Biographical Review - 1895
The Leading Citizens of Delaware County, NY
This volume contains Biographical Sketches of The Leading Citizens of Delaware County New York
Section 14 - pages 650 through 683
GEORGE E. SCOTT, a highly respected farmer and resident of his native town of Kortright, was born August 28, 1835. His parents, George L. and Eleanor (Hendrickson) Scott, were both natives of this state, his father having been born in Westchester County, and his mother in Long Island. His paternal grandfather, Elijah Scott, came to Kortright about the year 1788. As soon as he had cleared an opening, he erected a log cabin, which was for many years the family dwelling. He improved a homestead, on which he lived until gathered to his long rest, after a long life full of usefulness and activity.
The father of our subject was the only son of his parents that grew to maturity. He was a young boy when he came to Kortright, where he afterward resided, succeeding his father in the ownership of the farm. He was a successful and well-to-do farmer, at the time of his decease, August 16,1866, owning one hundred and sixty-four acres of good land. His wife outlived him many years, passing away April13, 1890, in the eighty-third year of her age. Neither was connected with any church by membership; but he was a firm believer in the Universalist faith, and her religious views coincided with the Methodist Episcopal church. They were the parents of six children, three of whom died when young, two dying in infancy, and Mary, when thirteen years old. Three are now living, namely: Elizabeth, the wife of James Dougherty, of Oneonta; George E., and Charles W., a farmer, residing on the old homestead.
George E. Scott has spent his entire life amid the scenes in which he was reared, obtaining a good common-school education and a thorough drilling in agricultural work. He remained a member of the parental household many years. Assisting in the management of the home farm, and looking after the welfare of his parents when the burden of years began to bear upon them. He is now the owner of an excellent farm of seventy-five well-improved acres, amply supplied with a shapely and substantial set of farm buildings.
To Mr. Scott and his wife two children have been born, namely: Fanny, who died at the early age of nine years, and Marshall, a stenographer, residing a Mauch Chunk, Pa. From his early boyhood, Mr. Scott has been reared to habits of industry and economy, and he has all his life pursued a course in accordance with his early teachings. He has thus become a good citizen, promptly meeting his various obligations, and taking an interest in the welfare of the community. Politically, he is a sound Democrat, and religiously, he and his wife are liberal Christians.
HIRAM A. ALLEN, Deputy Sheriff of Delaware County, is numbered among the most trustworthy and esteemed citizens of the town of Hancock, in which he resides. He was born and reared a farmer's son, his birth occurring in the town of Hancock in the year 1861, his parents being Myron W. and Mary E. (Felton) Allen, both natives of Schoharie County. Mr. Allen is of English extraction, his great grandfather on the paternal side having migrated from England with his wife and seven sons, and settled in the town of Summit, Schoharie County. One of his sons, Ezra, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was but a boy when he came to this country with his parents. On reaching years of maturity, he married a Miss Mitchell of Schoharie County, and of the children born to them is given the following record: Edwin and Erastus were among the band of enterprising and venturesome men who sought the gold fields of California in 1849; but, unlike the majority, they were successful in their ventures, the latter remaining there, successfully engaged until his death in 1865, while Edwin removed from that State to New Mexico, where his death occurred in 1889. Myron W. is the father of Mr. Allen of this notice. Ezra and William are thriving agriculturists, residing in Scoharie County; and David, a mason, lives in the same county. The parents of these children were well-to-do farmers of high moral character and good social standing in their community. Both were believers in the doctrines of the Baptist church; and the mother, who survived her husband many years, almost rounded out a full century, living to celebrate her ninety-eighth birthday.
Myron W. Allen, who was born in 1827, was reared to agricultural labor, and was for many years engaged as a tiller of the soil in the town of Hancock. He has most recently become interested in mercantile pursuits, and is now a successful merchant in Binghamton, N.Y. From his union with Miss Felton, which was solemnized in 1854, four children were born, all of whom are occupying useful positions in the world, and acquitting themselves as faithful citizens, the following being a brief record: Rosa, who married William Eberts, a dealer in real estate, residing in Binghamton; George A., a successful practicing physician, of Hancock; Hiram A., whose name appears above; and Theron E., who is agent for the Fargo and Wells Express Company, and resides in Binghamton, N.Y.
Hiram A. Allen obtained his education in the public schools of Sullivan and Delaware Counties, and when eighteen years old, learned the cooper's trade, which he followed continuously for ten years, most of the time in the town of Hancock. February 3, 1886, he married Miss Debbie E. Richart, their nuptials being settled in Dushore, Sullivan County, Pa., at the residence of her parents, John and Margaret (Maben) Richart. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen, one of them, a lovely child of one and a half years, was taken from earth when "life and love were new", passing away in the purity and innocence of childhood. A son and daughter remain to brighten the family circle: Harry, a bright and active lad of seven years; and Eva, a little girl not yet two years old. Mr. Allen is a man of sterling character, and is a faithful supporter of the Republican party. In 1888 he was elected to the office of Deputy Sheriff, and has served his constituents with conspicuous ability. He is still quite a young man; and his personal friends, of whom he has a legion, predict for him a brilliant future. He is active in promoting and advancing all the enterprises for the good of his community, and is in truth a public-spirited citizen. His estimable wife, who shares with him the universal regard of her neighbors and friends, is a consistent member of the Baptist church.
ARTHUR G. PATTERSON, attorney and counselor-at-law, who is engaged in the practice of his chosen profession in the village of Walton, N.Y., was born at Walton, February 22, 1868. He is of Scotch-Irish descent, and possesses many of those qualities which would tend not only to make a successful practitioner at the bar, but a worthy and useful citizen.
His father, George Patterson, was born near Hawick, Scotland, in 1835, and seventeen years later came to this country. He was a son of Archibald Patterson, and one of a family of seven children, the names of the others being Robert H., Ellen, John, Walter M., Agness and James, all of whom settled in Delaware County, except Ellen, who married and remained in Scotland. He became naturalized in 1859, and cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln, in pursuance of whose call he wore the blue for three years and nine months, serving in the Eighth Independent Battery of New York Volunteers. Returning to Delaware County at the close of the war, he resumed the civic duties of life; and on the sixth day of March, 1867, he married Anna Moore, and settled on a farm about four miles from the village of Walton, where he has since resided. Ten years later the death angel crossed the threshold of their happy home, and the loved wife and tender mother was borne to thee realms of the blessed, leaving the widowed husband and six children. Hi s second marriage, which occurred in 1881, was with Miss Emma Waters; and of the six children born of their union, three are now living; namely, Kittie, Robert, and Bessie. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and a man who keeps abreast of the times in the affairs of his country.
His mother, Anna (Moore) Patterson was the daughter of James Moore, who with his wife Elizabeth came to this country from Ireland about 1835, and settled on a farm in Hamden, N.Y., where they resides for nearly fifty years. She had three brothers and three sisters; namely, Thomas, Jane, Joseph, Elizabeth, William and Margaret, all of whom are now dead except William and Margaret, who resides at Walton, N.Y. Before her marriage she taught a district school in various parts of the towns of Hamden, Colchester, and Walton. She was a woman of many noble qualities of heart and mind, highly respected by all, and a zealous Christian. She died at the age of thirty-six years, March 10,1877.
His three brothers and two sisters--- namely Lizzie, William M., George W., Alvin J., and Anna M.--- all reside at Walton, except Anna, who lives at Delhi, N.Y. Lizzie, who was the first to enter the state of matrimony, married George Marvin, Jr., and resides about two miles from the village of Walton.
The subject of this sketch spent his early life at his father's home on the farm, where the characteristics of industry and frugality were so instilled into him, not only by precept and example, but by required practice, that early he came to realize what was meant by the stern realities of life. From the time he was old enough to help his father on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age, from six to eight months of the year was spent on the farm. Having improved his opportunities for obtaining an education, when seventeen years of age he received a license to teach school; his first term as a teacher was in the same school he had always attended. Thereafter he attended the Walton Union School, and taught school alternately, being very successful as a teacher, having taught at different times the three largest schools in the town of Walton outside of the village.
In 1890 he was the successful candidate in the Cornell University scholarship competitive examination held for Delaware County; and, at the opening of the school in September of that year, he entered Cornell University School of Law, from which he graduated June 16,1892, receiving the degree of L.L.B. Entering upon an office clerkship in the law office of the Hon. A.H.Sewall, County Judge, he remained with him until he was admitted to the bar, which occurred November 25, 1893.
Mr. Patterson is a Republican in politics, and a member of the United Presbyterian Church. In 1893, he was elected Justice of the Peace by a handsome majority, in which capacity he served the town now for about one year, during which time sixty persons charged with the commission of crime have been before him. besides a large number of civil actions. As a court, he has proved himself an apt discerner, wholly unbiased by fear or favor, inspiring at the same time the confidence of the people and the respect of those who come before him.
In his legal profession his industry and application are guarantees of success, and his steadily increasing practice shows the confidence of his clients in his ability. We predict for him genuine success.
GILBERT BOGART, a veteran of the Grand Army of the Republic, now peacefully engaged in general husbandry and dairying in the town of Masonville, Delaware County, N.Y., was born in Catskill, Greene County, January 23, 1823. His parents were Peter and Mary A. (Chidester) Bogart, his mother being a native of Catskill, his father of Dutchess County, where his grandfather was an early settler. The latter, Peter Bogart, Sr. was a soldier in the War of 1812. He moved from Dutchess County to Catskill, Greene County, and settled on a farm which is now owned by Edgar Bogart, and which is located near the Catskill House. The land was then in a wild state. The elder Mr. Bogart cleared the farm and made a home for his family, although he only held a lease. He saw eighty-four years of life, most of them years of toilsome activity. His wife also labored and lived to a good old age. They were well-to-do people for those days and reared a large family of children, all of whom have now passed away.
Peter Bogart, Jr., grew to manhood in Catskill. He came to Delaware County in 1836, several years after his marriage, making the journey with teams, and bringing his wife and family and all his worldly effects. He bought at first fifty acres of heavily timbered land, and making a small clearing, built a house for their home. A man of push and thrift, he worked hard, was financially successful, and bought more land until he possessed a farm of one hundred and sixty acres. He was a member of the Baptist church, and in politics was an adherent of the Republican party. He died on his homestead at the age of eighty-one, his wife having preceded him to the silent land at about sixty years of age. Of their thirteen children, six are now living, as follows: Benjamin Bogart, a farmer in Sullivan County; Gilbert, of Masonville; Sarah, wife of J. Henry Beach, residing with her brother Gilbert; Abram and Jeremiah, farmers in the town of Sidney.
In the district schools of the town of Catskill, where Gilbert resided till thirteen years of age, he received his first schooling. He was quick to learn, and made rapid progress in his studies, which he continued in Delaware County after coming here with his parents. Teaching one term of school in Pennsylvania was a part of his juvenile experience. Ambitious, pushing and self-reliant, he started in life for himself at sixteen, and gave his father forty dollars a year from that time till he was of age. He had worked out for a while on a farm not far from home for eight dollars a month. Thinking to do better than this, he went back to Greene County, making the journey on foot, and worked there eight months. Returning then to Delaware County, he continued thus laboring by the month till twenty-three years old, in1846, when he was enabled to buy the farm of one hundred acres, where he now resides, paying fifty dollars down. A log house was on the place, only a few acres of which were cleared. Mr. Bogart has lived here nearly half a century. That he toiled early and late, under the summer sun and amid the winter snows, clearing and ploughing, planting and harvesting, and building, and that he has been a good manager, are abundantly indicated by the appearance of his well-tilled fields and the excellent condition of his neatly kept premises. He made successive purchases till at one time he owned two hundred and thirty acres. He now owns one hundred and thirty, on which he has made all the improvements. He has devoted much attention to dairying, keeping sometimes as many as forty-five head of cattle. He now has thirty.
A true patriot, Mr. Bogart enlisted in September, 1861, to help quell the Southern Rebellion. He served in Company E, Sixty-first New York Bolunteer Infantry, under Captain David Jackson, and was in the campaign of Rappahannock, and in the siege of Yorktown, and in several other engagements, enduring fatigues and hardships to the detriment of his health. He was honorably discharged on account of disability in 1862; and in August, 1864, he re-enlisted in the Engineer Corps, in which he served until he was mustered out, after the close of the war, July 4, 1865, at Hilton Head. His experiences in the army resulted in permanent injury to his health. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post No. 180, of Masonville.
Mr. Bogart was married, September 1, 1847, to Hannah M. Beach, who was born in Connecticut, March 30, 1827. They have had five children, only one of whom now survives, Will E. Bogart, born July 31, 1864. He received his elementary education at East Masonville, and at Walton, and then at Colgate University, Hamilton, Madison County, N.Y., where he is now studying for the ministry. He was married March 11, 1885, to Anna Fuller, a native of Masonville, daughter of William Fuller, whose biography is contained elsewhere in this volume. The other children of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Borart were: Amanda, who died at three years of age; Ellen, who became Mrs. John Mattison, and died at the age of twenty-one years, leaving three children - Lillie, Clarence, and Clara - another son, Leon, having died; and Adelia Bogart, who died at sixteen years.
Mrs. Hannah M. Bogart, wife of Gilbert Bogart, died May 12, 1894. She was a thoroughly estimable woman, and a member of the Bapist church; as is her husband. mr. Bogart is a Republican in politics, and has always taken an active interest in the welfare and progress of his town. He has served four years a Poor Master.
On another page of the "Review" may be seen a portrait of this worthy and respected citizen.
JOHN GRIFFIN, now residing at Griffin's Corners, in Middletown, where he is well known and highly respected, was born eighty-six years age in Fishkill, Dutchess County, N.Y., son of Ezekiel and charlotte [White] Griffin, and grandson of William Griffin, who came from England and settled on Long Island. At the time of the breaking-out of the Revolutionary War the grandfather owned a large property; but, refusing to take up arms against his native country, his property was confiscated. After the war he removed to Westchester County, where he died, leaving four sons: William,Jr.; Ezekiel; Solomon; and John.
Ezekiel was born on Long Island, but removed to Fishkill Mountain. In 1833 he came to Middletown, Delaware County, and invested in a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, now belonging to the Benjamin Crosby estate. He married Charlotte white, daughter of John White, a prosperous farmer. This couple had these children- Eli, Murray G., Joseph, John, Matthew, David, Eliza, Pamelia,and Alice. The father was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and an adherent of the Whig party. He lived to be seventy-two years old, his wife dying when she was fifty-eight years of age.
John Griffin received his education in the district school of Fishkill; and after engaging in agricultural work for others for some twenty years, he at last purchased seventy-five acres of land in the town of Halcott, Greene County, where he lived for fifty years. His first wife was Hannah Miles; and they were blessed with nine children, as follows: Charlotte married Samuel Hassard, and went to Illinois. Daniel married Betsy Hosier, and resides in New York. Margaret is the wife of Levi Streeter, and lives in Minnesota. Charles lives in Michigan. Phebe Jane married William Griffin, of Halcott. Lewis married, and made his home in Michigan. Clarissa became the wife of J. Barnum. David married Harriet Cole. William is also married. The mother of these children dying, Mr Griffin married in 1867, Martha Jane Munger, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth [ Carpenter] Munger. Samuel was the son of John Munger, a Revolutionary patriot, and was born in Dutchess County. He lived to be forty-four years old, his wife dying when thirty-four years of age, leaving six children; Susan, who married John Frey; Phebe C., who became the wife of G. B. Stone; Mary; James E., who lives in Nebraska; Henry J.; and Martha J. In 1874 Mr. Griffin and his wife removed to Griggin's Corners. Here at Eto Cottage, pleasantly situated about seventeen hundred feet above tide-water, three-fourths of a mile from the railway station, forty rods from post-office and churches, Mrs. Griffin accommodates summer boarders. Mr. Griffin has held many positions of trust, being appointed as Sheriff in Dutchess County, and is numbered in the ranks of the Republican party. In religion he is liberal in his views, advocating progress in thought as well as in action.
JOHN N. ARBUCKLE, the only son on the late Hon. Daniel T. Arbuckle, County Judge and Surrogate, is to-day, at the age of twenty-six years, one of the most prominent men in the town of Delhi, where he is conducting a large coal business, in the owner of a flour and feed mill and an elevator, and is an extensive retail dealer in grain and feed. His entire life has been spent in this vicinity, his birth having occurred in Delhi, April 23, 1868.
His grandfather, Nathaniel Arbuckle, a native of Scotland, emigrated to America at the age of eighteen, and for a few years worked upon a farm in Canada. From there he came to Delhi, where he purchased a partially cleared tract of land, and engaged in farming pursuits. He married, and reared a family of six children, namely; Margaret, who married Henry Rice, a farmer of Delhi; William B.; James N.; Daniel T.; C.J.; and Peter B. He rounded out a full period of seventy-five years; and his wife, who died at the home of her son Daniel, lived to the age of threescore and ten years. Both were faithful members of the Presbyterian church of Delhi.
Daniel T. Arbuckle obtained his elementary education in the district schools of Delhi, and was fitted for college at the Delaware Academy. He entered Union College, and, after being graduated from there, began the study of law with Colonel Robert Parker, of Delhi, an uncle of Judge Amasa J. Parker, of Albany. After his admission to the bar he began the practice of his profession in his native town, where he soon had an extensive clientage, and continued in active practice until 1883, when he was elected to the branch of the County court. Judge Arbuckle retained this honored position until 1888, when by reason of continued ill health he retired from aciive life. His death occurred on March 9, 1894, at the age of fifty-seven years. In memory of his distinguished services as jurist and citizen the Delaware County bar passed resolutions of respect and sympathy, rightly speaking of Judge Arbuckle as "having discharged his duties in all the various relations in life, not only in his professional, but in his judicial career and in the ordinary walks of life, with great care, credit, honor, and honesty"; paying a tribute to "his unswerving integrity, his devotion to the interests of his clients and the discharge of public duties, his painstaking methods of business, his uprightness of chatacter, and purity of heart"; attesting "his ability as a lawyer, his fairness as a judge, and his worth as a citizen"; deploring his early removal "at a time in life when there appeared to be many years of usefulness before him, and the future for him looked bright and promising. A good man has passed away; a wise counsellor has gone to his reward; a kind and devoted husband and father has been called to his eternal rest; a noble, upright, conscientious citizen has joined the great majority."
Judge Arbuckle married Elizabeth J. Peters, who was one of six children born to John and Jane [Blakeley] Peters, of Bloomville. Mr Peters, who is a hale and hearty man, well advanced in years, has been engaged in agricultural pursuits during his life, having been the owner of a good farm in Bloomville, and also carried on a brisk trade in buying and selling butter. His wife long since passed to the better world. Judge and Mrs. Arbuckle reared three children, two daughters and a son. The eldest, Agnes, who was graduated from Vassar College, is a teacher of rare ability. Jennie, the other daughter, is an able assistant to her brother, the subject of this sketch, in the extensive business, having entire charge of the books and accounts, and representing him in his absence.
John N. Arbuckle was the first child born to his parents. He received a practical education, attending primarily the village school, and later the Delaware Academy. At the age of eighteen years he entered the post-office as a clerk under Henry Davis, remaining there three years. This not being a sufficiently active calling for one of his wide-awake and alert business proclivities, he established himself as a dealer in coal. In 1891, in company with Mr. Penfield, he purchased a mill, and shortly afterward built the elevator and storehouse, and in conjunction with his coal business dealt extensively in grain and feed. In September, 1893, Mr. Arbuckle purchased the interest of his partner, and has since continued in business alone. In politics Mr. Arbuckle is a steadfast Democrat. Religiously, he belongs to the Presbyterian church, of which he is a Trustee, and of which his mother is also an esteemed member.
These three children are to Mrs. Arbuckle a great help and comfort, each and all doing everything possible to make her pathway a pleasant one. The family residence, which is beautifully situated upon an eminence overlooking the village, indicates in all of its appointments the exercise of cultivated taste and ample means.
HARVEY B. MORENUS, a contractor and builder, residing in Walton, worthily represents the industrial interests of the town, and is one of those brave citizen soldiers to whom the county is so much indebted. He was born in Oneonta, Otsego County, November 28, 1841.
Mr. Morenus comes of Revolutionary stock, and is one of the eleven children born to William and Polly Morenus, of whom the following grew to adult life; Caroline married George Hanford, and lived in Sidnet, both deceased. Augasta married Samuel Seeley, and moved to Dakota, where her death occurred. Elizabeth is the wife of A. J. Knickerbocker, of Hancock. Elisha first married Euphemia Hoyt, and after her death married Martha Bonnell. Harvey B. is further mentioned below. Frances married Miles Robinson, of Sidney. Henry W. married Amelia Groatevant. Ellen died in early womanhood. Margaret died when young. DeWitt died in infancy. The parents removed to Sidney in 1845, the father there working at the carpenter's trade. In 1867 he removed his family to North Walton, where he died in 1879. His widow survived him, and died in Oneonta.
Harvey B. Morenus was reared and educated in Sidney Centre, attending the district schools until twelve years old, when he began to work with his father at carpentering. In July, 1861, he enlisted in the Third New York Cavalry, and was mustered into service on the 19th of August, being soon ordered to Washington. On October 21, he was in the battle of Ball's Bluff, and during the following winter was encamped at Poolesville, Md. In the spring his regiment was sent to Harper's Ferry, thence down to Winchester, where on March 12, 1862, it was engaged in battle. The regiment was subsequently ordered to join Burnside's expedition at Newbern, N.C., but did not reach there until after the capture of the city, May 1, 1862. On the 15th the Third New York Cavalry occupied an important position at the front in the engagement at Trent Road, and there Mr. Morenus was wounded in the right side, a ball striking his heavy Colt's revolver and shattering it in pieces, one of which entered his side, and another his arm, where it remained for twenty-seven years before being taken out. He was sent to the regimental hospital, but soon reported for duty, and was in the battle at Roll's Mills on November 7, at Kinston, N.C., December 14, at White Hall the following day, and at Goldsboro on the 16th.
Among the numerous other engagements in which he took part may be named the following. At the battle of Trent Road, March 14, 1863, he was again wounded, a musket ball passing through his left arm, disabling him to such extent that he was given a furlough of thirty days. He rejoined his regiment, and was again in battle April 28, 1863, at Beland Cross-roads; at Warsaw, July 4; at Tarboro, July 20; at Peletier's Mills, April 12, 1864, when he was wounded in the forefinger while carrying a comrade from the field; at Malvern Hill, July 27; and from September 29 until October 7 he was at Johnson's Farm. During one of the skirmishes of those days Mr. Morenus, whose horse was shot from under him, captured the horse of Lieutenant Smith, who was killed, and succeeded in escaping his pursuers. On October 20, 1864, he was present at the battle of Charles City Pike, and on December 12 was at South Quay. From there Mr. Morenus was sent to Norfolk, where he was placed on guard duty, and in July, 1865, he was mustered out of service as Duty Sergeant.
Returning to Sidnet Centre, Mr. Morenus engaged in agriculture, but two years later sold his farm and entered into the mercantile business, which he carried on successfully for several years. In 1869 he was appointed Postmaster at Sidney Centre, and also Railway Commissioner, holding both offices until 1875, when he removed to Walton, in order that his children might have benefit of its fine educational facilities. He established himself in the village as a carpenter and builder, and by his enterprise and ability has secured a large and lucrative business.
On September 27, 1865, Mr Morenus was united in marriage with Elizabeth H. Bailey, who was born in Suffolk, Va., January 23, 1843, a daughter of James M. and Ann [Gynn] Bailey. Mr Bailey was born April 15, 1799. By his union with Ann Gynn, December 31, 1835, he had eight children, namely; Mary Ann born September 29, 1836, died April 9, 1863; Sarah R. , born February 1, 1838, died February 13, 1863; James M., born August 22, 1839, an officer in the confederate army, who died August 8, 1864, from wounds received at the blowing-up of the mine in front of Petersburg; Martha F., born January 16, 1841, died November 9, 1864; Elizabeth H., Mrs. Morenus; Robert S., born January 16, 1845, who lost an eye while serving in the Confederate army, and died April 27, 1888; Cornelia G., born August 16, 1846, died September 3, 1874; and Edna S., born March 26, 1848. The mother of these children died March 3, 1852; and Mr. Bailey married Mrs. Martha Shepard, December 16, 1852. By his last marriage were three children, namely; Charles W., born October 15, 1853; Eugene S., born May 27, 1856, died September 24, 1856; and Lucy M., born May 15, 1859. Mr. Bailey died in 1864.
Mr and Mrs Morenus are the parents of three children. Mae, born July 17, 1867, is the wife of Charles M. Hackett, of Greensboro, N. C. Howard B., born May 31, 1869, now the chief book-keeper for the Cottage Organ Company, of Chicago, married Martha Cable in 1893. Robert F., born January 10, 1873, is book-keeper for Fitch, Brook & Sully, of Walton. In politics Mr. Morenus is an uncompromising Republician, and, though no aspirant for official honors, has served as Deputy Sherifffor nine years. He is Adjutant and ex-commander of the ben Marvin Post, No. 209, Grand Army of the Republic. He also served for thirteen years as Lieutenant of the Separate Company, National Guards, being then placed upon the retired list.
DEWITT B. COLE, who for the last fifteen years has been successfully engaged in the hotel business in Arkville, was born November 1, 1857, in Middletown, Delaware County, N.Y. His parents were Solomon and Emeline [Gray] Cole, the former of whom was the son Thomas Cole, a farmer and lumberman who came from Connecticut when a young man, accompanied by his wife, Jerusha Jenkins, a worthy helpmeet. This couple became the parents of seven children, by name; Betsy, who became the wife of George Osterhoudt; Solomon, who became the father of the subject of this sketch; Mary, who married Ephraim Isham; Emeline, who was united in marriage to_______
Robinson; John; Harrison, who left his native place to seek his fortunes in the West; and William H. The father, who was a good example of the sturdy pioneer class, and was a man much respected, died at the age of eighty-six. His wife Survived to the remarkable age of ninety-nine, an illustration of the advantage of plain living and simple tastes.
Solomon Cole, the next in line, was born in Middletown, and became accustomed to farm life and work at an early age. When a young man, he purchased a farm of two hundred acres near Griffin's Corners, and occupied himself in tilling the soil. He married Emeline Boughton, daughter of David Boughton, a farmer and an early settler in the town of Roxbury. In 1861 Solomon Cole sold his farm and moved to Roxbury. One year later he moved to Margarettville, and still later to Arkville, where he bought the hotel of Griffin & Crespill, and engaged in its management until his death at the age of fifty-eight. He was a prominent figure in his locality, a man of square dealing, and a starch Republician in political faith. He was the father of seven children, named as follows; Abraham, who married Olive Meeker for his first wife, was later united to Emma Keater, and is now deceased; Charles, who chose for his wife Emma Kittle, now resides in Binghamton, N.Y., and has one child; Edward, resident in New York City, who married Trudie Emmett, and has two children; Rena, who became the wife of Charles Still, an engineer, and resides in Arkville; James M., the eldest, married, but now deceased; Emma Halstead, who is married, resides in Jersey City Heights, and has one child; and Dewitt, whose name claims attention at the head of this sketch.
Dewitt B. cole attended the public schools of his native town in early youth, and assimilated a fair amount of practical knowledge, which he has since supplemented by observation and experience in the affairs of every-day life. Taking his father's hotel at the age of twenty-two, he applied himself to the task of managership with the determination to make his hostelry known far and wide as a place of comfort for man and beast. In this he has been singularly successful, and his present standing in the community is due to his own good judgement and far-sighted business policy. His hotel is situated opposite the depot, an advantageous location, as it is thus its own advertisement.
Mr. Cole is a married man, as all hotel-keepers should be. His wife was, by maiden name, Pevila Hasbrook. Her parents were Barney L. and Rosa [Hubbard] Hasbrook, the former of whom is the leading merchant in Clovesville, N.Y. Mr and Mrs. Cole have one child, Beulah, born April 10, 1893. Although known so well as a genial host, Mr. Cole's duties and responsibilities in life are not confined to his hotel business. He is so well liked by his fellow-townsmen that they have chosen him to serve as Collector and Deputy Sheriff, both of which responsible positions he has well filled. His politics are Republician; and, when the interests of his locality or the country at large are to be served, he is not to be found among the stay-at-homes. Of a social nature, he belongs to Margarettville Lodge, No. 389, A.F.&A.M., and is also a member of the order of Knights of Pythias. His popularity is unquestioned, and he is properly assigned a place among thye substantial residents of his county.
GEORGE BURCHUS, a successful stock-raiser and dairyman, owns and occupies a farm of one hundred acres located about four miles from the village of Walton, on which his birth occured June 5, 1834. His father, James Burchus, was born in the town of South East, a son of Samuel Burchus, who was a farmer in that place, and a life-long resident.
James Burchus learned the trade of a shoemaker; and some time during the War of 1812 he made shoes for the soldiers, but was afterward drafted into the army, and served three months. He was a Corporal of his company, and was detailed to look after deserters, serving in this capacity until he received his discharge. He continued to follow his trade for a while, but after marriage returned to farming. His wife was Bathsheba Foster, a native of South East. Removing with his bride to Delaware County, Mr Burchus bought a tract of partly cleared land, taking possession of it in 1821. He continued the improvements, among other things setting out a fine orchard. Seven years later he sold that land and purchased a farm of fifty acres, mostly covered with a dense growth of timber, of which so little had been cleared that he has been known to hunt for two days to find a yoke of cattle. He was an active worker, and by able and vigorous management placed the original land under cultivation, and occasionally bought other land, until at the time of his decease he owned two hundred and seventeen acres, his homestead being one of the most valuable estates in this vicinity. His first wife bore him the following children; Sarah, Elizabeth, Pamelia, Sally, Betsey, and Samuel. She lived but ten years after her marriage; and he subsequently married Polly Bossett, a native of Dutchess County, and a daughter of Samuel and Sally Bossett. Of this union three children were born, namely; Sherman; George; and mary, who married Wesley Wilman, of Connecticut.
George, the youngest son, is the only member of the parental household now living. He received a very good education in the district school, and ably assisted his father in the farm work,remaining at home until becoming of age. He then bought of Hezehiah cable fifty acres of land, situated about a mile from the home of his parents. He cleared the land, and prepared it for tillage, in the mean time erecting a frame house and a log barn, and continued to reside there some fifteen years. On the death of his father, Mr. Burchus purchased the old homestead where he was born and reared, and has since carried it on with marked success. He has made extensive improvements, building a new barn, but occupying the house which his father erected. At the time that he took possession of his property, part of the land was in its original wildness, and in such a condition that he could not cut hay enough to feed twelve head of cattle. He now cuts enough on one hundred acres to feed twenty-four cows, five yearlings, ten sheep, and four horses. He operates a large dairy, making a fine grade of butter, most of which is sold in New York City. His cattle are graded Jersey. He had the misfortune a short time ago to have nine of his cows killed by lighting in one night.
Mr. Burchus and Laura J. Cable, the daughter of Hezekiah and Sally [Bradley] Cable, were married in 1855. Mr. and Mrs. Cable were natives of Connecticut, but removed to this county, and purchased a farm in Walton, on which their children, four in number, were born. Mr. amd Mrs. became the parents of five children, three of whom have passed to the " life elysian," Alice dying when a child of seven years. Ida died when seven years old; and Esther, who was married, died at the age of twenty-three years, leaving two children-Ida and Willie. Julia and Frank are still living, the latter superintending the management of the home farm. Mr Burchus is a Granger, and in politics is independent, although he usually supports the Democratic ticket. Both he and his family are among the most active workers in the Baptist church, in which he has served as Trustee, besides holding many other offical positions. He was one of the prime movers in the building of the present Baptist church, and it was chiefly through his efforts that the church was organized.
EDGAR A. VERMILYA was born in Middletown, June 20, 1840. His grandfather, William Vermilya, was a Hollander, who settled in Putman County, where he reared a family of four children--William, Jesse, John, and Samuel. The last named, and father of Edgar A. Vermilya removed from Putman County when a young man. He was a cobbler by trade, but did not follow this occupation for any length of time. He bought a mill on Batavia Kill, which is now known as Morse's mill. Here he lived until his death, though not after the fashion of that " Miller of Dee" who sang, " I care for nobody, and nobody cares for me"; for he wooed and married as most youing men do. His wife was Miss Catherine Robinson, a daughter of Issacher Robinson. Her father was also a miller, and had many a tale of the days of 1776, having fought in the Revolutionary War. Both husband and wife were members of the old-school Baptist church. Their six children may be breifly named. Edward married Jane Whipple. Oeville married Margaret Stone. William married Lydia Kelly. Melissa married Mr. Birkley. Edgar is the subject of the following paragraphs. Olive married first John Delamore; second, Rexford Hewitt.
Edgar A. Vermilya was educated in the district schools, and came when a young man to Griffin's Corners, where he went into the cabinet-making business. Three years after the enterprise was established his entire stock in trade was consumed by fire; but the young man was nothing daunted by his misfortune, and immediately began to work at his trade as a carpenter. In the second year of the Civil War on August 11, 1862, he enlisted in Compang G, One hundred and forty-fourth New York Volunteers. He was a Sergeant, and was at one time a Second Lieutenant. He was for five long weary months in the hospital at St. Augustine, Fla., from which he was discharged in August 1864, on account of physical disability.
He married Melissa Todd, a daughter of Isaac and Fanny [Boughton] Todd. Miss Todd's grandfather, Samuel Todd, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Including Mrs. Vermilya, there were nine children in Isaac Todd's family; Scudder; Orrin; Henry; John; Burr; Aaron; Hiram; Walter; and Melissa, now Mrs. Vermilya. To Edgar A. and Melissa Vermilya only one son was born, Herbert S., whose birth was on September 26, 1868, and who married Augusta Maud Banker, daughter of T.C. and Emma [Visner] Banker. The father-in-law of Mr. Herbert S. Vermilya is a boarding-house proprietor at Griffin's Corners, while he himself is a jeweller in the same place, and is doing a flourishing business. In politics he is a Republician, his father, Edgar A. Vermilya being a Prohibitionist. The latter is a class leader and Trustee of the Methodist Eqiscopal church.
JOHN HUTSON, the genial and accommodating proprietor of the American House, Delhi, N.Y., was born December 10, 1860. His grandfather, William Hutson, emigerated to America from Scotland, and became one of the early settlers of Delhi, where he improved a farm. He and his wife reared a family of nine children; namely, ebenezer, John, Thomas, George, Margaret, Catherine, Ellen, Mary, and Jane. Both parents were deeply religious, and members of the Scotch Presbyterian church.
John Hutson, Sr was the second child born to his parents. He entered upon a mercantile career, conducting a general store in Delhi for many years. He also carried on a substantial flour and feed business, and dealt largely in butter. He was well known throughout this section of the county, and was numbered among the solid and substantial citizens of Delhi. He married Julia Hewes, a native of this county, and one of a large family of children born to James and Margaret [Weasoner] Hewes. Mr. Hewes was born in this country, of Welsh antecedents; and his wife was of Holland ancestry. Of the union of Mr Hutson and Miss Hewes the following children were born; William; Jane, who became the wife of Abraham C. Crosby, an eminent lawyer in this town; Elizabeth, who married Charles R. Stillson, a jeweller, of Delhi; John; and Ida M., who married charles E. Woodruff, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. The good mother passed away at the age of fifty years, and the father after a useful life of threescore years. Both were tried and faithful members of the Scotch Presbyterian church.
John Hutson, the subject of this brief sketch, spent his early years in the village of Delhi, obtaining a practical education in the village schools and academy. After completing his studies, Mr. Hutson began working in the flour and feed mill which his father had built and was then operating, and where Kiff & Gleason, whose stetches may be found in another part of this work, are now engaged in business. He afterward entered the butchering business, working first for his father, and subsequently for himself, continuing thus engaged for four years. Soon after this, occurred the death of his father; and Mr. Hutson spent two years travelling in the West, being employed in various lines of business. Not finding any locality more pleasing to his tastes than his native town, he returned to Delhi, and, securing a position as clerk in the American House, remained there unitl Richard D. W. Kiff, the proprietor, retired, when Mr Hutson made a second visit to the West. When Mr. Kiff assumed the management of the hotel for the second time, Mr. Hutson again entered his employ as a clerk, retaining the position until January 1, 1893, when he formed a partnership with C. E. Kiff, son of his former employer [see sketch given elsewhere in this volume]; and they managed the affairs of the house successfully for a year, when the partnership was dissolved. Since that time Mr. Hutson has continued the business alone, and is meeting with decided success, having a well-kept and well-appointed hotel, centrally located and extensively patronized. It is situated on the main street of the village, is conveniently arranged, heated throughout with steam, and has accommodations for fifty guests, the gentlemanly proprietor himself attending personally to its management. The table is execellent; and the cheerful, home-like air pervading the house makes it very attractive.
Mr. Hutson was united in marriage in March, 1884, to Miss Mary Riley. They have one child, a bright little boy, named William Henry. In politics Mr. Hutson invariably supports the principles of the Republican party. Socially, he is a member of Walton Lodge, No. 625, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and belongs to the Elks of Scranton. Mrs. Hutson is a faithful member of the Catholic church.
WILLIAM WICKS NORTH, proprietor of the popular restaurant at the Walton station of the Ontario $ Western Railway, is a native of the town where he resides, having been born within its limits, August 10, 1821, at the home of his father Benjamin W. North.
Benjamin North Jr., the father of Benjamin W., was born in Newtown, L.I., May 1, 1749, at the home of his parents, Benjamin and Margaret [Freeman] North. On January 17, 1773, he married Jane Brown, who died October 16, 1779, leaving two children-Mary B. and Jane. On March 17, 1784, he was united in wedlock with Sarah Lockwood, who died October 30, 1789. His third wife, to whom he was united March 15, 1792, was Sarah Wicks, of Huntington L.I. They removed to New York City, and there were born all of her children; namely, Jane, Eliza H., Benjamin W., William F., Hannah H., and Robert F.
Benjamin W. North married Emeline, daughter of Gabriel and Deborah North. He was for many years prosperously engaged in mercantile business in New York, where he was an extensive dealer in groceries. He was a man of great push and engery, and was an active member of the old fire department of that city, being foreman of Engine Company No. 15, to which his eldest son also belonged. It was due to his efforts that engines were introduced into the city fire department.
William Wicks North received an excellent elementary education in the city schools of New York, and completed his school life at Rye, Westchester County. In 1842 he went with his father to Poughkeepsie, N.Y., where they established a nursery and fruit business. In 1846 Mr. North, leaving his father, came to Walton, and for some time thereafter was engaged in general farming.Just prior to the late Rebellion he embarked in the grocery business, which he finally relinquished for his present occupation, opening a restaurant at the Ontario & Western Railway depot; and this he has successfully managed for the past twenty years. For three years he ans his eldest son were employed in surveying for the railroad.
On May 10, 1849, Mr. North was united in marriage to Mary A. Eells, daughter of Horace Eells, an old and honored settler of Delaware County. This union was hallowed by the birth of four children, as follows; Benjamin G., born December 22, 1851, is Superintendent of the Ontario & Western Railway Company, and a valued citizen of Walton. Horace E., born December 31, 1853, is an insurance agent of the firm of Paul & North. Ida M., born May 3, 1856, died January 22, 1876. William F., born November 17, 1861, is a clerk for the railway company, employed by his brother Benjamin. Mrs. North, the beloved wife and mother, passed to the higher state of existence, January 11, 1894. She was held in high esteem as a neighbor and a friend, and her death was universally mourned. In politics Mr. North has always affiliated with the Democratic party.
WILLIAM H. LASHER was born July 9, 1842, on Brush Ridge, in Middletown, Delaware County, N.Y. He is a grandson of Conrad and Maria [Sagendorph] Lasher. Five brothers of the Lasher family came from Wittenberg, Germany, and settled in Dutchess County, New York, before the Revolutionary War. Conrad married in Dutchess, and came with his wife and family to Delaware County, which was then almost unsettled. The journey was made on horseback, as was often the mode in those early days; and the road was only discovered by following certain trees which had been marked by previous travellers. Another family of emigrants came to this locality about the same time. They bore the name of Rackit, and were for some years the only neighbors of the Lashers.
Conrad Lasher bought one hundred and forty acres of land, built a house in the woods, and began to clear the land. He sold out to his son Allen when he felt the burden of his years bearing too heavily upon him, and lived with his children until his died, at the age of eighty-three years. He was a Lutheran in religion and a Democrat in political faith. Neither he nor his wife ever learned to read or speak English. Their children were; Robert; Edward H.; Allen; Abraham; Frederick; and Maria, Mrs. Traver.
Edward, the second son, was born in Dutchess County, but came to Delaware and began farming on an estate just one mile from the paternal homestead. He afterward engaged in lumber dealing, putting up a saw-mill at Emery Brook, where he sawed and shipped his own lumber. This was one of the first saw-mills in this part of the country. There was a good home trade, and he was able before long to own a good property. He died on December 21, 1875. His wife was a Miss Mabee, daughter of William Mabee, a farmer near Pine Hill village in Ulster County. They had seven children, one of them being William, the subject of this sketch. Alozno Lasher married Anne O'Brien, was left a widower, and married Nancy Davis, having one child by each marriage. Elbert is now superintendent of a lumber estate in Pennsylvania. They have two sisters; Sarah; and Samantha L., who married Alonzo Johnson, was left a widow, and married Silas Blish.
William H. Lasher received a plain education at Townsend Hollow and Griffin's Corners. At the latter place he engaged in the grocery business with Allen Lasher, when he was twenty-one years of age. Later in life he went into lumber dealing, buying a large amount of real estate. In 1874 he sold all of his land with the exception of seventy acres which he retained for a home. A comfortable house, barn, and dairy are among the improvements. He has been engaged in the insurance business to some extent. In 1863 Mr. Lasher was united in wedlock to Jeannette Crawford, a native of Cayuga, and one of a family of four children. She was born February 11, 1841, and had two brothers-William H., born January 1, 1829; and Robert, born March 20, 1931-and one sister, Isabella, born August 17, 1833. To William H. and Jeannette [Crawford] Lasher were born three children. Eugene E., born June 29, 1869, married Ada Rowley. Willie E., born April 9, 1870, married Ella Crispell. Lulla May, born March9, 1871, lives at home. Mrs. Lasher died in November, 1889. She was a conscientious member of the Presbyterian church.
William H. Lasher has been eminently successful in the different lines of business in which he has been engaged, and is one of the leading politicians of the Republician party in his town. In 1890 he was appointed to the office of Postmaster, which he held for four years. He was Deputy Sheriff for fifteen and Pension Agent for twelve years, and was Surveyor of Highway for two terms.
CHARLES H. MACE, stationer and perfumer, is a young man of much promise in the business circles of Walton , and one of its most popular residents. He was born in the village, October 16, 1871, son of Abram L. and Anna [Fanchen] Mace, the former of whom was born in Delhi, this county, in 1845, and the latter, a daughter of Henry and Hannah [Eels] Fanchen, having been born in Walton, in 1846.
The paternal grandfather was Adram Mace, who was born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., in 1822, and was for many years a well-known manufacturer of this county, owning and operating a large woolen-mill in Hamden. He was a man of much business capacity, and having by prudence and good management accumlated a competence, he is now living retired from the active pursuits of life in the village of Hamden. He married Antoinette Phelps; and they reared five children, the following being their record; Nettie, who died when a young girl; Charles H., who gave his life for his country during the late Civil War, having enlisted as a Corporal in Company C, One Hundred and Forty-forth New York Volunteer Infantry, and being stricken, while at Cold Harbor, with a fever from which he never recovered, dying there at the age of twenty-two years; Abram L., the father of the subject; Delia, widow of the late Edward Buxton, residing in Oneonta; and Albert, operator of the Delhi woolen-mills.
The marriage of the parents of the subject of this sketch was solemnized in September, 1868, in the village of Walton; and this has since been their home. Abram L. Mace has for many years been a prominent man in business, social, and public life, and an important factor in the industrial interests of the town. He was engaged for many years as a carpenter and builder, but afterward embarked in mercantile business, and was also a successful dealer in real estate. In him the Democratic party has a warm supporter, and during Grover Cleveland's first administration he served four years as Postmaster. He and his wife spend the winter months in North Carolina; and he is practically retired from business, his son Charles having succeeded him in the store. Mr. and Mrs. Abram L. Mace are the parents of three children; Charles H.; Hanna, a young lady, who was graduated from Vassar College with high honors in the class of 1890. She is now making practical use of her mental attainments as a teacher of mathematics. She also possesses decided musical talent, in which she resembles her mother, and as a result of her devotion to physical culture carried off athletic honors at college. The youngest member of this household is Henry Fanchen Mace, a young man of eighteen years. He is an expert bicycle rider, and has won many races.
Charles H. Mace is an active and enterprising business man, who is rapidly winning his way to an honored position in the mercantile circles of Walton. Though paying close attention to his business pursuits, Mr. Mace has always been a great lover of athletics, and is the champion runner of this locality. In the various contests of this kind in which he has taken a part, he has invariably been the winner; and he has fourteen badges, five of them gold, all of which he has won as first prizes for running in one hundred and two hundred and twenty yard races. Mr. Mace was united in marriage, July 12, 1893, to Miss Bertha Greenwood, daughter of Dr. E.D.Greenwood. Mrs. Mace is a graduate of the Walton High School, and before her marriage was a valued teacher in the public schools. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mace are members of the Episcopal church.
JOHN J. O'NEILL, a well-known dealer in marble and granite in Roxbury, N.Y., was born in Boston, June 24, 1855. His parents, Michael O'Neill and Ellen Shistell O'Neill, came from Ireland. Mr. O'Neill's boyhood, youth, and young manhood were spent in Boston, where he received a good education and acquired the outlines of his knowledge of business. When he reached the age of twenty-one years, and was ready to begin life for himself, Mr. O'Neill decided to try his fortune in another part of the country. He came to Roxbury, therefore, in 1876, and has made his home here ever since. During six years he was in the employ of C.A.Noble. Then he worked for T. Richman for four years. Finally, in 1884, Mr. O'Neill established a marble and granite business for himself, with his headquaters on Main Street. The business has grown rapidly, and is now one of the largest enterprises of the sort in the country. Mr. O'Neill makes a specialty of the North British granite, a very handsome stone, which is quarried in Scotland. In 1892 he made a trip to Scotland on business connected with this granite industry. On this voyage the steamboat on which he was a passenger was wrecked off the Scotch coast, and those on board placed in great and imminent danger. Mr. O'Neill, however was rescued and reached the shore in safety.
Mr. O'Neill married Clara Noble, daughter of William Noble and Caroline Denton Noble. Mr. William Noble is a resident of Catskill, in Greene County, where he is largely interested in the marble and granite business.
Mrs. Clara O'Neill is a member of the Presbyterian church. She has a sister Sarah, who married Otis P. Morse.
Mr. John J. O'Neill is now thirty-nine years of age. He is in good circumstances, and owns three houses in the village. In politics he supports the Democratic party.
ULYSSES DRAKE - is a native of the town of Franklin, Delaware County, N.Y., where he has resided all his life, and engaged in farming, the prevailing occupation of that town. He is descended from an old pioneer family, his father, Abiel Drake, being one of the first settlers in this section of the country.
Abiel Drake was born in Austerlitz, Columbia County, N.Y., in 1789, and began life in the woods at that place, the clearing at that time being less than an acre. He married Fanny Maynard, of Austerlitz; and the young couple came to Franklin in 1810, soon after their marriage, the husband starting out along with his ox team for his new home, where he built a log house and barn; and thither he was soon followed by his young wife. They were the possessors of but little capital, buying their farm of one hundred and seventeen acres at five dollars an acre, part of which they were obliged to mortgage. This land belonged to the Bedlington Patent, and required the outlay of much toil and strength to make it in any way productive. The work of clearing it of trees, stumps, and stones was begun with a will by this strong, resolute couple; and, after that was accomplished, the mortgage also was raised, to the unbounded satisfaction of these earnest workers.
Here was reared their family of seven children, three sons and four daughters, the subject of this sketch being the first-born. One son, Francis Drake, lives at Croton village, a daughter Helen is the wife of Albert Payne, who carries on the farm on the old homestead, and another daughter, Amy, is the widow of Colonel Sylvester Wheat in the village of Franklin. Maria, wife of Alanson Knapp, died in 1847, leaving four children; and her sister, Anna Drake, passed away in Binghamton, March 11, 1892, she having been a graduate of Cazenovia Seminary, and for years a successful teacher. Abiel Drake, Jr., died on his farm near the old home in 1890, leaving two sons and two daughters. The parents lie in the Croton cemetery with their three children, the father having died in 1863, and his wife four years later.
Ulysses Drake was born in 1812, and during his boyhood assisted his father in the care of the farm, attending the district school at the same time. He afterward became a student at Delhi and Cazenovia, and then taught school four winter terms. October 15, 1844, Mr. Drake married Miss Grace Stewart, bringing his bride to his farmer's home, of which he had been in possession about nine years. His wife was born in Delhi in 1817, daughter of Charles and Isabella (Gordon) Stewart. Mr. Stewart was a native of Scotland, and died when but forty years of age, while his wife was born in Galway, N. Y., living to reach her seventy-fourth year. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom Mrs. Drake and one brother are the only survivors.
Mr. and Mrs. Drake have been called upon to part with two of their children: Homer Ulysses, who died of diptheria, September 10, 1861, when but thirteen years old, his death being followed one week later by that of his sister, Mary Jane, aged fifteen years, of the same fatal disease. Their only surviving child is Sanford William Drake, who married on September 4, 1893, Miss Ella Ward, both she and her young babe dying June 4, 1894. The previous year they had made a pleasant trip to the World's Fair at Chicago. This son now conducts his father's farm of two hundred and thirty acres, which Mr. Drake earned by unwearying, long-continued toil, building his large, pleasant house in 1847, and ten years later a commodious barn. In connection with the other farm work, an extensive dairy is operated, where excellent butter is manufactured and sold. Mr. Drake formerly kept a number of fine wool sheep, but after his marriage gave up this industry.
Mr. Drake was reared a Democrat, but was an anti-slavery man, and later joined the Republican party. During the anti-rent troubles he was called to Delhi to guard the place, he being then Captain of the artillery company. He has served in a number of town offices, among them that of Commissioner of Highways. Mr. and Mrs. Drake are active members of the Methodist Church, which Mr. Drake joined fifty-eight years ago, and where he has served as Steward and Trustee, and also as Recording Steward for twenty years. Mr. Drake has retired from active labor, and leaves much of his business to the management of his son, taking an interest, however, in all mercantile matters, but enjoys hugely the long-needed and deserved rest, having been an indefatigable worker, performing his daily duties at all times with the utmost care and attention.
As a man of truly noble character, generous, kind-hearted, and liberal-minded, Mr. Drake is held in the highest esteem by all with whom he comes in contact personally, socially, or politically. His portrait on another page adds greatly to the interest and value of this brief sketch of his industrial career.
PETER F. HOFFMAN, who keeps a large summer resort at Arkville, was born in Smithville, Ulster County, June 27, 1844, son of Andrew and Lina (Keldar) Hoffman. His grandparents were Peter S. and Anna (George) Hoffman, the former of whom was born in Dutchess County, and when a young man settled in Delaware County. He cleared a tract of land in the wilderness, built a log house, and from this humble beginning soon had under cultivation a good-sized farm, on which he lived nearly all his life. In politics he belonged to the Whig party. He died at the age of seventy, and his wife at the age of seventy-two. They left seven children - George, William, John, Edward, Andrew, Eliza, and Miranda.
Andrew, fifth son of Peter S. Hoffman, was born on the old homestead. Having received his education in the common schools, he learned the carpenter's trade, and soon built a new house on the farm, into which the family moved, as they had long since outgrown their quarters in the old log house. He was an all-round mechanic, making all the family shoes and many of the tools used on the farm, so that he proved himself to be a very useful member of the family. He married Lina Keldar, whose father was a farmer of Ulster County, and who lived to be about fifty-four years of age, leaving three children - Maria, Martin, and Lina. Andrew and Lina Hoffman had four children: Martin, who married Gertrude Kettle, and lives in Arkville; Arthur, who married Mary Carly, lives at Pine Hill, and has two children; Leonard, who married Rose Bidwell, lives at Catskill, and has two children; and Peter, the subject of this sketch. About the time of his marriage Mr. Hoffman bought a home at Clovesville, where he lived until his death, at fifty-three years of age. His wife died at the age of sixty-four. He was a Republican, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Peter Hoffman received his education in Middletown, and at the age of sixteen began working on the farm, at which he continued for two years. He then worked with his father at carpentering until 1862, when he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Forty-fourth New York Regiment, and served as a private until the close of the war. Upon his return, in July, 1865, he engaged in teaming, his route being from different places in the Catskills to Rondout. He ran a number of teams, and did a good business for three years. After leaving this business, he built and carried on for thirteen years a blacksmith-shop at Arkville. He then sold out, and at present keeps a fine summer resort in Arkville. It is situated on a fifty-acre lot, a part of the old Cogwin farm, formerly the camp-meeting ground, and also the site of the first church built in Middletown. This church having been destroyed by fire, the place was allowed to grow wild, and, when Mr. Hoffman bought it, was covered with quite a heavy growth of timber. Here he built, in 1886, a fine, commodious house, thirty by sixty feet, the main building being four stories high, and the L three stories. It has accommodations for nearly one hundred guests, and is generally filled in the summer with city boarders, some even staying as long as six months. It is an attractive location, and has fine drives. That Mr. Hoffman has made a success of his undertaking is very apparent, and speaks well for his enterprise and good business management.
Mr. Hoffman's wife, who died in 1894, at the age of fifty, deeply lamented, was Abigail, daughter of William and Phoebe (Sloat) Stone. Her father, a successful farmer of Clovesville, a Republican in politics, died when forty years old; and his wife lived to be sixty. They had three children --Theodore, Delia, and Abigail. Mr. Hoffman has four children, one of whom, Alice, is married to E. C. Rost, of New York, and has one child. Leon, Mary, and Harry are still at home. Mrs. Hoffman was an estimable woman, a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Hoffman is a Republican, is Notary Public, and has served three terms as Postmaster. He is a member of Margarettville Lodge, No. 389, A. F. & A. M.
SHERMAN B. LOOMIS is proprietor and manager of the Central House, at Walton, and Commander of the Ben Marvin Post, No. 209, Grand Army of the Republic, of the same town. He is in the prime of life, having been born July 15, 1842, in Madison County, New York, where his grandfather, Samuel Loomis, a native of New Hampshire, settled as a pioneer, and reared four children. His son George lived in North Brookfield. A daughter Eliza died in early womanhood. Roxy Loomis married Ezra Rice, and resided in Pennsylvania.
Brockholst Loomis, the other son of Samuel, was a life-long resident of Madison County, where he was born in 1807, and died in 1856. In 1831 he was united in marriage with Clarissa Fuller, who was born in Madison County in 1810, and lived in the same locality for sixty-seven years before being called to the realms of the blest. She was a devout member of the Methodist church, and was the descendant of a veteran of the Revolution, her grandfather Fuller having served as an officer in the war, under the command of General Washington. Her father was also prominent in military circles and was Captain of a company of militia in New Hampshire. When a comparatively young man, he removed to this State, and settled in Madison County, where he lived until his decease, at the age of forty-nine years. Of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Loomis were born eight children, briefly designated below: Freeman L. died at twenty-two years of age. George S., a resident of Sherburne, Chenango County, was a gallant soldier in the late Civil War, enlisting as a member of the One Hundred and Seventy-sixth New York Volunteer Infantry, in which he served one year, when he was honorably discharged on account of physical disability. Olive A. married Emory Shepardson, of East Hamilton, Madison County, where she died in 1869. William H., born in Hamilton, enlisted in the Tenth New York Cavalry, and served for three years, was detailed on staff duty, and was discharged as Orderly Sergeant; he died at the early age of thirty-six years, in 1874, at Frost Lake, Susquehanna County, Pa. Sherman B. is our subject. Henry, born in Madison County, was likewise a soldier during the late Rebellion, enlisting in 1863, in the One Hundred and Sixty-seventh New York Volunteer Infantry, to which he belonged until the time of his death, in Louisiana, from disease contracted in the army. Harriet A. died, aged twenty-two years, at Sherburne, Chenango County, N. Y.; and Lucius L. died in 1862, at the age of nine years.
Sherman B. Loomis was reared to farming pursuits, and received a substantial education in the schools of his native town. Inheriting in a large degree the patriotic blood that inspired the breasts of his ancestors, he responded to Lincoln's call for volunteers during the late civil conflict, and enlisted October 15, 1861, in the Sixty-first New York Volunteer Infantry, and the following two months was encamped at Staten Island. He subsequently went with his regiment to Washington, joining the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the many battles of the Peninsular campaign. He also served with bravery in the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. After the trying experiences on the fields of Gettysburg, Mr. Loomis lost his health, and was sent to the Annapolis hospital, and was afterward transferred to the care of the V. R. C., and at the expiration of his term of enlistment was honorably discharged, being mustered out of service October 17, 1864.
Returning from the scene of strife to the county of his birth, Mr. Loomis was appointed Postmaster of East Hamilton, a position which he retained two years. He also engaged in the hotel business in that village until his removal to Friendsville, Pa., where he was for six years a successful farmer. Removing thence to the village of Montrose, Pa., he entered the mercantile business, which he carried on for three years, then going into the hotel business. In 1888 Mr. Loomis came to Walton, and purchased the Central House, now one of the best-patronized places of public entertainment in this part of the county. Mr. Loomis is influential in political and social circles, being a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party, and the present commander of the Ben Marvin Post, No. 209, Grand Army of the Republic. He is a Trustee of Walton Lodge, No. 559, A. F. & A. M., belongs to the Salem Lodge of Perfection in Walton, and is Treasurer of the Order of Red Men.
During his residence in Friendsville, Pa., Mr. Loomis wooed and won for his life companion Miss Ellen F. Rice, a daughter of Ezra Rice, of that place; and their union has been blessed by the birth of one child, a son, named William E. Loomis, who was born in Friendsville, September 15, 1871.
GEORGE W. CRAWFORD, County Clerk of Delaware County, is a member of the enterprising firm of Crawford Brothers, carriage manufacturers in the village of Delhi, of which he is a highly esteemed citizen. He proudly claims Delaware as the county of his birth, which occurred March 12, 1859, in the town of Davenport. He is of New England antecedents. His grandfather, Samuel Crawford, emigrating to this State, settled in Cherry Valley, Otsego County, where he conducted a flour-mill and a saw-mill for some years, coming from there to Delaware County, and establishing himself in the lumber business in the town of Davenport.
John A. Crawford, son of Samuel, was born in Cherry Valley, where he first trod the pleasant paths of learning, afterward pursuing a further course of study at Franklin Academy. He began his business career as a dealer in lumber in the town of Davenport, where he is the owner of fourteen hundred acres of land, and operates a large steam sawmill, being the leading manufacturer in this line in the county. Politically, he is a warm supporter of the Republican party, is a man of influence in local and county affairs, and for four years, from 1879 till 1883, served as County Sheriff. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Ten Eyck, is a native of Albany County, and one of a large family of children born to Henry and Nancy (Goodrich) Ten Eyck. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford reared two children - George W. and Henry D. Both parents are active and faithful members of the Presbyterian church.
George W. Crawford was reared beneath the paternal roof, and received his education in the Davenport schools. He worked with his father in the lumber business until the fall of 1888, when he and his brother, H. D. Crawford, came to Delhi, and established their present prosperous business, which they are constantly enlarging and increasing. They are among the foremost manufacturers of carriages and wagons in the county, making traps, surreys, runabouts, for local trade, and making a specialty of an exceptionally fine line of lumber wagons, with tires ranging from two to five inches in width. These substantial wagons are sold in the Eastern and New York City markets.
Mr. Crawford, on the 1st of January, 1883, led to the altar Ada E. Smith, a daughter of Gilbert Smith, of Davenport Centre. Four children have come to bless this union - Edna, Nellie, Josie, and Mary. Before leaving Davenport, Mr. Crawford, who is a stanch Republican, served efficiently as Supervisor for two years. In the fall of 1888 he was elected to the responsible position of County Clerk, entering the office January 1, 1889, and performed its duties with such fidelity that he was re-elected in 1891. Mr. Crawford is a Master Mason, belonging to Delhi Lodge, No. 439, A. F. & A. M.; and he and his family attend the Presbyterian church.
GEORGE L. SCHAFFER, proprietor of the Schaffer House, and a man of high standing in the town of Roxbury, N. Y., was born in Schoharie County, July 14, 1843. His grandparents were Peter and Sally J. Schaffer, who emigrated to America before the Revolution, and settled in Connecticut. The grandfather was a native of Germany, while the grandmother was of Scotch birth. So Mr. Schaffer combines the characteristics of both races. Peter Schaffer served valorously as a Captain during the war for independence; and after the disbandment of the army he came to New York and purchased three hundred acres of forest land in Schoharie County, on what is now known as Benham Hill. Mr. Schaffer built a log house, and, beginning at once to clear the land, became a very successful farmer. Peter Schaffer lived to the age of eighty-nine years, and his wife was ninety-one at her death. They reared seven children - John, Andrew, James, Betsy, Polly, Margaret, and Sarah. Both lived and died in the faith of the Methodist church. Mr. Schaffer was a Democrat, and was identified with politics from the organization of our national government to his death.
Andrew Schaffer, the second son, grew to manhood on the farm, helping his father clear the land, and peeling from the trees the bark, which was sold to pay for it, being the principal source of ready money. His education was mostly obtained at the "fireside college," he having very little schooling. He served as a private in the War of 1812. Just before he left home he married Margaret Mulford, the daughter of Ephraim Mulford. After he came back, he bought his father's farm and began to improve the land and put up substantial buildings.
When he died, at fifty-one years of age, the farm was free from debt. His wife lived to be sixty-six years old. Both were members of the Methodist church. He was a Democrat, and held the offices of Supervisor and Poor Master. He had eight children - Patrick, Catherine, Henry, Jane, Abraham, Almey, Juliet, and George L. Schaffer.
George was but a boy when his father died; and at the age of fourteen he left the farm, and began to work summers and go to school winters on his summer's earnings. His first month's wages were only six dollars; but he got an increase, and soon was earning more than any boy of his age in the neighborhood.
When he was twenty years old, he received a license to teach. His first school was a very difficult one, which several teachers had given up as hopeless; but by tact and good judgment he was successful, and became very popular with the School Commissioners.
After giving up this school, he worked as a clerk for B. H. Avery, who kept a general merchandise store in Jefferson. At the end of two years he started in business with E. C. Baird; but after one year he sold out to his partner, and travelled with a cart, selling goods on the road. Then for a short time he kept a store at Benham, and subsequently was employed by an Albany grocery firm as a travelling salesman. He began hotel-keeping in Jefferson. In 1873 he bought his present hotel, called the Schaffer House, at Grand Gorge. He has remodelled the building and increased its accommodations. Besides doing a large local and commercial business, he takes city boarders during the summer.
At the age of twenty-one he married Jemima Gallop, daughter of Amos and Jemima (Fuller) Gallop, of Jefferson, and grand-daughter of Levi Gallop, one of the earliest settlers of Schoharie County. Mr. Schaffer has had two children, only one of whom is now living, namely: Myra E., who was born August 1, 1871, and in 1892 married Seymour N. Murphy, a commercial traveller representing the Amsterdam Woollen Manufacturing Company. Miles Schaffer was born August 15, 1872, and died when he was about six months old.
Mr. Schaffer is a Republican, and has held offices in the town. He is a member of Jefferson Lodge, No. 554, A. F. & A. M., and is a highly intelligent, popular, and prosperous citizen.
REV. ALBERT W. TERRY, proprietor of the Terry stock farm, one of the best-equipped summer resorts near Stamford, was born on this farm, March 19, 1856, in the town of Harpersfield, one mile from the village of Stamford. He is a great-grandson of Partial Terry, who went from Long Island and settled on what is now known as the Taylor farm in Jefferson, Schoharie County, which was then a complete wilderness with very few white people near.
David Terry, son of Partial Terry, came over the mountains, and took up a tract of one hundred and thirty-eight acres. There had been a "squatter" on this land before his arrival; but David Terry put up a small house, cleared the land, and took full possession. He became an extensive lumberman, cutting the timber, carrying it to the river below when the freshets came, and rafting it to Philadelphia. By selling this lumber he paid for his farm, and became one of the most prosperous men of his day. During his various trips to Philadelphia he learned brick-making, and upon his arrival home dug clay from the lake near his house, made bricks, and erected the first brick house in this part of the country, which is standing to-day, a model structure. It is made with marble window-sills, keystone in the arch over the door, with large and elaborate fireplaces in each end room. It is twenty by forty feet, two stories high, and patterned after the Philadelphia houses. Here he lived until his death, at the age of seventy-two; and his wife died when seventy-nine years old. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he was a Republican. They had eight children, seven of whom are now living - William, Edward, Albert, Anna, Eliza, Harriet J., Juliet, and Sarah.
William, the eldest son, and the father of the subject of this sketch, was born on the homestead, October 23, 1825, and received a district-school education. He married Mary C. Shaw, daughter of Alexander Shaw, who was born in Scotland, and came to Stamford when a boy. Here he married Marjorie Grant, who was born December 9, 1803, and was the daughter of Alexander and Jane (Thompson) Grant. Mr. and Mrs. William Terry had but one child, Albert, the subject of this biography. Mr. Terry went to Kingston, and with his two brothers engaged in extensive brick business; but at his father's death he came into possession of the farm. He sold his interests in this, however, and went to Buffalo, where he entered into a real estate business, which he conducted for some time. He then went to Ohio, and bought a stock farm, upon which he is living at the present day. Both he and his wife are members of the Congregational church.
Albert W. Terry received an excellent education, attending the Stamford Seminary and Kingston public school, and completing his course at the Oberlin Collegiate Normal School in Ohio, after having graduated from the Buffalo High School. Having completed his studies, he went to Kingston, and acted as treasurer for his father's firm for a short time, and then assisted in the office of a steamboat company in New York. He married Sarah J. Stevens, a teacher in the academey at Kingston, daughter of William Stevens, a farmer who lived and died in Lewis County. Mr. and Mrs. Terry have four children: Ruth Lowell, born October 28, 1884; Helen Stevens, born November 29, 1885; James Grant, born June 9, 1888; and Margaret Josephine, born February 24, 1891.
After marriage Mr. Terry returned to Ohio, and studied at the theological department of the Oberlin College, and served for five years as the pastor of the Congregational church. In the mean time the old home farm had come back into the possession of his father, and Mr. Terry now gave up his pastorate and undertook the management of this estate. Here he made many improvements, building a large barn and making of the old home a beautiful three-story house, finely furnished, in which he keeps about thirty city boarders. Mr. Terry has a dairy of Jerseys, twenty in number, and in his productive orchard and garden raises abundant fruit for the table.
WILLIAM J. DOIG, a prosperous young farmer in Bovina Centre, is the son of Walter L. and Jane (McNair) Doig, and was born in the town of Bovina, December 19, 1862, under the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, when the Civil War was at its height. In this year slavery in the District of Columbia was abolished by Congress, and forever prohibited in the Territories of the republic.
The history of Mr. Doig's family will be found in the sketch of his brother, Andrew T. Doig, which appears elsewhere in this volume. William J. Doig, the special subject of the present sketch, was educated in the district school, and early in life became familiar with the duties of a husbandman. His father having died, William still lives on the home farm, which he manages with marked success. He married Clara Margaret Sloan, daughter of David and Margaret (Hilson) Sloan, January 27, 1890. She was born in Bovina Centre, October 4, 1868. Her father now lives in California, but her mother died when only thirty years of age. Mr. Doig is a general and dairy farmer, keeping, besides other cattle, a fine herd of twenty-six grade Jerseys, from whose milk he averages no less than two hundred and eighty pounds of butter per head annually. This farm is especially adapted to the requirements of the dairy; for a fine natural and never-failing spring of water effects the temperature for cooling the cans, and also furnishes power by which the churning is done. Indeed, Mr. Doig has gilt-edged facilities for making gilt-edged butter; and every pound he puts upon the market proves that he thoroughly understands the business he has undertaken.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Doig is blessed by the benign presence of his mother; and it is also brightened by one child, a little daughter, Jennie M. Doig, who was born November 10, 1891. The family are members of the United Presbyterian church at Bovina Centre, which was formed largely by the untiring efforts of their worthy ancestor, Walter Doig, one of the enterprising pioneer settlers of the town. In politics our subject is a Republican, living up to the traditions of the Doig family, of which he is an excellent and popular representative. The Doigs live in much comfort, the old farm being a pleasant abiding-place; and their residence is a fine specimen of the homes possessed by our prosperous and enlightened agriculturists.
ELRA MOSEMAN, an enterprising merchant of Halcottsville, was born in the town of Halcott, Greene County, March 23, 1869, a son of William H. and Margaret (Whitney) Moseman. His grandparents were Birdsill and Chloe (Faulkner) Moseman, the former of whom, when a young man, traveled afoot through the forest to Hunter, Greene County, where he obtained employment in cutting wood at fifty cents a cord, thus earning the first dollar he ever had. He worked in this way through the winter, boarding himself, and gaining early experience in industry and thrift. He married Chloe Faulkner, and bought a farm in Halcott, where J. Scudder now lives. Improving the farm, he lived upon it for some time, then sold it, and bought another one at Windham, where he lived about eighteen years. He then sold it, and bought another farm in the south part of the town, where his son opened a small store. After some time he divided this farm into house-lots, and started a pretty village, now called Big Hollow, which is rapidly increasing in population. It has a school, three churches, one store, a blacksmith-shop, etc., all due to the enterprise of the Moseman family. Mr. Moseman lived to be eighty-three years of age. His wife still survives him. He was a life-long Democrat, and a member of the Free Methodist Episcopal Church. He left five children--William H., Susie, Mattie, Robert, and John.
William H. Moseman received his education in the district school in Halcott. At the age of twenty-one he bought a one-hundred and sixty acre farm in the town, where he lived two or three years, and then sold out and bought a farm of one hundred acres at Big Hollow. Two years after, his health failing, he went into the mercantile business. He built a store at Big Hollow, started on a small scale, and gradually increased the business, but was finally obliged to give it up on account of ill-health, having been in the business eleven years.
Mr. Moseman is now living a retired left at Big Hollow. He married Margaret, daughter of Alfred and Phebe (Hammond) Whitney, and has two children: Mattie, living at home; and Elra, subject of sketch. In politics Mr. Moseman is a stanch Democrat.
Elra Moseman, the subject of our sketch, was educated at Big Hollow. After leaving school he worked in his father's store for one year, and then took half-interest in the business. A year later he sold his interest; and after some time spent in looking for a good location he became associated with A. A. Lewis at Windham, with whom he remained two years. Next he was employed as clerk in the hotel. From there he came to Halcottsville, and formed a partnership with F. W. Faulkner in the general merchandise business. This partnership continued six months, when Mr. Faulkner sold out his interest to Robert Moseman, and uncle of Elra. A short time after the formation of this new partnership Robert Moseman died, and Elra is now carrying on the business alone. In addition to the usual merchandise, he carries a good line of agricultural implements, drugs, etc.
Mr. Moseman married Mary A. Lockwood, daughter of Milo and Adaline (Lord) Lockwood. Her father is a well-known and progressive farmer of East Jewett, and has four children: George, who married Nancy Woodworth, and has one child; Mary, wife of Mr. Moseman; Henry, who married Lena Peterson, of East Jewett; and Pierce, who lives at home. Elra Moseman has two children: Lloyd, born November 18, 1888; and Gertrude, born November 29, 1890. Like his father and grandfather, he adheres to the principles of the Democratic party, and like them is energetic and enterprising. He is liberal in his religious views.
EUGENE THOMAS KEATOR, of Roxbury, Delaware County, was born October 18, 1863, a son of Thomas B. and Maria Sturgis Keator, and a grandson of Jacob C. Keator. His great-grandfather, Cornelius Keator, came to Delaware County with his wife, Jenny S. Keator, and bought the fifty acres of land now owned by Thomas B. Keator. He built a small house, which he afterward enlarged, and kept an inn. He had six children--Isaac, Jacob, Abraham, Betsy, Rachel, and Polly. Their mother died young; but their father married again, and lived to the great age of ninety-four.
Jacob Cornelius Keator, son of Cornelius, was seven years old when he came with his parents to Delhi, where he afterward married Elizabeth Smith, a daughter of David and Jenny Moore Smith. David Smith came over from Scotland, and settled in Delhi, where he was known as one of the most progressive men of his time. His children were: John M., Jairus, Maria, Jeannette, David, Bruce, Jane, James, William, Elizabeth, and Ann. Before his marriage Jacob C. Keator learned shoemaking with George Frisbee. His father then gave him fifty acres on the flats where the old red house now stands. Later Mr. Keator became an extensive land-owner, at one time owning seven farms, upon one of which, in 1820, he built a house a story and a half high. In 1848 he completed the comfortable farm-house where he lived until his death, at ninety years of age, having been born November 23, 1797. He had seven children.
His son, Thomas B. Keator, was born on the old homestead in 1826, and until his eighteenth year was a pupil at the district school. He finished his education at the Ferguson Academy, graduating after only four terms, and then worked with his father until his thirty-fifth year. On January 14, 1862, he married Maria Sturgis, a daughter of George and Sarah Sturgis, and a descendant of Aaron Burr. George Sturgis had eight children--David, Levi, John, Salina, Elizabeth, Mary, Maria, and Charles Sturgis. The children of Thomas B. And Maria (Sturgis) Keator are Eugene T. and his sister, Sarah L., who was born August 15, 1865.
Eugene T. Keator was educated at the Roxbury Academy, and worked on the old homestead until his twenty-fifth year, when he bought a farm of two hundred and forty-five acres in the northern part of Roxbury, now owned by H. Reed. Mr. Keator spend four successful years in raising Holstein cattle, and was the owner of the noted Morgan stallion, but thereafter sold the farm in order to buy the large boarding-house formerly owned by Dr. J. J. Keator, which he has since converted into a first-class hotel; and through Mr. Keator's good management it has become a favorite summer resort for fashionable city boarders. The grounds are beautifully laid out, with paths sloping down to the Delaware River, which flows through the estate. Mr. Keator married Lillian Mayham, daughter of Lorenzo and Emma (Brewster) Mayham. Mr. Keator is a Republican, and has held many small offices in the town. In religious views he is very liberal.
SHERMAN BISBEE, a retired farmer, living in Meredith Square, has long been numbered among the most substantial men in the business and agricultural community of this part of Delaware County, being possessed of more than average ability, great resolution, and energy of character, and those qualities upon which the prosperity of a town and county depend. He has spent his entire life in this section of the county, Delhi having been the place of his birth, which occurred June 6, 1828. He comes of stanch old New England stock. His grandfather, Elisha Bisbee, who was of Massachusetts birth, came to Meredith as one of its early settlers, and, purchasing a tract of forest land, carried on farming until his death, which was caused by a cancer. To him and his wife were born five children--Allen, Elisha, Sumner, Harrison, and Bathsheba.
Of the children above mentioned, Sumner was the father of Sherman. He was born in Massachusetts, learned the tanner's trade, and worked at it there until after his marriage, when he came with his wife and one or two children to this county. His first occupation after coming here was in the saw-mill with his father, where he remained some time. Then, buying a partly cleared farm in Meredith, he was engaged in agricultural pursuits several years, but ultimately went West, where his last years were spent. His wife was Charlotte Crane, one of several children born to Sumner Crane, a former resident of Massachusetts, but later one of the successful farmers of Meredith. They reared a family of nine children--Sumner, Charlotte, Sherman, Oman, Nancy Ann, Francis, Julia, Angelia, and Harriet.
Sherman was reared on the farm and educated in the district school, remaining a member of the parental household until attaining his majority. He was an industrious boy, and in his earlier years became an adept in the various branches of agricultural industry. He began his independent career on the farm of Reuben Meekey, his father-in-law, carrying it on with success for twenty-five consecutive years. After the death of Mr. Meekey he came into possession of the estate, and continued its care and improvement until 1893, when, having by industry and judicious management accumulated a competency, he retired from the active pursuits of life.
Mr. Bisbee was married in 1859 to Miss Adelia Meekey, the only daughter of the late Reuben Meekey, a farmer of Meredith, representative of an old family. Mr. and Mrs. Bisbee have an adopted daughter. In politics Mr. Bisbee supports the Prohibition ticket; and he and his wife are sincere members of the Baptist church, of which he is a Trustee.
NOVATUS M. BLISH, of Stamford, is a great-grandson of David Blish, a native of Connecticut, and a lineal descendant of Abraham Blish, who settled in Dusbury, Mass., in 1637, buying a farm of twenty acres at what is known as Eagle's Nest. In 1640 Abraham removed to Barnstable, Cape Cod, where he was among the first settlers, residing in the western part of the town, which is known as Great Marshes; and this property was owned by the Blish family for over two hundred years. July 17, 1658, Abraham Blish purchased for seventy-five pounds a farm called the Dolar Davis place, situated in the eastern part of the town, which was known as the common field, and since that period has been called Blish's Point. He was an active, energetic man, prominent in all town affairs, and died September 7, 1683, leaving a numerous family. Many of his posterity took an active part in the Revolution and the War of 1812, some also in the French and Indian War.
Aaron Blish, son of David, was born in Connecticut and married Roxie Webster, of the same State. In 1790, they moved to Stamford, Delaware County, where he purchased two hundred acres of wild land, which he cleared and improved, building a log house. He belonged to the State militia, and was well known as Colonel Blish. He was an active member of the United Presbyterian church at South Kortright, was a Whig in politics, and held the office of Justice of the Peace. Disposing of his first farm, he purchased one at Rose Brook, where he and his wife passed away, both having reached the age of seventy-five years. Of their ten children, three are still living: Mrs. Sally Gould, of Stamford; Mrs. Elmira French, of Otsego County; and Mrs. Emily Sutherland, of St. Paul, Minn.
Their son, Novatus Blish, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Litchfield, Conn., but grew to manhood in the town of Stamford. He learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for some years, and then purchased a farm and adopted a farmer's life. Moving to Roxbury, he kept a general store for about five years, selling it at the expiration of that time, and returning to Stamford, where he became possessor of a farm of one hundred and fifty acres and a store. These he operated for twenty-one years, adding land from time to time to his original purchase, until at his death he owned two hundred and fifty acres. He was a practical and successful business man, a Democrat in politics; and he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian church at South Kortright. He came to his death at the age of fifty-seven years by falling from a scaffold. He married Mrs. Mary Mapes Barlow, of Albany County; and she died at the old homestead when seventy-four years of age, leaving two children by her first husband and six by Mr. Blish, Namely: Joseph Barlow, a resident of Ripon, Wis., and his sister, Mrs. Harriet Silliman, wife of A. G. Silliman, of Hobart; Mary, who died when sixty-one years of age, the wife of William S. Foot, of Hobart; Novatus M., the subject of this biography; David P., who lives at Atchison, Kan., and is engaged in the wholesale hardware business; Alonzo, who died at the age of seventy-five; Aaron, who passed away when sixty years old; and Henry, a resident of Broome County.
Novatus M. Blish was born in Roxbury July 16, 1828, and grew up in the town of Stamford, attending the district school, and later the Hanford Academy at Hobart. When nineteen years of age, after the death of his father, he assumed the charge of the old homestead, and settled his father's business affairs. He then purchased the home farm and the store, operating the latter until 1861, when he sold it. Until 1892 he occupied the old home, but then moved away to make room for his son. He increased the extent of the farm land to four hundred and thirty acres, making it one of the largest and most productive farms in the town. Here he operated a dairy, in which industry he was very successful.
On September 22, 1849, Novatus M. Blish married Miss Marietta Cowan, who was born in Stamford, December 13, 1830, a daughter of John and Nellie (Grant) Cowan. Mrs. Blish passed away March 25, 1893, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Griffin, having been the mother of four children: Charles A., born in 1852, and at present the General Agent of the Portland Insurance Company in San Francisco, Cal., where he resides with his wife and four children; Helen, who was the wife of Bruce Chisholm, but has passed away; John C., who is married, has one child, and lives on the old homestead; Mr. Etta Griffin, wife of Thomas Griffin, and mother of two children--Bruce B. And Kenneth B. Mr. Blish is a Presbyterian and a Republican, having held the office of Justice of the Peace for twelve years and Justice of the Session for two terms. He has now retired from active business, and lives with his daughter, Mrs. Griffin. An upright, trustworthy man, he holds an exalted position in the regard of all who are fortunate enough to claim his acquaintance.
MORRILL BURRELL, Postmaster at Davenport Centre, and a leading merchant of the town, is numbered among the active and enterprising citizens of Delaware County, of which he is a native. His grandfather, Caleb Burrell, was for many years an esteemed resident of this town, but later lived in Otsego County. He reared a family of six children, his son Charles being the father of the subject of this brief sketch.
Charles Burrell has spent the larger part of his life in Davenport. He is now a resident of the village, where he is carrying on a substantial nursery business, his enterprise and intelligent application to this branch of horticulture being rewarded by eminent success. To him and his wife, formerly Catherine Rowe, a native of Davenport, four children have been born; namely, Herman, Anna, Morrill, and Seymour.
Morrill, the second son of his parents, was born on July 26, 1865, and was reared on the farm of his father, receiving a practical education in the days of his youth. Farming not being congenial to his tastes, when quite a young man he established himself in a mercantile business as a dealer in groceries; and, having in the course of a year built up a good trade, he was encouraged to build his present store, which is one of the finest of its kind in the place. He carries a complete stock of general merchandise, containing all the articles usually called for by the country or village housewife, and has an extensive and lucrative business.
In 1892 Mr. Burrell married Nellie Ward, the accomplished daughter of Dexter Ward, a mechanic residing in Davenport; and their home is one of the genial and hospitable places of resort in the village. Mr. Burrell, politically, is an uncompromising Democrat, and has served as Town Clerk three years. In 1893 he was appointed Postmaster, and is fulfilling the duties of the office with fidelity and to the satisfaction of all concerned. Both he and his wife are earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
JOHN McGIBBON, a prominent farmer of the town of Walton, Delaware County, N.,Y., was born January 7, 1854, only son of Robert and Margaret McGibbon. Robert McGibbon was a native of Scotland, but came to this country with his father when quite young. He was brought up to agricultural pursuits, and settled upon the farm which is now owned by his son, the subject of this sketch. He was one of the leading men of his vicinity, and was highly respected as a man of sterling worth. His death occurred on the old homestead at the age of fifty-three. He and his wife were the parents of two children, John and Mary. Mrs. Margaret McGibbon spent her last days in the village of Walton, where she died in 1884.
John McGibbon received a good common school education, and remained at home working on the land, being still a young man at the time of his father's death on which event he assumed control of this excellent farm of one hundred and seventy-five acres. Here he keeps a very large dairy, making a celebrated grade of butter. He has a fine maple orchard of eight hundred trees. He uses a Vermont evaporator, and has made as high as two thousand five hundred pounds of sugar in one season. Mr. McGibbon has always taken an active interest in politics, being a strong supporter of the Republican party. He was elected to the office of Excise Commissioner, a position which he filled in a most capable manner for three years. In 1882 he was elected Highway Commissioner; and so well and acceptably did he fill that important office that he was re-elected each year until 1888, and has been again elected this present year, 1894. In this capacity Mr. McGibbon has done an immense amount of work, being instrumental in building several important bridges, among others being the iron bridge at Walton over the Delaware River.
Mr. McGibbon was married in 1876 to Miss Nettie C. McDonald, a daughter of David G. McDonald, an old settler of this locality, presumably also of Scotch origin.
Mr. and Mrs. McGibbon have give bright and interesting children; namely, Maria L., Robert F., Margaret, Jane A., and Donald D. In religious views Mr. McGibbon is a supporter of the United Presbyterian church, of which his wife is a member. Mr. McGibbon has always been known as one of the thoroughly representative men of his district, ever ready and willing to devote his time and influence to the best interests of the community. A man of the highest probity and honor, his character is unstained.
In close proximity to the present sketch will be found a portrait of this useful and esteemed citizen.
EDWARD S. METCALF, a prosperous farmer residing about a mile south of West Davenport, extensively engaged in general farming, stock-raising, and dairying, was born in Davenport on October 29, 1846. His grandfather, Ira Metcalf, was among the early settlers of the town, where he cleared and improved a tract of wooded land; but he subsequently removed to Fox Lake, Wis.
Edward W. Metcalf, son of Ira, was born in Davenport, and from his earliest years was engaged in farming, first on the paternal homestead and later on a rented farm, where he lived five years. He then bought a farm in Stamford, and was for many years one of the leading farmers of the locality. He married Fannie Smith, the daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth Smith, who reared a large family of children, the following being their names: Maria; Harriet; Keturah; Phoebe; Emma, the only one now living; Mary; Fannie, Mrs. Metcalf; and Charles. Three children were born into the parental household, namely: Edward S., of this sketch; Albert, formerly a farmer in Davenport, but now engaged as a butcher in Stamford; and Spencer, who died at the age of thirteen years. The parents were both earnest workers in the Presbyterian church at Stamford, the father being an Elder, and both being prominently connected with the Sunday-school.
Young Edward was reared and educated in Stamford, whither his parents removed about four years after his birth. From the district school he proceeded to Stamford Seminary, where he took a full course of study, after his graduation being employed for two years as a teacher in the public schools. In 1880 Mr. Metcalf removed to Meredith, where he rented a farm for eight years. Removing then to Oneonta, he assisted his brother-in-law in the milk business for a year. Desirous of becoming a land-owner, Mr. Metcalf then came to Davenport and hired the farm where he now lives, and which he purchased at the end of the year. It contains one hundred and seventy-two acres of choice land. He has been principally engaged in dairying and general farming, keeping graded Jerseys and raising some stock. Mr. Metcalf's career as a farmer and dairyman has been characterized by shrewd common sense and good business habits. In politics he is a strong Republican, actively advocating the principles of that party.
In 1876, the centennial year, Mr. Metcalf was united in marriage with Emma T. Goodrich, the daughter of Ira Goodrich, a thriving farmer of Davenport. Two children have been born of this union, one of whom, Lennie, is now living. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf occupy a good position among the intelligent and thrifty inhabitants of the community, and during their residence here have made many warm friends. They are both esteemed members of the Methodist church at West Davenport, and are active workers in the Sunday-school, he being superintendent, and his wife one of its most faithful teachers.
DAVID L. WIGHT, County Superintendent of the Poor, and an active, wide-awake agriculturist of the town of Delhi, is a native of this county, having opened his eyes to the light October 6, 1856, in the town of Bovina. Like some other of Delhi's most thrifty and intelligent citizens, Mr. Wight is of Scotch extraction, being the son of William Wight, a native of Scotland.
Thomas Wight, the father of William, lived among the banks and braes of the land of Scott and Burns for many years before he sought the shores of America, bringing with him his family, and settling in Bovina, near Lake Delaware. He took up a timbered tract, from which he improved a homestead, where he and his faithful helpmate, who performed her full share of pioneer labor, resided until called to the life immortal. They were people of great moral worth, and members of the Presbyterian church, in which he served as Deacon for many years. Their family contained the following children: John, James, William, Thomas, Nancy, Margaret, and Betsy.
William Wight was the third son born to his parents, and was quite young when he came with them to this country. He was reared to the occupation of a farmer; and after the death of his father he assumed the management of the old homestead, where he and his good wife, Isabella Laidlaw, a native of Scotland, resided until a few years since, when they both came to the home of our subject. They are held in high respect throughout the community, and are worthy members of the Presbyterian church. Four of their five children grew to maturity, as follows: David L.; Jennie, who married Elmer Hall, the son of Richard Hall, of Delhi; Thomas G.; and Nellie.
David L. Wight was educated in the district school and Delaware Academy, and acquired a practical knowledge of farming in all of its branches on the paternal homestead. He was subsequently engaged in contracting for several years, and, having accumulated some money, invested it in the farm of over one hundred acres which he now owns and occupies. In addition to general farming, he keeps a large dairy of graded Jerseys, selling the milk to the creamery.
On February 23, 1887, Mr. Wight was united in marriage to Carrie Coe, a daughter of Charles W. And Elizabeth Coe, and a grand-daughter of Elihu Coe, who was the son of Cyrus Coe, a life-long resident of Connecticut. Elihu Coe was born and reared to manhood in that State, but after marriage removed to Hamden, N.Y., where he cleared a tract of wild land, which after his death came into the possession of his son Charles, the father of Mrs. Wight, who resided there until his death, at the age of sixty-five years. Mrs. Elizabeth Coe is still living, making her home in Walton, but managing the farm. She and her husband had five children, as follows: Emma, who is the widow of Milton Wilson; Olive, deceased, who married a farmer of Delhi; Wilbur; Carrie, Mrs. Wight; and Melissa, who married Malcolm Launt.
Mr. and Mrs. Wight are the parents of three children--Bessie Coe, Isabella, and Charles David. Mr. Wight is a member of the Grange, and belongs to Delhi Lodge, NO. 439, A.F. & A.M. He is a stanch adherent of the Republican party, and has served as Highway and Street Commissioner. In 1890 he was elected County Superintendent of the Poor for a term of three years, performing the duties of the office so satisfactorily that in 1893 he was re-elected to this position. He and his good wife are valued members of the Presbyterian church, in which all of his children have received the rite of baptism.
WILLIAM EDWARD JENNER, M.D., physician and surgeon, one of the leading practitioners of Walton, Delaware County, comes of distinguished stock, and is a native of Sandgate, County Kent, England, born on the eight day of December, 1857. He is a descendant of the world-renowned Dr. Edward Jenner, discoverer of vaccination, who was born May 17, 1749, at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England.
Richard B. Jenner, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born and educated in Wiltshire, England, and in early life was married to Sarah Pierce, a native of Hastings, their nuptials being solemnized in the town of Sandgate, where they settled. He embarked in the drug trade, in which he met with excellent success, carrying it on for some years. He possessed good financial ability, and, subsequently engaging in the banking business, accumulated a valuable property. He remained in Sandgate, numbered among its valued and respected citizens, until his death in 1889. Mrs. Jenner is still living in England, a member of the Anglican church. Of the eleven children born to them, we record the following: Agnes, an unmarried lady, who lives at Sangate; Alice, who is the wife of Richard Fynnemore, and resides in Sandgate; Mary, who is the wife of James Kennett, and resides at Folkestone, England; Harry, who lives in Springfield, Mo.; William Edward, the subject of this sketch; Bessie, who is a resident of Toronto, Canada, a certified nurse, and a graduate of Charing Cross Hospital, London, England, of Crumpsall Infirmary, Manchester, England, and of Victoria Hospital, Folkestone, England; Herbert, who is Cashier in a bank, and a resident of Sandgate; Edith, the wife of William Fanclough, who lives in Toronto, Canada; Beatrice, who is engaged in teaching in Bonn on the Rhine, in Germany; Dorothea, who lives in Sandgate; and John, the owner of a ranch in New Mexico.
William E. Jenner was educated in the city of London, and after leaving school was employed in the drug store of his father for five years. He was subsequently graduated from the school of pharmacy in London. In 1885 he came to America, and spent the first year in Austin, Tex., engaged as a druggist. He followed the same business in San Antonio another year, and then continued it in Brooklyn, N.Y. He next entered the office of Dr. Hutchinson, of Brooklyn, and in the meantime attended medical lectures at Long Island Hospital, from which he was graduated in the class of 1889. After practicing for a year in Brooklyn, Dr. Jenner visited the scenes of his early life, spending some time with his relatives and friends across the water. In the autumn of 1893 he settled in the village of Walton, opening a drug store and engaging in general practice, and is meeting with good success in both. He is a man of superior mental culture, capable in business, and has already won the confidence of the people to a large extent. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Walton Lodge, No. 559, and is likewise a member of the Brooklyn Medical Association.
In the month of February, 1892, Dr. Jenner was united in marriage with Ella (Chrisman) Raymond. Mrs. Jenner is the daughter of Abraham Chrisman, who was a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Delaware County. She had been previously married, her first husband having been Howard Raymond, a conductor on the Ontario & Western Railway, who was accidentally killed on the road. Of her union with Mr. Raymond one child was born, a fine boy, named Floyd Raymond.
GEORGE GANOUNG, an enterprising business man of Roxbury, was born in this town in 1846, and has lived an honorable and useful life in the community in which his lot has been cast. He comes of French descent through the paternal line, being a great-grandson of John Ganoung, who came from France, and who received his grant of land in Putnam County directly from King George, gold and silver being reserved as in all the Colonial patents, to the crown. John, the emigrant ancestor, was married twice. His second wife was Abigail, widow of a Mr. Sloat; and of this marriage eight children were born--Devoe, Sniffin, Harry, Horace, John, Hannah, Sarah, and Ebenezer.
Devoe was born in Putnam County on February 11, 1788, and came with his father to Delaware County when six years old. His life was passed in this locality, where he raised a family of eight children--John, Sally, Hannah, Jane, Julia, Thomas, Sniffin, and Edward. Devoe Ganoung may be called a pioneer farmer, since his land was cleared from the primeval forest growth. This estate is now owned by Eber Cartwright, and is one of the finest farms in the valley. The sturdy, energetic farmer whose toilsome tilling of the virgin soil was crowned by well-deserved success, lived to the advance age of ninety years. His wife, Sarah (Gregory) Ganoung, lived also to a green old age.
Sniffin, the father of the Roxbury manufacturer whose name forms the initial word of this sketch, was born at Batavia Kill. At the age of six years he went to live with his uncle Sniffin. When he grew up, he bought out his uncle's estate in the town of Roxbury, now belonging to J. W. Scudder. Besides following other avocations, he was a successful horse dealer, traveling back and forth across the country as far west as the Niagara River on horseback. In 1869 he took up his residence near the Roxbury depot, and opened a store. He married Electra, the daughter of Hiram and Sally (Berden) Kelly.
George Ganoung lived with his great-uncle when a small boy, and was educated at the Roxbury Academy. He showed in early life an aptitude for the use of tools, and, after working for a time as a clerk, naturally drifted from the counter to the mechanic's bench. He was employed as foreman in a sash and blind factory, where business detail as well as mechanical proficiency was thoroughly mastered, laying the foundation of the prosperous business in which he afterward embarked. Coming into possession of the property, once owned by his uncle, he built a large mill in 1870, which has since been enlarged, and established a sash, blind, and door factory, and a saw and planing mill. In 69 he married Josephine Aiken, a daughter of Benjamin H. And Pauline (Mead) Aiken. A daughter, Ora, blessed this marriage in 1879. Mr. Ganoung has the best wishes of all those who rejoice in seeing the reward of effort bestowed upon him who justly deserves it.
Index to Biographical Review