & A. M., a member of the Independant Order of the Oddfellows Lodge; and he and
his wife are attendants of the Presbyterien church. Mr. Holmes is an active, energetic business
man; and he and his sons deserve great praise for their enterprise and progressive ability.
JAMES W. KELSO, a highly respected and well-known farmer of the town of Kortright, was born
in Davenport, Delaware County, N. Y., April 2, 1825, and is a son of Seth and Ann (Ferguson)
Kelso, the former a native of Orange County , and the latter of Kortright. The grandfather,
Robert Kelso, and his father John, were natives of Londonderry, Ireland, both of whom came to
America, and located in Orange County, New York, afterward coming to Kortright, settling here
about 1798. John Kelso lived to the advanced age of one hundred and six years, and was buried
at Kortright Centre. Robert Kelso followed the occupation of a farmer, leasing the land which
he occupied under the old lease system. He died at the age of sixty, leaving four sons and two
daughters, all of whom are now deceased.
Seth Kelso, father of the subject of this sketch, was brought up as a farmer, working
hard but successfully. About 1828 he settled on the farm now owned by his son James, erected a
fine frame house, and added to his property unitl at the time of his death he owned two
hundred and fifty-seven acres. He was the father of two children: Elizabeth, the wife of Nicholas
Feak, of this county; and James W. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso were both members of the Reformed
Presbyterian church of Kortright. Mr. Kelso died at the age of seventy-eight, and his wife at the
age of seventy-five.
James W. Kelso received his education at the district schools. He purchased the old
homestead, and during his entire life has devoted his attention to farming. Mr. Kelso posesses
untiring energy and perseverance, and has made many improvements on his farm, which is a
model one. He can justly look with pride upon the fine home which he owns, as being the result
of his unaided efforts. He married October 10, 1871, Elizabeth Ballantine, of Davenport,
becoming his wife. She is the daughter of Robert and Mary Ballantine, both of whom are
deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso have had five children, three of whom are living,, namely: Mary
E., born July 24, 1874; James H., born May 29, 1878; and John E. , December 25, 1879.
Annabelle, born May 19, 1876, died October 25, 1879; Seth, born March 15, 1873, died May 1,
The family are members of the Reformed Presbyterian church at Kortright, Mr. Kelso
being an Elder and an active worker in all church matters. In politics he is a Prohibitionist.
GEORGE O. MEAD is a gentleman whose reputation as a man of affairs and business
ability extends beyond the limits of his native State, and his name is known in connection with
some of the most important transactions in his county. The ancestors of Mr. Mead were among
the earliest settlers of Greenwich, Conn., where in 1725 was born General John Mead, son of
John and Elizabeth Lockwood Mead.
General John Mead was a noted character; and stories of him still abound in the
traditions of his native town, where his short, stout, figure and jovial face were familiar to all.
In the early days of the Revolution, he was tendered a captain's commission by King George III,
but declined, and joined the American forces, three weeks later becoming colonel in the patriot
army. And afterward general. He had been a member of the Connecticut legislature before the
war; and when trouble began, his beautiful home and fine farm at Horseneck was an excellent
point of attack and a rich field of pillage for the British troops. The redcoats was every
advantage here, and made short work of ransacking his house and driving his cattle away for
their own use. His family were in great danger for a long time, but escaped, as did the General
himself, although at one time he was in imminent danger of being discovered by his enemies.
The wife of this famous soldier was Mary Brush, who was of Scotch descent. They had nine
children, five sons and four daughters; and it is through their second son and sixth child, Allen,
that George O. Mead is descended.
Allen Mead, grandfather of George O., was born October 24, 1774, and came to Walton
from Connecticut about 1800, Walton at that time being scarcely large enough to be called a
village. Here Allen Mead settled, and built a tannery on Mount Pleasant, afterward removing it
to East Brook. In 1800 he married Mary Smith, who was born in New Canaan, Conn., in 1781;
and to whom were born nine children, all but two of whom married. They are as follows:
Abigail, the wife of Platt Townsend, who died at Dixon, Ill., at an advanced age, was the mother
of three daughters; John Mead married Sophia Griswold, of Delhi, and had two children ---
Henry, of Atlanta, Ga., and Charlotte, who was the wife of George Colton, of Walton, and died
leaving four children (John Mead's second wife was Matilda North); Mary Ann, the wife of
Sylvester Bisrack, died March 5, 1886, when seventy-nine years of age, leaving three daughters:
Gabriel Mead, the father of George O; Elizabeth, the wife of Dr. James McLaury, who died at
Yonkers, N.Y., leaving two sons and three daughters; Andrew J. is unmarried and living in New
York, a well-to-do and remarkably bright and intellectual man; Adeline, unmarried, died in
Binghamton, June 21, 1892, when seventy-four years of age; Edward B. Mead died in Brooklyn
in 1889 --- his wife was Charlotte Wood of Goshen; Frances, the wife of G.S. North, of
Binghamton. Gabriel Mead married Eliza Ann Ogden, of Walton, daughter of Daniel and Phebe
(Lindsley) Ogden, He was an important man in the town for many years, and at one time was
sheriff of the county.
George O. Mead was born in Walton in 1842, and was an only child. He received his
education at the Walton Academy, and then for five years served as clerk in several stores of the
town. In 1862 he went to Delhi, being in the employ of Robert Douglass for one year, when he
returned to Walton, and engaged in business with North and Eels. In 1864 Mr. Mead enlisted,
and was assigned to Company G of the One Hundred and Forty-Fourth New York Volunteers,
in which he served until the close of the war. In 1869 he started in business for himself in his
native town, taking as a partner William Tellford, and locating on the corner where he has
since remained. In 1874 Mr. Telford retired from the firm, and Mr. Eels became a partner; but
about three years ago Mr. Mead became sole proprietor of the business. He carries a large line
of boots and shoes, crockery, dry goods, and groceries, a specialty being made of the last named,
and a most excellent line of goods always kept on hand. The business has so increased of late
that it now occupies two floors of the large corner store.
Mr. Mead has held several public offices, having for thirteen years, 1877-90, been
Supervisor. In 1889 he was a member of the Assembly, and served on the Committee on Banks,
Canals, and General Laws; also on the committee to arrange a memorial to General Sheridan;
he also has been a delegate to several political conventions. As chairman of the Board of
Supervisors he was able by his ability to see and act upon the financial advantages of the
occasion, and thus saved the county between six and seven thousand dollars. Since the
organization of the Walton Water Company, Mr. Mead has been its Treasurer, at the present
time being also President. For many years he has been a School Trustee. His business integrity
has led to his selection as executor of many estates, not only in this county, but in many other
places, one which came under his authority in Chicago involving some two hundred thousand
dollars. In August, 1890, he was sent as delegate to the National Encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic at Boston. In 1867 and 1868 he served as Brigade Inspector of the old
State militia. For many years Mr. Mead has been a prominent man in politics.
But the capacity in which Mr. Mead is perhaps best know is as the President of the First
National Bank in Walton. From his youth he developed a great ability in financial affairs, and
in 1874 became interested in the State bank at Walton, known as the Delaware County Bank,
being elected Vice-President. On the 14th of January, 1891, the First National Bank of Walton
was organized ; and he became its President, Samuel H. Fancher being Vice-President, and John
Olmstead Cashier. This bank has a capital of fifty thousand dollars, with an ample surplus.
The vault is constructed of brick; and in it is one of Herring's best safes, with a triple time lock
and all the latest improvements for the safety of deposits. Everything in connection with the
bank is done in the best way and according to the most approved methods; and the institution
is constantly gaining in public favor, in the few years that it has been in operation having done
an immense amount of business.
Mr. Mead was married to Frances Pattingill, daughter of the Rev. J. S. Pattingill, of
Walton, Delaware County, N.Y. Of this union there were two daughters, one of whom, Florence
Ogden, died July 9, 1884, at the age of fourteen years. Lillian is the wife of Professor F. A.
Porter, of the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. While studying at that institution
she was a pupil of Professor Porter, and later became his wife. They are now in Leipsic,
Germany, continuing their study of that most delightful art, which they have chosen as a
In 1890 the house of Allen Mead, on North Street, came into possession of Mr. Mead;
and he had it thoroughly renovated and remodelled, so that it is now one of the largest and
most beautiful residences in the town, presenting to the beholder the effect of the stability and
dignity of the old manor house united with the beauty and delicacy of modern decoration. Mr.
Mead has always been deeply interested in religious matters, and for twenty years has been
connected with Sunday-school work, having had a class for that length of time. He is a man of
spotless integrity --- one who has shown himself honest to the letter, and just to his fellow men.
In all his transactions he has shown an astuteness which few possess, combined with
disinterestedness and unselfishness of purpose, which are fully appreciated by his fellow-townsmen and the many friends who have reaped the benefit of his noble qualities and abilities.
JAMES R. FRAZIER, pastor of the United Presbyterian church at Davenport, was born
August 27, 1834, in West Virginia, his parents being James and Mary (Orr) Frazier. The family
originally came from Scotland, the grandfather, Samuel Frazier, emigrating to Ohio County,
West Virginia, where he purchased a farm. He reared the following children: Samuel, William,
Andrew, James, Robert, Robinson, Hamilton, Rosanna, Betsy, and Peggy.
James Frazier, Sr., was educated in the district schools, and brought up to agricultural
pursuits. In 1855 he went to Ohio, where he purchased a farm, residing there, with the
exception of two years, until his death, in 1899, at the age of eighty years. He was twice
married, his second wife being Miss Mary Orr, daughter of Hugh Orr, a native of Ohio. Mrs.
Frazier reared seven children; namely, James R., Mary, Rosanna, Hamilton, William, Emma,
and Callie. Mrs. Frazier is still living at the advanced age of seventy-eight, and makes her home
in Ohio.
James R. Frazier resided in Ohio until his twenty-fifth year. He was educated in the
district schools, the graded school at St. Clairsville, and later attended Franklin College, Ohio,
and the Theological College at Allegheny, Pa. After graduation he accepted his present charge at
Davenport, and has resided there since 1879.
Mr. Frazier was married October 7, 1886, to Miss Ella Adee, a daughter of Augustus W.
Adee, of Bovina; and their union has been blessed with four children --- James S., Mary D.,
Earle J., and Harold S. In politics Mr. Frazier joins issue with the Republican party. During his
residence in Davenport he has had many friends. He is a gifted and talented preacher, a man of
generous impulses, and thoroughly earnest and painstaking in his work; and under his
pastorate the membership of his church has steadily increased.
JOHN B. MABLE, of Hamden, presents a type of upright, conscientious manhood, unobtrusive in prosperity, cheerful and resigned in adversity, universally respected and beloved by his townspeople and friends. His great-grandfather, Robert Mable, was a shepherd in the highlands of bonnie Scotland, living that poetic life extolled in verse and song, where one olds close communion with the wonders and glories of nature, a rugged life, too, of stern and uncomfortable realities. The wife of this sturdy shepherd was Janette Bell, and together they reared-five children.
One of these, named John, who was born in 1762, and brought up to follow his father's occupation, married Agnes Stevenson and in 1820, accompanied by his wife and five children, he left the old home in Scotland, and sailed for America. 'Here the family became scattered: the eldest son, Robert, who was born in 1803, married and settled in Georgia about 1831. His plantation was thirteen miles from Atlanta; and here he accumulated great wealth, having slaves, who had become his property on his marriage, being part of his wife's dowry. Sixteen of these slaves were freed by the war, and it is a curious fact that at the expiration of eight months one half of them had died. Mr. Mable was not favorably disposed toward the war; but three of his sons were obliged to serve in the rebel army, although they withstood the demand as long as possible. However, all three survived the terrible struggle, and are now residents of Georgia or Alabama. Mr. Mable's home was in the path of General Sherman in his famous march to the sea, and consequently, at the close of the war little remained of the beautiful place but devastation and ruin. The house had been used as a field hospital, and great did shot and shell make the destruction of it. The fences were entirely demolished, and for many years bullets were frequently found on and about the grounds. Although he had sustained a tremendous loss by the war, Robert Mable went to work with a will. And before his death in 1888 had managed in a great measure to reestablish his fallen fortunes.
Mary Mable, a sister of the younger Robert, became the wife of James N. Scott, a farmer and speculator of Andes, N.Y., in which town she died, in July 1869, the mother of five children. Another sister, Janette, married James Oliver, and passed away in 1874, leaving three children. The fifth child was James Mable, now living in Delhi, old in years, but with a heart yet young and fresh. Alexander, the fourth child of Mr. and Mrs. John Mable, was born in Roxburgh, Scotland, in 1810. In 1840 he married Rachel Brown of Bovina, daughter of James and Isabella (Forsyth) Brown. One son, whose life is narrated in this sketch, was the result of their union. Mrs. Mable, dying at the age of twenty-seven, soon after his birth. The second wife of Alexander Mable was Elizabeth Middlemast, who died in 1890, the mother of three sons and three daughters. He died March 9, 1893, after an eventful, upright life, having held several offices among which were those of Supervisor and Assessor. He was a stanch Republican, and an active member of the Scotch Presbyterian Church.
John B. Mable was born in the town of Delhi in 1841, and was brought up to farm life in his brother's Home. He attended the district school and later the Delhi Academy. At twenty one years of age he first engaged in teaching school and taught for eleven terms in this County and in Long Island, Michigan, and in Iowa. On January 5, 1870, he was married to Mary A. Davidson, of Delhi, daughter of George and Margaret (Dunn) Davidson. Mrs. Mable's father died in September 1887, in his eighty-fourth year, leaving a widow and nine children. Two of his sons were volunteers in the Civil War. John Davidson having enlisted in the Eighty-ninth New York Infantry, where he served for three years, and was shot in a skirmish near Norfolk. He died eleven months later, and his brother, Thomas, who had enlisted when but eighteen years of age in the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment, was killed in the Battle of Honey Hill. Mrs. Davidson was born in 1807, in Rochester, Northumberland County, in the north of England, a daughter of John and Margaret Dunn, and came to this country in 1831, with her husband, George Davidson, and her two children, being on the ocean for seven weeks in the good ship "Delta", Captain James Wood. Mr. Davidson was a native of the same county as his wife and was born in 1803. The family settled in West Delhi in a small clearing in the midst of the forest where they built a rough frame house. After the death OF Mr. Davidson the family removed to Hamden, and took up their residence with the youngest daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were the parents of fourteen children. Six sons and five daughters growing to maturity and marrying. Four sons and four daughters are still living, all in this county, with the exception of Allan who is a farmer in California. Although Mrs. Davidson has been confined to her bed for two years, she still retains her mental faculties, and is able to read and write without glasses. She has a wonderfully strong constitution, and has passed through many hardships which she has met with patience and fortitude. Though receiving only a limited education in her childhood, she has done much toward self-improvement, and is now a most interesting and well-informed woman.
Mr. and Mrs. Mable have been called upon to part with both their beloved children, whose death made a sad break in the happy household. Their son, George D. Mable died at nine years of age, March 1, 1881, of scarlet fever, after a short illness of twenty-eight hours. Their daughter, M. Ray, a beautiful young girl, was taken away at the age of eighteen, in July, 1891. In their double sorrow the bereaved parents have had the heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends. Soon after their marriage in 1870, Mr. and Mrs. Mable removed to Charles City, Iowa, but returned to this state in 1876, and in 1886 occupied their present place, where they have a pleasant cottage and a small farm of forty-four acres. Here they keep a horse and twenty head of cattle, grade Jerseys, and furnish dairy products for the New York market. In July 1893, three of these choice cows, including one whose yield was about four hundred pounds of butter yearly, were killed by lightning.
Mr. Mable is a representative Republican, is Overseer of the Poor, and has been Secretary of the Hamden Insurance Company for several years. Both he and his wife are devoted and deeply respected members of the Presbyterian church at DeLancey.
GEORGE BIEHLER, a respected citizen of Arkville, is a wagon-maker, and carries on a thriving business near the railway station. He is the son of Christjahn and Mary (Cunnerlin) Biehler, and was born in Germany. His mother, Mary (Cunnerlin)Biehler, was the daughter of Michael Cunnerlin, a farmer in Germany. His father, Christjahn Biehler, was also a farmer in Germany. Both parents died at the age of sixty-eight.
George Biehler, the subject of this sketch, received his education in Germany. And at the age of fifteen began to learn the trade of wagon-making. When quite a young man, he went to Switzerland, where he remained two years, coming from there to America in 1848. After a long and stormy passage of fourteen weeks, he landed in New York City on New Year's Day, and coming to Delaware County, tarried first in Roxbury, and from there went to Andes. Where he lived three years. He then went to Margarettville where he started in the wagon-making business. During the first year of his residence here he married Rebecca Warden, daughter of Ira Warden, a well-known farmer of Andes. Mr. Biehler remained in business at Margarettville for sixteen years, after which he sold out and bought a farm. Selling the farm, he next moved to Arkville, where he worked at farming five years, and then bought the house in which he lives at the present time, having in the lot adjoining the house a shop, in which, although quite an old man, he still does a good business.
Mr. Biehler has eight children: Edward R., a furniture dealer in New York, married Ella Chapman, and has two children. Marion O., married is a railroad conductor in Idaho. Willard. W., a brakeman, lives at Union Hill, N.Y.; he married Sadie Peets, and has one child. Myra C. married William Steinhauf of Vermilion, Kan. Chancy H. lives at home. Emma married J. Van Benscotten of New Kingston. Cora, wife of H.M.Todd has two children. Effie A. lives at home. His eldest son, Ira G. Biehler, was for twenty years engaged in the service of the Ulster and Delaware Railroad Company, working his way up by his indefatigable energy and push to the position of agent of one of the most important stations on the road. His strict attention to business and courteous demeanor won him a host of friends. He had scarcely reached middle life when he was stricken down with an inflammatory disease which baffled the skill of the best medical advisers in this part of the country. He dies at his home in Arkville, aged thirty-seven years. Being a Mason, and at the time of his death, Master of the Margarettville Lodge, No. 389, he was buried with Masonic Rites, the funeral being one of the largest ever held here. His brothers are members of the same lodge.
A few years ago, Marion O. Biehler, who is now in the Far West went to South America. The following extract from a letter written by him to his father shows the journey to have been one of hardship and peril rather than of pleasure. It was dated Quibdo, Colombia, November 26, 1886, two months and four days after he left New York City. The writer then felt that, if he had known beforehand the dangers and hairbreadth escapes he was to meet with, not all the gold in South America would have tempted him to leave Arkville. He says: "We arrived at Aspinwall, October 1, were detained there four days, transferring our provisions, arms and baggage, and trying to get papers from the authorities to insure safe passage along the coast. They would not grant them, but by good luck we got along just as well without them. The first day after leaving Aspinwall our vessel was nearly swamped several times. But we had no desire to become food for fishes, and we worked heroically through the day, and at night landed at Porto Bello. The third day we succeeded in procuring a pilot who was perfectly acquainted with every mile of the coast. First day from there had good winds, then turned dead against us; have pulled four hours at a time, and not gained more than one mile. On the 19th we came to the mouth of the Atrato. This river rises and falls with fearful rapidity. Have known it, further up stream, to fall fifteen feet in one day, also to rise ten feet in one day...
"We crossed the Gulf of Darien to get men to pole us up the river. It would have taken eight men to pull against the current, but two natives can pole it. They have poles ten feet long, stand on forward end of boat, place the pole against a tree on the bank, and walk the length of the boat, pushing the boat forward. It was necessary to keep close to the bank, and pass under large branches that hang over the water. We would hear from a native, "Coolavery, coolavery!" and looking up, would behold a monstrous snake directly over our heads. They are hideous-looking monsters, and very deadly. We shot fifteen, and some of them were over ten feet in length. We were over a month in making the river, surrounded by dangers on every hand, and did not meet with a person who could understand a word of English. But I found some brethren of our noble fraternity--- two master Masons; and although neither of us could interpret a word the other said, I was as warmly welcomed as I could have been in my Native State. They insisted that my friend, J.D.Vermilya and I should accompany them to one of their homes for dinner. At Quibdo we were kindly received by Mr. Prindle's brother, who was watching for our arrival. We still have one week's journey before us, to reach the gold regions.
In politics, Mr. Biehler is a stanch Democrat, and takes an active interest in local affairs. He is an honored member of the Lutheran church, and has ever exemplified in his life what a true Christian should be. Upright in his dealings, he enjoys the respect of all that know him.
WILLIAM A. HULL is a native resident of Andes, Delaware County, N.Y., who has been closely identified with the local affairs of the town since his early manhood. His parents, Ira and Elizabeth Hull, dwelt on the old homestead which he now occupies. Ira's father was Ebenezer Hull, and his mother's maiden name was summers. They came from Connecticut and settle first on Hubble Hill, and afterwards on Trempers Kill. Having lived to a very advanced age, they died at the home of their son, Ira. The family consisted of two sons and three daughters--- Eri, Ira, Rebecca, Phebe, and Arluna--- all of whom are deceased.
Ira Hull was born on Hubble Hill, April 5, 1798, and received a common school education near his home. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Ackerly, who resided on the Slade farm. Mr. Ackerly had the following family: William, Jonathan, Nicholas, Elizabeth, Laura, Polly, Susan, not any of who are now living. The father was an industrious farmer of high repute and a leader among the Baptist brethren of this vicinity, holding the meetings at his own house before the church was built. Ira, after having lived on his father's farm, bought the one now occupied by the family, consisting of three hundred acres and fine buildings. He was industrious and prosperous, and was father of five children, as follows: Alanson, who married Ann Felton, of Andes, and is a farmer, Henrietta, widow of Frank C. Reside, who lives at Union Grove; William A.; Stephen, deceased; Calvin, who married Josephine Bussy, and is a lawyer. In politics, Mr. Ira Hull was a Democrat. Mrs. Elizabeth Hull was a Baptist in her religious faith. She lived to be nearly eighty years of age.
William A Hull was born on the farm where he now resides, and received his education from the district school. In 1865, he married Fannie D. Hitt, daughter of John Hitt, a farmer of Downsville, who dies at the age of forty-four years, leaving his widow the care and responsibility of bringing up their family alone. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Hitt were: William, living in Downsville; Charles, a resident of Colchester; Fannie, wife of Mr. Hull; Maggie, widow of George Warren. Mrs. Hitt was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Hitt erected a hotel in Downsville, but at its completion sold it and engaged in carpentering.
William Hull first started a farm, bought of D. Palmateer, and of his brother, one hundred and sixty acres all together. This farm includes part of the picturesque sheet of water called Perch Lake, and here he has laid out delightful picnic grounds furnished with a cottage, tables, boats, and other conveniences that minister to the comfort and gratification of his guests. This is considered one of the finest places for fishing in Delaware County and here Mr. Hull accomodates large numbers of lovers of sport during the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Hull have reared two children: Sarah, who is the wife of Lee J. Frisbee, and has two children--- Willard and a daughter not yet named; Lillie, who is still at home. The farm is one of the best in the section, having upon it a comfortable house, built in 1871, and commodious barns, new in 1874. Mr. Hull keeps twenty-five Alderney cows of the finest stock, and yielding yearly a handsome profit. In politics Mr. Hull is a Democrat, and has been Excise Commissioner for many years. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Hull is much respected for his strict integrity, his high moral character, and his business ability.
CHARLES KNIGHT, a highly intelligent and influential citizen of Hancock, Delaware County, was born April 8, 1826. His father, John Knight, was born in 1780, in Philadelphia, and his grandfather, who was also John Knight, was born in the same city in 1750. The Knight family are of English descent, having probably come to this company with William Penn, and have long been prominently identified with the affairs of the Quaker city. The records of the family may be found on the books of Christ's (Episcopal) Church, on Second Street. Henry Knight, great-grandfather of Charles, was born on June 10,1726. He married Elizabeth Hardin, who was also of Philadelphia. And they raised a large family. Their son, John was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. And was at the battle of Monmouth, after which he lay on the field all night, contracting a disease from which he never recovered. He died in 1786, when but thirty-six year old. His wife was Mary Coran, a native of the Quaker City. And they had three children, two of whom, William and John Jr. grew to manhood.
William Knight was a sailing-master in the United States Navy. His commission is now in the possession of his nephew Charles, who is justly proud of such an uncle. It reads as follows:
"Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, to all who shall see these presents, greeting: Know ye that, reposing special trust and confidence in the valor, fidelity, and abilities of William Knight, I do appoint him Sailing Master in the Navy of the United States. He is therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of a Sailing Master by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto belonging. And I do strictly charge and require all officers, seamen and others under his command to be obedient to his orders as a Sailing Master and he is to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time as he shall receive from me or the future President of the United States of America, or the superior officer set over him according to the rules and discipline of the Navy. This warrant to continue in force during the pleasure of the President of the United States for the time being To take rank from the second of October 1799. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, the twenty-seventh day of December 1802, and the twenty-seventh year of the independence of the United States.
"By command of the President of the United States,
"Registered in the Navy Office,
"Samuel T. Anderson"
The following is an extract from an interesting letter, written by William Knight to his mother while he was on board the United States steamship "Macedonian" at New London, Conn., then blockaded by the British, and is dated August 1, 1814, that being the anniversary of his birth: ---
"On Monday last we fitted out an expedition, consisting of four whale boats, eight officers, and twenty men. We lost one boat, and captured three officers and five men, no lives being lost on either side. The boats returned on Friday, the one that was lost being from this ship. On Tuesday, early in the morning, it being very foggy weather, our boat lost sight of the other three, and the officer in charge ordered our men to pull in for the westward. In doing so they came in sight of a seventy-four and they immediately pulled the other way, and, seeing a lighthouse, they used every exertion to get between the ships and the shore. They proceeded on for some time, but the men became weary, having pulled all night and the officer thought it prudent to pull to the shore and pull the boat up, which they did. At daybreak they found themselves within gunshot of several ships of war, and, abandoning the boat, took to the woods. Soon after they saw a boat pull off from one of the ships, and land three officers, who went to the house of Mr. Gardner to whom the island belongs. Our officer, seeing this, immediately made for the boat where he captured five men, and then went to the house where he took Lieutenants Dance and Hope and one midshipman. We had two midshipmen and six men. After taking the eight Englishmen, our o officer found himself in a disagreeable position, without a boat and on an island. The Englishmen were ignorant of this, and our officer ordered them to sign their parole or go with him to Long Island. They hesitated some time, for to be taken prisoners by equal numbers would not do, but after serious consultation, and rather than go to Long Island, they signed their parole. The next business for our men was to look out for a boat. The ship saw their boat was taken, and manned five boats, which they sent toward the shore. By Mr. Gardiner's house we found a boat hauled on the land, which we quickly launched, and made our escape to Sag Harbor, being joined by the three American boats, who also arrived at the harbor. The commanding officer was then a lieutenant, who brought another whale boat for our use, and hauled the boats across a neck of land about six miles westward of the English ships, and on Friday arrived here all right."
William Knight was aboard the United States frigate "Philadelphia" when she ran aground and was lost in the Bay of Tripoli. There were three hundred and eleven souls on board the frigate, and they were taken on shore and put in a building formerly occupied by a United States consul. They were kept as slaves for two years by the bashaw of Tripoli, and then were redeemed for sixty thousand dollars by the United States government. A part of the ransom was paid in pine timber cut on the Preston property at Stockport, run to Philadelphia and shipped to Tripoli. After a long, useful, and eventful sea life, Mr. Knight was transferred to the navy yard in Philadelphia, where he died in 1834, aged fifty-nine.
John Knight, Jr., the father of Charles, was about eleven years old when he came to Delaware County from Philadelphia, and settled on the farm of Judge Preston. He could remember the surrender of Cornwallis, and had seen Washington. He was one of the first settlers of the Delaware Valley, and always followed the river as a lumberman, being also a farmer. His first wife was Rebecca Jenkins, a sister of Judge Preston's wife, and by her he had two children--- William and Daniel. She died in 1804, and in 1806, he married Esther G. Sands. They were the parents of ten children, seven of whom grew to maturity, namely: John; Richard; Edward, who was lost in the woods at the age of four years, his remains not being discovered until the next summer; Mary; Hannah; George; Henry; Rebecca; Elizabeth and Charles. Mary died at the age of fourteen, and three others died within a few days of one another, of a prevalent disease. John Knight, Jr., was the first Supervisor of Hancock, and held the respect of his townsmen throughout his life. He was a Whig, and both he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He died of a fever, April 9, 1843, at the age of sixty-two. And his wife survived him nineteen years, dying November 7, 1862.
Charles Knight was born on the farm he now occupies, and where he has spent the greater part of his life. At the time of his birth the family occupied the log cabin erected by his father when he came on the land in 1810. He was educated in the district school in the town of Hancock, and when but seventeen years old he was left fatherless, since which time he has depended on his own exertions. December 3, 1856, Mr. Knight married Rachel C. Calder, daughter of Alexander and Affa (Waldron) Calder, of Greene County, New York. They have six children, namely: W. DeMilt, a resident of Pueblo, Col.,who has two children; Effie M., wife of L.B. Dole of Hancock, who has five children; Cora A. who was the wife of the Rev. Francis M. Turrentine, and died in May, 1889, leaving one child; Alma E. living at home with her father; Charles C., a resident of Pueblo,Col.; and Ida M., wife of Julian W. Gould of Hancock. Charles C. is a surveyor and civil engineer. He was on the Denver and Rio Grande and Mexican Southern Railways, and was highly recommended by the division engineer for roads of difficult construction. Mrs. Knight died December 8, 1887, having been throughout her life a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. Knight has been School Trustee for thirty consecutive years, and was Road Commissioner for a long while. He is a member of the Good Templars Lodge, and a man of high standing in the esteem of his fellow townsmen, being upright in all his dealings.
WILLIAM B. MORROW one of the most talented physicians and surgeons of Walton, Delaware County, N.Y., was born at Knoxboro, Oneida County, January 17, 1858, and is the son of James E. and Lura (Beach) Morrow. On the paternal side he is of Scotch-Irish descent. His grandfather came to this country from the north of Ireland, and, settling in Georgetown, N.Y., married a Miss Butler, by whom he had eight children, of whom the following is a brief mention: Elizabeth married Wiley Hamilton, and settled in Cazenovia, N.Y. where they both died. William died in early childhood. Frank married a Mr. Sturdevant, and settled in Oneida County. John B. also settled in Oneida County. Mary, widow of Mr. Hall, resides in Georgetown, Oneida County. Antoinette married John Fisk, of Lebanon. Jane married Noyes Bosworth. The other son, James E., the father of Dr. Morrow, was born in Georgetown, Oneida County, about 1833. He received a liberal education, and as he grew to manhood, engaged in farming. He married Lura A. Beach, a daughter of Jacob and Lura A. [Doolittle] Beach, who was born in Greene county, New York, in 1832. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow settled in Knoxboro, where by dint of economy and industry they accumulated a competency. Two of their four children are now living, namely: Cora A., wife of John Hepwell, a prominent farmer of Oneida County: and Dr. Morrow, the subject of this sketch.
William B. Morrow was brought up upon his father's farm, receiving his early education at the district schools. He afterward attended the Whitestown Seminary for two years, and then entered Hamilton College at Clinton, where he passed his Sophomore years. He studied medicine for one year in the office of Dr. Charles Munger, of Knoxboro, and thence went to Bellevue Medical College, where he was graduated March 10, 1881. Soon after his graduation he settled in Walton, where he has since followed his profession, and has built up a practice second to none in the town.
Dr. Morrow was united in marriage, October 12, 1881, to Miss Ida M. Strong, a daughter of Warren G. and Fannie {Smith} Strong, of Knoxboro. Mr. Strong is President of the First National Bank of Vernon, N.Y., and is a prominent business man of the county. Dr. and Mrs. Morrow have had two children, only one of whom is now living. The eldest, Herbert S., Born July 26, 1882, was drowned on April 13, 1893. Ray W. Morrow was born February 6, 1889.
Dr. Morrow is a member of several prominent medical societies, including the New York State Medical Association, the Delaware County Medical Society, the National Association of Railroad Surgeons, the New York State Association of Railroad Surgeons, also the Medico-legal Society. He is surgeon to the O.& W. and Delhi Branch Railroads, and is also a member of the Board of Pension Examiners. He takes an active interest in educational matters of the town, and is one of the school trustees. The genial Doctor is likewise a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Walton Lodge. No. 559 and to Walton Chapter.
The town of Walton has had many physicians of learning and skills domiciled within her borders; but none of them have exceeded in promise the subject of this sketch, who has gained for himself in the few years he has been a resident a name to be proud of. While he is a close student and devoted to the pursuit of his profession, he yet finds time to further the best interests of the town both by word and deed, the steady light of his broad philanthropy shining in no dim, uncertain way.
A welcome accompaniment to this brief record of the Morrow family is the portrait of the doctor on another page on the "Review."
ROBERT S. RICH, one of the oldest business men of this section of Delaware County, is carrying on a profitable trade in general merchandise in the village of Hobart, where he has been located for two score years. During this length of time the sterling traits of his character have become thoroughly known to his fellow-citizens, by whom he is held in high esteem. Mr. Rich was born in the town of Stamford on March 7, 1823, son of James and Helen (Marshall) Rich. (For further ancestral history see the sketch of Mrs. Sarah Rich, which appears on another page of this work.)
After leaving the district school he continued his education in New York City. When eighteen years old, he secured a position as clerk in Hall's retail dry-goods store, where he remained five years, faithfully fulfilling his duties, and at the same time acquiring a good insight into the business. At the expiration of that time Mr. Rich, in company with an associate, opened a store for the sale of dry goods; and for five years they carried on a successful business under the firm name of Rich & Blish. The firm being then dissolved , the senior partner came to Hobart, where in 1855 he formed a partnership with John F. Grant, and , buying out the general merchandise establishment of Dr. McNaught, continued in trade, the firm of Rich & Grant being for a number of years one of the most active and thriving in the village. Mr. Rich subsequently bought the interest of his partner, and has since conducted the business by himself. He is one of the oldest and best known merchants of Hobart, a man of excellent capacity and business talents; and his honest dealings and uniform courtesy have secured him the general respect and good will of the community.
On April 25, 1850, Mr. Rich was united in marriage with Caroline D. Blish, a native of Stamford, and a descendant of one of the oldest families of the county, being the daughter of Aristarchus and Nancy Merriam Blish, formerly prosperous members of the farming community of Stamford. Two sons and two daughters have been born to this union, the family record being as follows: James B., a single man, is a partner in his father's business. Caroline M., the wife of L.E. Higgley, resides in North Adams, Mass. Stephen W., a farmer, lives in Stamford. Bertha E. lives with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rich are members of the Presbyterian church at Hobart, and contribute liberally and cheerfully toward its support. Politically, Mr. Rich is a steadfast Republican, and is a man of decided views, although quiet and unobtrusive in his manner. His influence has always been strongly in favor of the maintenance of schools and churches, and whatever else is calculated to benefit the community.
GEORGE A. FISHER, a well-known lawyer of Delhi, was born in Franklin, May 27, 1850, and is a son of Enos B. and Hannah M. Fisher. His father and grandfather were both natives of this town, the great-grandfather, George Fisher, coming to America with the Hessian army in Revolutionary times. He took up a tract of timbered land near the present site of the village of Delhi, and clearing the same, built a log cabin and engaged in farming. His son John, grandfather of George A., improved the land which came into his possession on the death of his father, and built the first frame house in Delhi. He reared a family of three sons, namely: George J., who still lives on the old homestead: Eros B.; and Austin B., who is a resident of Brooklyn, N.Y.
Enos B. Fisher received his education at the district schools, and resided with his father until he was about twenty, when he married, and purchased a small farm of his own, also working at carpentry. At the age of twenty-four he removed to Franklin, where he resided several years, afterward going to Sidney, and remaining there until 1875, when he leased his farm and returned to Franklin. His last years were spent at Unadilla, Otsego County. He was an extremely active man in all matters pertaining to the good of the town. He held the position of County Superintendent of the Poor for three years, and was also one of the members and organizers of the Baptist church in Delhi, being deeply interested in all matters pertaining to church work, and holding many offices connected therewith. He was superintendent of the Sunday-school at Sidney for many years. He married Miss Hannah M. Sloat, a daughter of William and Joanna [Bunce] Sloat, and one of a family of eight children. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher reared nine children: John H.; Julia E.; Austin E.; Joanna P., the wife of William R. Flint, of Sidney; James W.; George A.; Edward R.; Nancy E.; and Willis H. Mr. Fisher died April 4, 1894, aged seventy-five, his wife having died about two weeks previous, at the age of seventy-four.
George A. Fisher received most of his early education in the district school at Sidney, but later attended the Delaware Literary Institute at Franklin. At the age of twenty-one he went to Kansas, where he engaged in teaching for a period of five months, and then came back to York state, locating in Sherman, Chautauqua County, where he was employed in a hardware store. He afterward returned to Sidney, and assisted his father on the farm for a short time. he then began the study of law with the Hon. E.D. Wagner, then County Judge and Surrogate of Delaware County, at Delhi, N.Y. He was appointed Clerk of the Surrogate's Courts, holding this office until the latter's term expired. In September, 1876 he was admitted to the bar at Saratoga, and began practice in Delhi. In 1890 he formed a copartnership with ex-Judge Wagner, and has continued with him ever since, doing a general law business, they probably having the largest practice of any law firm in the county.
Mr. Fisher was married in 1878 to Miss Annie Williamson, a native of Delhi, and a daughter of Robert and Sarah E.[Knapp] Williamson. Of this union there are three children- May W., Bertha W., and Sarah- the two first-named being students at the academy. The family are members of the Second Presbyterian Church. Mr. Fisher is a member of the Zeta Phi Society of Delhi. In politics he supports the Republican party. He is a man of liberal views and varied acquirements, having a high reputation as an intelligent and honorable lawyer, and taking a deep interest in all enterprises that tend to promote the welfare of the town.
REV. SAMUEL G. SHAW, Ph.D., pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian church at Walton, N.Y., was born in Orange County, November 20, 1854. His father, the Rev. James W. Shaw, a native of Ireland, and grandfather William, who was originally a weaver in Scotland, came to this country in 1824. William Shaw purchased a tract of partially cleared land in Washington county, upon which he built a log house, the same standing to this day. He moved later to Orange County, where he spent his declining years. His son, James W. was born in 1812. He was educated in the district schools, and for some time taught school, afterward entering Lafayette College, paying for his tuition by the aid of teaching. He was ordained to the ministery, and received his first charge in 1844, settling near Newburg on the Hudson, where he preached for some forty years, when he resigned, making his home there, and preaching occasionally up to the time of his death. He was married to Elizabeth McLaury Finley, six children being born to them- Martha, William J.,Charles F., Margaret F., M.Frances, and Samual G.
The youngest son, bearing the expressive Hebrew name Samual, as if to mark him as set apart for a divine calling, was educated in the district schools, at the age of eighteen began teaching. This, however, was but a step toward a higher learning, to compass which he shortly entered the Newburg Institute, and there prepared for college. Later he matriculated at Columbia College, New York City, where he was graduated in 1880 with high honors, and then pursued his theological studies at the Allegheny City seminary, graduating from that institution in 1884. Previous to this time, while he was yet a student at the seminary, he had received three calls. After careful consideration he decided to accept the call from Walton, and for ten years had remained at that charge, where in addition to his ministerial duties, he is prominent in the affairs of the village.
The Rev. Samual G. Shaw was married in 1885 to Sarah J., the daughter of William and Ellen [Lawson] Hilton. Mrs. Shaw's father was a prominent builder and contractor of Newburg, where he conducted a successful business for nearly half a century. He died in 1890, aged seventy-four. Mrs. Shaw had the following brothers and sisters: William H., Robert J., Anna F., Samual J., Mary E., Minnie F., Ida L., Clara, Edith. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw have three children- Hazel H., William H., and Percy L. Shaw.
The Rev. Samual G. Shaw is a man of rare personal and mental qualifications. Through his kindly instrumentality several young men have been fitted for college. During his own student life he had a distinguished career. He has received the degree of M.A., and in 1894 the degree of Ph.D., from the University of Wooster. He is an earnest and sincere Christian, a man of that superior type who may be said to add dignity to the human race by belonging to it, a man whose influence is faithfully exerted in behalf of things that are true, honest, just, lovely, and of good report.
CHARLES LAWSON CROSBY, now a prominent resident of Griffin's Corners, Middletown, was born in the town of Halcott, Greene County, on September 16, 1873. His father was Emerson M. Crosby, who married Mary Lawson, daughter of Joseph Lawson, a prosperous farmer in Olive, Ulster County. Benjamin L. Crosby, the father of Emerson M., was born at Kelly's Corner on December 8, 1797, and married Huldah Hull. Their wedding took place in 1819, and she died in 1843.
The children of this true and happy union were as follows: Lavinia Crosby was born October 18, 1820, and is now a resident of Margarettville. Thomas Crosby, who first saw the light of day on September 29, 1822, is at present living in the West. Edward Crosby was born September 2, 1824, and makes his home in Kingston, being a retired merchant, and the father of nine children. Eli Crosby, born in April 1826, married Deborah Kelley, and died in 1873, leaving seven children; and his widow now lives in Halcott. David Crosby was born two years later, on Independence Day, 1828, married Bethia Brown, has three children, and lives on the old homestead at Halcott. Sally Crosby, whose birth was on the last day of September 1830, is living in Shelby County, Iowa, having married John Vanderburg of that town. Ann Eliza Crosby, born May 2, 1832, became the beloved wife of Allen Lasher. Emerson M. Crosby was born on March 9, 1834. Mary A. Crosby, now the widow of Mr. Kelley, was born September 2, 1836, and continues to live at Griffin's Corners with her two sons. Esther H. Crosby, the youngest of this well-known family, was born March 8, 1839, and is the wife of W. H. Blish, of Griffin's Corners. After the death of his first wife Benjamin L. Crosby married Elizabeth Dickson, and was again made a widower in April, 1887. Until his death, on the first day of April, 1893, he then being in his ninety-sixth year, Grandfather Crosby continued to live in Halcott, where he will long be remembered, not only as a reliable Justice of Peace, but as a man of unimpeachable integrity.
Emerson M. Crosby was born on the old homestead, and grew to manhood there, being educated in the district school, and finishing at the Delhi Academy. He commenced his business career as a clerk for a well-known firm in Kingston, but left them to join his brother, Edward Crosby, in his store. A little later, however, when the old firm started a branch store at Griffin's Corners, he accepted a desirable offer, and once more became a clerk in their employ. It was not till after his marriage with Mary Lawson that he went to Halcott, where was born their son Charles. Mrs. Mary Crosby lived but three years after marriage. When she had passed away, Emerson returned to Griffin's Corners, where he took his position, and remained in charge of the branch store until death, at the age of fifty-nine years, nine months, and fourteen days. Sorrow most genuine was felt at his decease; for the town had lost a friend, as well as a respected gentleman and enterprising citizen. Emerson M. Crosby was President of the Griffin's Corners Water Company, and was leader in the effort to establish this village aqueduct. In 1880 he built the store now occupied by his son, a structure four stories high, and fifty by sixty-four feet in area, the upper part being used as a dwelling. He owned the flats between the two creeks, was a dealer in timber land, and the first subscriber for the Episcopal church, for which he furnished the lumber.
Emerson M. Crosby returned to Griffin's Corners when Charles was a babe of fourteen months; and the child's home was thenceforth with his aunt, Mrs. W. H. Blish. At the age of thirteen Charlie became a student at the Delaware Academy in Delhi, but finished his education at the Rochester Business University. He came home in 1890 for a stay of six months; and then he went to Georgia, where he remained a year. On his return to Griffin's Corners he obtained the position, which he now holds, of clerk with Faulkner & Laurence, who occupy Mr. Crosby's building for general trade. In addition to this and his inherited real estate, Mr. Charles L. Crosby is connected with the water company, has stock in the Griffin's and Fleischmanns Herald, and in the Halcott Telephone Company. As the only child and representative of his father, he has proved himself a man of excellent capacity. He is the owner of fine timber land, and has sold the largest tract of hemlock in the county. Like his father and grandfather, he is a Democrat, and very liberal in his religious views. Though he has not yet entered the bonds of matrimony, we may be sure, if his life is spared, that Charles L. Crosby will not allow the family tree to perish for want of fruit and culture. Well said an ancient Greek philosopher,-
"It is with youth as with plants; from the first fruits they bear we learn what may be expected in future."
DANIEL E. McLEAN, a veteran of the Grand Army of the Republic, an esteemed citizen of Walton, N. Y., was born in this town December 18, 1840, son of John and Olive (Williams) McLean. He is of Scotch origin, his great-grandfather, John McLean, having emigrated from Scotland prior to the Revolutionary War. He was commissioned Captain in the American army during the war, and served in that capacity until its conclusion. He settled in Schoharie County, New York, where he raised two children, John and Rebecca. John McLean Jr., married a Miss Mudge, by which union he had a family of four sons and three daughters. Polly married Gordon Basto, settled in Walton, and died at Hale's Eddy. Dolly married Ferdinand Thurber. John, the third of the name, born in 1803, married Miss Olive Williams of Connecticut. He was by trade a millwright, also engaging in farming. He was a man of high order of intelligence, and was well posted in State and county affairs. His family consisted of five children: James, born 1832, married Catherine France, settling at Rock Rift; Alexander, born 1834, married Alvira Skinner, died in 1862; William A., born 1836, married Miss Bush, enlisted August, 1862, in Company B. One Hundred and Forty-fourth New York Volunteer Infantry, serving with his regiment throughout the war; Dolly McLean, born 1838; and Daniel E., 1840. Mr. McLean died in 1870, his wife surviving him ten years.
Daniel E., the youngest child of John and Olive McLean, was educated in the district schools of Walton, and at the age of sixteen was an apprentice in a tannery, remaining there until he was nineteen, when he entered into partnership with Marcus L. Sloat in the wagon-making business, which he continued until June, 1861. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War in 1861, he offered himself as a volunteer, enlisting in Company I, Seventy-second New York Volunteer Infantry. The regiment was mustered in at Staten Island, where they remained until July 21, the day made memorable by the battle of Bull Run, when they started for Washington, remaining there until September, wintering at Camp Scott. After breaking camp, they joined McClellan's army in front of Yorktown, and engaged in the fight at Williamsburg, where the seventy-second bore the brunt of the battle, every fourth man being either killed or wounded.
On June 25 Mr. McLean was wounded by a minie ball, which struck his left shoulder blade, taking in its passage a piece of the spine, and embedding itself in the right shoulder. He was sent to Bedloe's Island, N. Y., receiving a furlough home, after which he returned to Fort Hamilton, where he remained until March 1, 1863, being then sent to the convalescent camp near Alexandria, when he was honorably discharged from the army on account of a gunshot wound. Mr. McLean returned to his native town, remaining there until October 13, when he reenlisted at Hancock in Company A. Twenty-fifth New York Cavalry, known as Sickles's Cavalry. On July 10. 1864 they were ordered out to meet General Early, who was advancing on the city of Washington. On the 11th, at ten o'clock, they were ordered to deploy in front of Fort Stevens, and advance on the enemy's line. Marching two hundred yards through an open field, they held the enemy in check until half-past three, when they were relieved from their perilous position. Mr. McLean was promoted on the field to First Sergeant, and took command of his company. They were afterward sent to join the army of the Shenandoah in General Custer's division. Mr. McLean was taken prisoner, September 3, 1864, and sent to Richmond, being paroled February 2, 1865. He again joined his regiment at Harper's Ferry, and was mustered out of service on July 14. Upon his return to Walton Mr. McLean occupied himself in farming. Since 1887 he has followed the business of Pension Agent. In February of that year he was elected Poor Commissioner, serving three terms.
Mr. McLean was married December 17, 1868, to Miss Addie Bradley, a daughter of Hull and Sylvia (Gould) Bradley. By this union there were four children: Luella, born July 6, 1875; Lizzie, born February 11, 1877; Ralph C., born December 21, 1882; Floyd S., born August 28, 1886. Mrs. McLean, who was a most estimable wife and mother, died December 28, 1887. On October 1, 1890, Mr. McLean married for his second wife Miss Lizzie Marvin, and by this union has one child, Mildred E., born September 3, 1891.
Mr. McLean is a charter member of Ben Marvin Post, No. 209, Grand Army of the Republic, of Walton, at the present time filling the position of Aide on the staff of the Commander-in-chief. He is also a member of Walton Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 559. In politics Mr. McLean is a Republican, and has filled several important local offices of trust. He has always enjoyed a high reputation as an honorable and upright citizen, his record in civil life being as pure and spotless as his military life was brave and faithful.
ANDREW JACKSON STOUTENBURGH, deceased, a late resident of Kortright, was a descendant of the old Dutch family of that name, which was one of the first to settle in the State of New York, and at one time possessed much of the land now occupied by New York City. His grandfather, Tobias Stoutenburgh, was a farmer of Dutchess County, owning a productive farm in Milan, where he died at the age of eighty-five years, his wife Susan also living to be over eighty years of age. They were the parents of five children, all of whom have passed away.
Peter Stoutenburgh, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Dutchess County, where he grew to manhood and married. About 1814 he removed to Kortright, and made his home on the land afterward occupied by his son Andrew J., the tract at that time being a dense forest containing seventy-five acres. This he cleared, building a log house, and, as the result of unceasing labor, after some years was able to buy seventy-five acres in addition to his original purchase. He passed the latter part of his life in Harpersfield, where he died at the age of eighty-four years. He was a member of the Christian church. Politically, he was a Democrat. His wife, Lydia (Borden) Stoutenburgh, was a native of Dutchess County. She was also a member of the Christian church. She died at the age of seventy-six years. Her eleven children were as follows: William, who lives in Delhi; Eliza Avery, of Bloomville; Tobias, a resident of Fergusonville; Maria, who was the wife of Asa Warner, and died at the age of sixty years; Catherine, who passed away when thirty years old, the wife of Archibald Freeman, of Stamford; Ann, who was married, and died at the age of about sixty; Charles, who died when thirty years of age; Andrew Jackson, of whom this biography is written; Edward, of Harpersfield; Alfred, a resident of Penn Yan, N. Y.; and Sarah, the wife of Henry Joslyn, of Harpersfield.
Andrew Jackson Stoutenburgh was born in Kortright, January 23, 1824, and was educated in the district schools. He learned the trade of carpenter, and at the age of twenty-four started out for himself. Three years later he married Miss Cordelia Gregory, who was born within sight of the home of her married life. For fifteen years Mr. Stoutenburgh followed his trade, and then engaged in farming, purchasing the land which is now occupied by Mr. James May. Here he resided for two years, and in 1854 bought the farm which he occupied until his death, which took place November 11, 1894. This contains one hundred and twenty-eight acres, and has been improved in a remarkable degree under Mr. Stoutenburgh's supervision. A large barn has been erected, and an extensive dairy is now operated.
Of the union of Mr. Stoutenburgh and Miss Gregory was born one son, Theron T., the date of his birth being March 9, 1859. He is married, and a jeweller by trade, but now devotes his time to agricultural pursuits, residing on the home farm. Mrs. Stoutenburgh passed from earth a short time before her husband, at the age of sixty-six years, sadly mourned by a wide circle of friends. Mr. Stoutenburgh was a liberal-minded man, and a Democrat in politics. He is highly respected by all who knew him.
JAMES W. YOUNG, of the town of Sidney, Delaware County, son of William J. and Mary J. (Snyder) Young, was born February 16, 1863, on the farm where he now resides. Intelligent, enterprising, and versatile, in the full vigor of early manhood, he not only cultivates his ancestral acres, conducts a dairy, and keeps bees, but also runs a job printing-office. His father was born in the town of Otego. Otsego County, November 11, 1821, and his mother in the town of Davenport, Delaware County, August 14, 1832.
His great-grandparents, Joseph and Elizabeth (Peck) Young, lived all their lives upon a farm, he dying at the age of eighty-two and she at fifty-seven. They were natives of Connecticut, and of New England ancestry. A few years after their marriage they moved to the Mohawk Valley, and thence to Otsego County, in the early part of the present century. They had the severe experiences of pioneer life in the woods remote from neighbors, mills, and markets. Healthful and hardy, they toiled resolutely, cheerfully, and to good purpose, clearing a farm upon which after a well-spent life they died. The parents of Joseph Young were Clemens and Lydia Young, natives of Connecticut, in which State they spent their entire lives, dying at quite an advanced age. Joseph Young and his wife were the parents of sixteen children, most of whom lived to mature years and married. They are all now deceased. One of the sons, John, served in the War of 1812. Another son, James C., grandfather of James W. Young, married Elizabeth Snyder, a native of New York State; and they lived upon a farm from their marriage until their death. They reared a family of six children, two sons and four daughters, of whom the three following are now living: Mrs. Diana Stenson, in Unadilla, Otsego County; Mrs. Catharine Hathaway, in Laurens; and Norman D. Young, occupying the old homestead in Otego. Grandfather Young was a Democrat in politics, and he and his wife were both consistent members of the Protestant Episcopal church. He died when eighty-nine years of age, and his wife at the age of seventy-nine.
William J. Young grew to manhood in his native town, Otego, and received an education qualifying him to teach school. Beginning the work of life at sixteen years of age, he taught school several years, afterward devoting himself to farming in Delaware County. He first settled on a farm in Sidney, now occupied by Mrs. Betsy Butts; and, after living on that farm several years, he sold it, and removed to the homestead now owned by his son. He had a good farm of one hundred acres. Besides managing that, he was engaged in mercantile business at the railroad station known as Young's, in the establishment of which he was the prime mover. He was a Democrat, an influential citizen, and held several offices in the town. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and often filled the pulpit as a local preacher. He was also s great lover of books, and he had a large library. He died March 11, 1883. Mr. Young had two wives. His first wife, Polly J. Taylor, to whom he was married October 20, 1843, was born September 15, 1827, and died November 24, 1859. His second wife, Mary J. Snyder, to whom he was married March 2, 1860, was born August 14, 1832, and died on June 3, 1891. His children by the first marriage were: Pamelia, born November 15, 1847, died March 9, 1849; Cordelia, born July 5, 1849, died the same day; Ella J., born January 28, 1851, died March 29, 1890; Mary J., born April 24, 1853, died November 2, 1873. The children of the second marriage were: James W.; and Sarah A., who was born November 8, 1867, and died December 4, 1880.
James W. Young has spent most of his life on the old farm where he first drew breath. Fond of his books, he acquitted himself well in the district school and at the Walton Academy, whither he was sent at an early age. When about fourteen, he set himself to learn the printer's trade at home, where he still does a job printing business. He owns one hundred and thirty-five acres of good land, and carries on general husbandry, besides keeping a dairy of twenty head of fine Ayrshire cattle and fifty stands of bees, Italian and other kinds.
Mr. Young was married on October 8, 1879, to Essie M. Dicks, who was born June 3, 1861, in the neighboring town of Walton, and died May 11, 1881. He was again married, on Christmas Day, 1884, to Sarah A. Honeywell, who was born in Sidney, January 19, 1861, a daughter of Legrand and Catharine M. Honeywell. Her father, now deceased, was a worthy farmer and an early settler in these parts. Her mother, Mrs. Catharine M. Honeywell, lives at the Honeywell homestead adjoining the Young estate. Mr. Young has one son by his first wife, William J., born August 19, 1880. Mrs. Young is a Methodist, while Mr. Young is a liberal in his religious views. He is a Notary Public, and has held other local offices, being a useful and valued citizen. The family have a pleasant home in the commodious and tasteful dwelling erected by Mr. Young's father. Everything about the place is neatly kept, and betokens good management, prosperity, and comfort.
JOSEPH EVELAND was born in Roxbury, Delaware County, N.Y., December 12, 1844, of German parentage, and was educated in the common schools of the county. He began to learn the art of printing in 1862, in the office of the Franklin Visitor, owned by G. W. Reynolds. In 1864, he entered the army, enlisting at Delhi, N. Y., in Company D, One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment, New York Volunteers. After his military experience he entered the employ of Sturtevant & McIntosh in the office of the Delaware Republican, and in 1867 purchased the interest of Alvin Sturtevant in that paper. In 1869 he sold his interest to Mr. McIntosh, and went to Amherst, Va., where he started and for several years published the Amherst Enterprise, in connection with the Hon. Thomas Whitehead. He returned to the North in the spring of 1879, and purchased the Franklin Register of Nathan L. Lyon. In 1881 he was appointed Postmaster of Franklin, succeeding Egbert Chamberlin, and served four years. In 1883 he changed the name of the Franklin Register to the Dairyman, enlarged the paper, changed its form, and greatly extended its circulation. He has since added many improvements, and is now possessed of most modern facilities for conducting the enterprise.
In 1869 Mr. Eveland married Josephine Liljegren; and from this union six children were born, three sons and three daughters. The eldest, George T. Eveland, is at this time associated with his father in the publication of the Dairyman, and is also serving as Town Clerk of Franklin.
JOHN E. POWELL, one of the most honored citizens and thriving business men of Bloomville, was born July 7, 1842, in the town of Roxbury, and was the son of Hiram and Fanny (Eaton) Powell. Hiram was born in Dutchess County, New York; and his wife was born in Connecticut. Reuben Powell, the father of Hiram, was an early settler of Dutchess County, and from there moved to Delaware County, spending his last days in Middletown.
The father of John E. Powell was a mason by trade, engaging in this business during his early life, but later buying a large farm of two hundred acres in the town of Roxbury. He was one of the leading farmers of the vicinity, his success being due in a great measure to his energy and patient toil; and much praise should be awarded him. Both he and his wife were prominent members of the Baptist church at Roxbury, and he was in politics a Democrat. They died at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Cordelia Rightmyer, he at the age of eighty and she at seventy years, leaving six children, all of whom are now living, namely: William D. Powell, a village blacksmith in Roxbury; John E., of whom this sketch is written; Cynthia Preston, wife of George C. Preston, who resides in the city of Kingston; Charles H. Powell, of Whatcom, Wash.; Cordelia Rightmyer, who resides in Kingston; and Myron C., whose home is near Whatcom, Wash.
John E. grew to manhood in Roxbury, receiving his education at the academy there. He engaged in farming in Lexington, Greene County, owning a farm of one hundred and seven acres near the village, where he lived for nine years. In 1876 he moved from Lexington, where he had been in the hardware and tin business, and established in Bloomville the first store of that kind. He now has an extensive business, keeping a general hardware store, and carrying a full line of machinery and farm implements. His stock is valued at five thousand dollars; and he has built up and excellent trade, giving his undivided attention to his business.
On May 10, 1865, Mr. Powell married Miss Mary A. Burnside, of Bloomville, who was born in 1847, the daughter of John Burnside. Her father was one of the early settlers of this village, and died there in 1853 at the age of forty-three. Mr. and Mrs. Powell have three children: Eugene M., who was born in 1867, is married, and a partner in his father's business; William E., a speculator, who resides at home; and Emma M., also at home.
John E. Powell and his wife are liberal in their religious views, and he supports the Democratic political party. He has been a Justice of the Peace for fifteen years, has always taken an active part in the welfare of the town, and is among the men who have been instrumental in accomplishing much for this thriving village, having built three buildings, two stores and one residence.
EDWARD HOYT, a prominent farmer residing four miles north of the village adjoining the one where he now lives, January 20, 1827. On it his father, Amasa Hoyt, was also born. The grandfather, Thaddeus Hoyt, was born in New Canaan, Conn., coming to New York State in 1789, in company with four other hardy pioneers. They made a clearing near the present farm of Mr. Hoyt, working all that summer, and returning in the spring of 1790 with their several families, as follows: Thaddeus Hoyt, Malthue and Silas Benedict, Lindel and Seymour Fitch. The families all settled within a radius of half a mile, erecting log cabins and clearing their land.
Thaddeus Hoyt married Jemima Benedict, four sons being born to them; namely, Thaddeus, Amasa, John, and Chauncey. The family was always prominent in church work. One of the sons was a minister, and the others were deacons. At the time of their advent, in 1790, there was no church in the neighborhood of Walton; and they had, therefore, recourse to prayer-meetings, which were held every Wednesday evening, a custom which has been kept up in the several families to the present day, a period of over one hundred years.
Amasa Hoyt was brought up to agricultural pursuits. He was married in 1814 to Elizabeth, who was a daughter of Samuel Seymour, and one of the following family: Samuel A. Smith, John, Stephen, Sadie, Anna, Elizabeth, Mary, Fannie and Emma. Mrs. Hoyt was a native of Walton, Delaware County, her father being a well-to-do farmer. She reared the following family: Gabriel A., deceased; Amasa L.; Thaddeus; Frederick; Edward; Edwin, deceased; William S.; Julia; and Whitney. Mrs. Hoyt died in 1874, aged seventy-six, and Mr. Hoyt in 1872, aged seventy-six.
Edward Hoyt was educated in the district schools, and worked with his father on the farm until he was thirty years of age, at which time he purchased a portion of the old homestead. He was married January 19, 1856, to Miss Helen Benedict, a daughter of Ira Benedict, a farmer of this town, and a representative of an old Connecticut family previously mentioned. Three children blessed this union, namely: Fanny E.; Ira E., who married Margaret, a daughter of Charles Pine, a neighboring farmer; and Helen E. Mrs. Hoyt died April 8, 1885. She was a stanch member of the Congregational church, in which Mr. Hoyt has been a Deacon many years.
On the 22d of August, 1862, Mr. Hoyt enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Forty-fourth New York Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel Robert S. Hughston, and was sent with his regiment to join the Army of the Potomac. He was wounded December 9, 1864, and was confined in the hospital until April 28, 1865, when he was honorably discharged from the service on account of disability. Mr. Hoyt is a member of Post No. 209, Grand Army of the Republic, of Walton. In politics he is a Republican, but has never been an aspirant for office. His elder daughter keeps house for him. The younger is a graduate of the State normal school of Oswego, and is now engaged in teaching on Long Island.
The genealogical tree of the Hoyt family is as follows: Daniel B., born in 1681, married Sarah Starr, of Danbury, and died at Norwalk, Conn., in 1764, leaving the following children: Abel; Ezra, great-great-grandfather of the subject of this notice; Abigail; Daniel; Abner; John; Nathan; Mary; and Abraham. Ezra, born April 23, 1707, married Phoebe Benedict, April 4, 1731, and had the following children: Anna; Ezra; Thaddeus; Lydia; Mathew, the great-grandfather; Martha; Elizabeth; John; Jonathan; and Phoebe. Mathew, born May 6, 1741, married first Mary Lockwood, January 21, 1761, and for his second wife the widow Mercy Hayes. He had the following children: Anna; Ephraim; Thaddeus, the grandfather; Mary; Thankfull, Mercy; Mathew; Phoebe; Ephraim; Esther; Liffe; and Samuel.
Mr. Hoyt is hale and hearty, at the age of sixty-seven, being remarkably active both mentally and physically. During his long and eventful life he has kept a diary, in which he has daily recorded the most important events of the times. It consists of several hundred pages; and the local matter is so interesting and authentic that it is being published by the Walton Times, one of the most progressive papers in the county. Mr. Hoyt is a most entertaining and agreeable companion, and has always been held in the highest esteem.
CAPTAIN PALMER L.BURROWS, whose lamented death occurred at his home in Deposit in the town of Tompkins, N.Y.,scarcely two months ago, on November 16,1894, was born here, on the same farm, on January 8,1814. His grandfather, John Burrows, was a prominent farmer in Groton, New London County, Conn., where he became a victim of the Groton massacre. Peris Burrows, a son of John, was born in Groton, and was reared and married in his native State, where he resided until 1801, after which he emigrated with his wife and child to the State of New York, removing his stock to Catskill by way of Long Island Sound and the Hudson River. From Catskill he continued the journey by means of ox teams, and after his arrival at his destination purchased a tract of heavily timbered land, part of which after his demise passed into the hands of his son, the subject of this sketch. In those early days the people depended entirely on the products of their land for their maintainance, nearly all the pioneers being more or less engaged in the lumber business, in which Peris Burrows employed himself. He served in the War of 1812, and resided in Tompkins until his death, at sixty one years of age. The wife of Peris Burrows was Deborah Wightman, who was born in Groton, Conn., daughter of John Wightman, of that town. She died in her eighty-sixth year, the mother of ten children.
Palmer L., son of Peris and Deborah Burrows, was reared and educated in his native town, succeeding his father in the ownership of the old home farm. In 1845 he started out to seek his fortune, jouneying by team to Otsego, thence by horse railroad to Ithaca, and from there to Montezuma by boat. By means of the canal he reached Buffalo; and thither he departed over the lakes to Chicago, which was at that time but an infant city. From Chicago he travelled westward to Dixon, Ill., thence down the Rock River to Rock Island, and then crossed the Mississippi to Davenport, Ia. Here he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of government land at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and then returned to his farm in Tompkins in time to finish the haying, but soon left it again to participate in the anti-rent war, being absent about four months. He then resumed his former occupation of farming and lumbering, acting as pilot on the Delaware River for over fifty years. In 1862 Mr. Burrows was instrumental in the organization of Company A, One Hundred and Forty-fourth New York Volunteer Infantry, of which he was elected Captain, holding this position for eight months. Being obliged by illness contracted while on duty to resign and return home, he again engaged in farming and lumbering.
January 2, 1838, Palmer L. Burrows married Miss Sophronia M. Shaw, who was born in Delhi, Delaware County, April 27,1815. Her father was Ansel Shaw, a native of Plainfield, Mass., a son of Josiah Shaw, who was a soldier in the Revolution for seven years, and removed to Delhi in 1809, one of the pioneers of that town, living there with his wife Nancy during the latter part of his life. Ansel Shaw was educated and grew to manhood in his native State, and removed to Delhi with his parents, the journey being made in teams. He made himself possessor of a tract of timbered land in Delhi, which he cleared for his farm, residing there for many years, afterward taking up his residence with his daughter, Mrs. Burrows, in Deposit, where he died at the age of eighty-seven years. His wife was Lavina Phillips, born at Hartford, Conn., a daughter of John Phillips, who was a Revolutionary soldier. She died when sixty-seven years old. Mrs. Burrows began teaching when but sixteen, and taught both summer and winter terms until her marriage.
Captain Burrows and his wife were the parents of six children, who are now living. A brief record of the family is as follows: Charlotte L., who married John Sumner, of Thompson, Pa., and has five children; namely, Carrie(Mrs. Dwight Freeman, who has one child, Earl S.), Laura, Oseanna, Mary, and Charles W.; Samuel W., who married Jennie Rhodes, of Akron, Ohio, and has four children ---Frederick, Lewis, Mary, and Carl; Linus P., who married Isabella Mc Glynn, of New York, and has four children -- Anna, William, Gertrude, and a babe unnamed; Anna, the wife of Earl Smith, of Deposit; James F., who married Lulu Hanford, of Walton; Orrin, the husband of Alice Smith, of Paterson, N.J., and father of three children -- Leah B., James, and Oseanna. On January 2, 1894, Captain and Mrs. Burrows celebrated the fifty - sixth anniversary of their wedding, receiving on that occasion the congratulations of many friends. In politics he was a Republican, and, like his wife, was a member of the Presbyterian church.
The death of this patriotic and valued citizen called forth many expressions of high regard. Said one who knew him well: " Mr. Burrows was a noble, brave, and true man, greatly endeared to all his friends. When the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment was raised, no man was more active, earnest, or influential in procuring volunteers than he was, or more heartily abused by the enemies of the War for the Union." At the memorial services in the Presbyterian church, Dr. O.T. Bundy spoke eloquently of his military services: " It had been difficult up to this time for any company of men that enlisted as a company to be suited as to it's officers; and companies were disbanded after going to the place of rendezvous, when they found that strangers were to command them. So the task of officering a regiment of one thousand raw recruits safely was the problem to be worked out. Aside from the colonel, the office of captain of a company was the most responsible of any on the army. On him, more than anyone else, depended the care of the men while in camp, their efficiency while on parade or inspection, and their safety while in battle. He, too, was to set the example of industry and courage, and to inspire his men with an equal amount."
After Company A, One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment, New York Volunteers, was mustered for the war, it was the universal sentiment that the man had been found who could be safely trusted to fill this position, when Captain Palmer L. Burrows consented to assume the responsibility this rank had conferred upon him. Beyond the age in years when he might be called upon to go, already having furnished two sons who could and did represent him fully, leaving a large family behind him dependent upon his care, he took up the burden placed upon him by the universal choice of the men who composed this company. If the name of patriot cannot be written upon his tomb, there is no place for it anywhere. Stricken by disease after but a few months of service, he was pronounced by a board of surgeons physically disabled for further service; and he reluctantly gave up the trust he had heroically assumed. Of his army life it can be said that no duty was ever so laborious or danger ever so great but that he obeyed the order, and he carried to his death the scars received in the campaign where he fought for the Union.
The interest and value of this biographical sketch are greatly enhanced by the accompanying portraits of Captain Burrows and his widowed wife, the faithful sharer of his joys and sorrows for more than a half-century.
SAMUEL JESSUP WHITE, M.D., a successful physician of Franklin, although still a comparatively young man, has already achieved an honored position among his professional brethren, and built up a good practise in this locality. He was born on August 12, 1862, in Gilbertsville, Otsego County. His father, the Rev. Samuel J. White, D.D., now a resident of Walton, was born in Durham, Greene County, in February,1814, was graduated from Williams College in 1839, and studied theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. His first settled pastorate was over the Presbyterian church in Franklin, where he presided from 1844 until 1852. In the meantime he was united in marriage in 1846 with Mary A. Finch. Their family circle was completed by the birth of six children, one of whom, a daughter named Frances, died at the age of six years. The record of the living children is as follows: Mary, the wife of the Rev. T.D. Barclay, resides in Kent, Conn. William F., a leading light of the legal fraternity, and junior member of the firm of Fancher & White, of Walton, is District Attorney. Elizabeth M., the wife of Charles S. Hitchcock, lives in Fruitland, Fla. Sarah F., the wife of William R. North, is a resident of Goshen,Conn. Samuel J. is the subject of further mention below.
Samuel J. White acquired his elementary education in the public schools of Walton, going from there to Claverack Institute, and afterward fitting for college at Kent, Conn. After pursuing the course of study at Williams College, he entered the Medical University of New York City, from which he was graduated with an honorable record in 1888. The following year and a half Dr. White had a valuable experience as physician in the Bellevue Hospital. In November, 1889, he opened an office in the village of Franklin, and since that time has devoted his entire attention to the active labors of his profession with most satisfactory results to both himself and his patrons. On the 1st of January, 1894, prior to going South with his wife, who was out of health, Dr. White took as partner George H. Brinkman, M.D.
The union of Dr. White and Mary I. Hoag was solemnized on August 5, 1891. Mrs. White is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Hoag, of Franklin; and she has but one brother, Frank Hoag, of Franklin. Mrs. Hoag is the daughter of David and Isabel (Hotchkiss) Penfield, both of whom were born in the town of Harpersfield, this county, but settled in 1841, after marriage, on a farm in Ridgeville, and lived there seven years. Returning to the scenes of their youthful days, they bought a farm in Harpersfield; and on that they labored successfully until 1862, when they disposed of that property and purchased another farm, situated aboout two miles from Franklin. They were the parents of five children, one boy and four girls, namely: Julia, the mother of Mrs. White; Fanny Maria, a resident of Franklin, and the widow of A.W. Metcalf, who died in Otsego County in 1889; Mary M., the wife of David C. Shaw; Orrin L., a farmer, who resides on the old home farm; Ida Isabel, the wife of Alfred Ogden.
In politics the Doctor cordially endorses the principles of the Republican party. Religiously, both he and his estimable wife are consistent members of the Congregational church. With his other attainments, Dr. White is a fine musician, and with his cornet adds to the music of the best choir in the town of Franklin.
WILLIAM ORR, a most successful farmer and dairyman of the village of Almeda, town of Kortright, Delaware County, N.Y.,was born on February 18, 1837, on the farm where he now resides. He is a son of David and Nancy (Spence) Orr, whose history may be found in the sketch of the Orr family in this volume. He was educated at the district schools of the town, and then gave his attention to farming, always living at the old home.
On January 4,1865, Mr. Orr married Mary Knight, who was born in Broome County, September 24,1839, a daughter of Stephen Knight. His wife Mary died March 11,1867; and four years later, on May 30,1871, Mr. Orr was united in marriage to Miss Kate Evertson, a native of Troy. Her parents were John H. and Finetta (Sipperly) Evertson, both of whom have passed away. In 1872 Mr. Orr purchased the old homestead of one hundred and fifty-one acres, where he now resides, and is employed in farming and dairying, keeping thirty head of cattle and manufacturing butter of superior quality. He is a hard worker and good manager, and his evident success in life is due to his own untiring efforts. His farm is one of the best on the Betty Brook Road, where he erected a fine residence in 1880.
Mr. Orr has lost two children, but is the father of five who still live, namely: Leonard K. Orr, a wagon-maker, dealer in hardware, and the Postmaster at Almeda; Mary F., who is unmarried, and lives with her parents; Agnes A., William E., and John H., the three last- named also residing at home. Mr. Orr is a Republican and a representative man of his town. He is a member of the Kortright Insurance Company, and, with his wife, is a regular attendant at the Reformed Presbyterian church. A man of good moral principles and sound judgment, Mr. Orr holds an enviable position in the hearts of his many friends.
JOHN M. LYON, contractor and builder, is one of the best-known and thoroughly successful business men of Walton, having gained a wide reputation for his well-planned and well-finished work, of which many buildings in this village and elsewhere are illustrations. He was one of seven children, five of whom are still living. Three of his brothers fought in the Civil War, namely: Elijah, who died of fever while in the army in the prime of life; another, William, who was in his country's service for one year, and was wounded in the battle of Honey Hill; Giles, who died in 1894, his death being caused by a fall.
John M. Lyon was born in Andes,Delaware County, October 30, 1826. In his boyhood he worked on his father's farm, and attended school until he reached his twentieth year. He then taught school one winter term, but when twenty-one adopted the carpenter's trade, and, being a natural mechanic, was not obliged to serve the required term as an apprentice. In 1858, in company with two brothers, he purchased a planing-mill and a sash and blind factory, which they operate in connection with their business as contractors and builders. They have been the contractors for seven churches; among them the Baptist church in Walton, the others being fine structures in some of the surrounding towns. In 1883 this firm constructed the city hall, a building of fine proportions and unquestionable beauty, which the citizens of the town are proud to exhibit to strangers as a sample of the work accomplished by the firm of which Mr. Lyon is a member.
September 17, 1856, Mr. Lyon was married to Miss Julia Eells, a native of this county and daughter of Mead and Philena (Johnson) Eells. Mrs. Lyon was the youngest of a large family of children, six of whom lived to reach maturity. She died March 11, 1873, at the age of thirty-seven years, leaving one son and four daughters: George Lyon, a contractor and builder of Denver, Col., who is married and has a home in that city; Jessie, who was a photographer and retoucher, now the wife of Van D. Case, of Walton, and mother of one daughter; Jennie F., who resides with her father, and is a compositor on the Chronicle; Julia E., a teacher at Babylon, L.I., who is a graduate of the Walton schools and of the Oswego Normal School; and Mattie A., who is a stenographer, having received her instruction under Graham in New York, N.Y.
Mr. Lyon is a Chapter Mason and a stanch Republican. He has been Justice of the Session, and has held the office of Justice of the Peace for thirty years. In religion he is a conscientious Congregationalist, in which denomination he has ever been a faithful worshipper. He built his present dwelling in 1868, having previously disposed of two residences which had been built under his supervision. In this pleasant home Mr. Lyon now lives with his daughters, a much beloved father and highly respected friend and citizen. Of greatest integrity and noble principles, he is a man whose friendship is prized by all who are fortunate enough to be numbered among his associates.
JOHN S. HOBBIE, one of the leading dairymen of Bovina, was born on the 26th of November, 1838. His paternal grandfather, Ebenezer Hobbie, was a native of Duchess County, who came to Delaware County and bought land near Bovina, the deed for which bears the date of 1794. In those early days of the settlement the nearest market was Catskill, so a farmer's life was necessarily a hard one. The wife of Ebenezer Hobbie was Lydia Hait, and to them were born five children, all of whom are now dead. Grandfather Hobbie was a Baptist in religious faith and a Democrat in politics.
Joshua of the second generation was also a farmer, and lived and died on the farm where he was born. He was a teacher and for many years a clerk of the district school, although those avocations did not interfere with his chief occupation, which was farming. He married Miss Sally Reynolds of Bovina. Both were church members, though differing in creed, the husband being a Baptist, while she was in the communion of the Methodist Episcopal church. Their seven children, of whom six are now living, were the following: Orman E., a grocer in Illinois; Selah R., a farmer in Nebraska; John S., of this memoir; Joshua K., on the old homestead; Addie, the wife of Mr. Byron Frisbee, of Delhi; Stephen, a resident of Kansas; and Augusta, who died on the threshold of maidenhood, at the age of fourteen years.
As a natural result of training and home environment John S. Hobbie followed in the footsteps of father and grandfather, and turned his attention towards practical farming and breeding dairy stock. As a youth he worked out for seven years, and being of an economical turn of mind, was able to save something each year from his paltry wages, which for the first year only amounted to a hundred dollars. In these days when such labor brings a much greater reward, it seems almost incredible that the hard toil of twelve months should have brought an able-bodied adult man a sum so inadequate for the common needs of life. But self-denial and determination are strong forces; and in the year 1855 John S. Hobbie purchased a farm of two hundred and three acres of land, upon which he now resides.
At twenty-five years of age, he married Miss Emily J. Reynolds, a girl who did not dread the prospect of a life of honest labor and care, such as a woman who marries a working farmer must expect. Miss Reynolds was a daughter of Morris S. Reynolds, a farmer of Bovina. Both of her parents are dead. With the aid that wifely encouragement and sympathy brings, Mr. Hobbie has been able to steadily accumulate property about him, and to-day, owns a very fine dairy, supplied by a herd of thirty sleek, well-kept cows, grade Jerseys.
A comfortable residence was competed in 1889, in which he now resides. The sweet influence and central figure of the home fireside is lacking in the new abode, however, Mrs. Hobbie having died in 1881. Mr. Hobbie has been faithful to the memory of the wife of his youth, and lives quietly with his twin daughters, who have the charge of the affairs of the household. His only son, Charles W. Hobbie, is a real estate dealer in Binghamton. The daughters,Sarah and Mary, have done much to cheer and brighten their father's life since his bereavement, and have displayed much executive ability in their management of his domestic concerns. Mr. Hobbie devotes himself almost excusively to his dairy, in which he takes pleasurable pride, although he does not neglect the duties of citizen and neighbor. He is affiliated with the United Presbyterian church, and holds Democratic principles.
AMOS PHINEAS WOOD, Postmaster at North Hamden, N.Y., received the baptismal names of his two grandfathers, Amos Wood and Phineas Howland, the latter of whom was Captain of a militia company, and in his younger days was a famous sportsman and an expert deer hunter. Mr. Wood is a skilled mechanic, and an able, experienced farmer. He is a native-born citizen of the town, and first opened his eyes to the light on October 19,1841.
His father, Ira Penfield Wood, was born in Massachusetts in 1814. He lived there, however, but a few months, his parents, Amos and Sophia (Kilbourn) Wood, removing from the old Bay State to this county in 1814, the year following their marriage. He was a man of great mechanical genius, working in either iron or wood; and after his arrival in this county he erected several saw and grist mills along the river, but, though a very industrious man, never accumulated much property. His wife died in 1843, somewhat past middle age; and he survived her but a few years. Of their six children, four daughters and two sons, all grew to adult life, married, and reared families. One daughter Pamelia, the widow of John Roff, resides in Washington,D.C., being an active and intelligent woman of seventy-five years.
Ira P. Wood was married on the 1st of January,1834, to Sally Howland, the daughter of Captain Phineas Howland, and the grand-daughter of one Gershom Howland, who came to the town of Hamden from Rhode Island, in 1796, bringing with him his wife and four sons -- Joseph, Job, Phineas, and Gershom. These sons all married and reared children, many of whom are settled in this part of Delaware County. the Howland family are lineally descended from Henry Howland, who was one of three brothers that were living in Plymouth, Mass., in 1625. The other brothers were Arthur and John Howland, the latter of whom crossed the ocean in the "Mayflower" in 1620. Henry Howland subsequently settled in Duxbury, Mass., being one of the pioneers of that place. After their marriage Ira P. Wood and his wife lived one year in Delhi, then came to Hamden, where they bought a tract of wild land, fifty acres, paying for it one hundred and seventy dollars. This land had been obtained from the government by Mrs. Wood's father the previous year, he having paid one dollar and fifty cents per acre. Renting a small log house for three months, they proceeded to build a cabin of their own. Having cut down the trees, Mr. Wood hewed out the rafters himself, and erected a comfortable house, consisting of two living-rooms and a bedroom. Mrs. Wood did many a baking in the old-fashioned tin oven, before a stump fire.
In this log house were born their two children, Willard Samuel and Amos Phineas, the latter being the subject of this sketch. The elder son was born in 1837, and was reared on the home farm, receiving a better education than many of the pioneers' sons, attending the seminary after leaving the district school, and began a professional career as a teacher, following that vocation in New Jersey. At the breaking out of the late Civil War, he enlisted in the First New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, going to the front as First Sergeant in Company D. He was an active participant in many engagements; and on May 11,1864, at the battle of Spottsylvania he was made prisoner. He was first confined at Dansville, and afterward taken to Andersonville, and thence to Florence,S.C. where he died of starvation, leaving a widow, whose maiden name was Orpah Wilson.
Amos P. Wood was reared to the occupation of a farmer, and since he was old enough to assume the responsibility has had charge of the paternal homestead. He inherited in a large degree the mechanical ability of his father, who was equally competent to clean a clock or build a mill; and at the age of twenty-four years he learned of A. D. Bishop, at Decatur, Otsego County, the trade of a gunsmith, working for him a year. He opened his present shop in 1866. In addition to this handicraft, Mr. Wood also carries on general farming and dairying, making butter from his eighteen grade Jersey cows. His farm is well improved, and his buildings kept in good repair, everything about the premises indicating the careful supervision of an intelligent proprietor. In 1894 he built an extension to his barn, which is now thirty feet by eighty feet, and in the basement has room for thirty cows and two or more horses. An invaluable luxury of his farm is a spring of pure, cold water, which is carried to the house from a distance of seventeen rods.
Mr. Wood was married in 1868 to Sally M. Howland, a cousin, and the daughter of William Howland. Of this congenial union three children have been born, one of whom, Minnie, a beautiful girl of thirteen years, died in 1880. The living children are: Ira P., born July 16, 1877; and Ella Mabel, born August 15, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Wood are worthy and valued members of the Christian church, to which his parents also belonged. In politics he follows in the footsteps of his father, and is a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party.
Index to Biographical Review