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Biographical Review - 1895
The Leading Citizens of Delaware County, NY

This volume contains Biographical Sketches of The Leading Citizens of Delaware County New York
Biography is the home aspect of history
Biographical Review Publishing Company 1895

Section 12 - pages 551 through 588

HENRY W. HUNT, a popular resident of Hancock, N.Y., was born in Thompson, Sullivan County, December 19, 1828. His grandfather, John Hunt, who was of Irish descent on the paternal side, and Dutch on the maternal, was born in Woodstock, Ulster County, where the family were early pioneers. He married a daughter of Captain Cortright, one of the most prominent men in Ulster County, who commanded the company in the Revolutionary War in which Henry Hunt's great-grandfather served. John Hunt resided at Woodstock when the Indians and Tories raided that section of the country, leaving desolation and ruin behind. The family had just time to flee to the block-house in the village before their house was destroyed. At the close of the war John Hunt resumed his former occupation of farming in his native town, remaining there until the latter part of the century, when he removed to Sullivan County and became a pioneer settler of Thompson, dying there at an advanced age. He was a starch Whig. His wife lived to be over ninety years of age, retaining all her faculties until the last, and remembering many interesting anecdotes of the Indian wars, which she related to her children and grandchildren.

Jacob Hunt , son of John and father of the subject of this biography, was also born in Woodstock, the date of his birth being February 1, 1802. He was but seven years of age when he removed with his parents to Sullivan County, where he assisted his parents on the home farm. There were four children; Jacob; Abraham; Allsop; and Jane, who married a German miller, Henry Dalmetch, of Binghamton. Jacob Hunt was a carpenter and farmer, and married Nellie Wynkoop, who was descended from an old Dutch family of New York State, and owned a farm in Sullivan County adjoining that of John hunt. Jacob Hunt was a large man of wonderful strength and indomitable courage, who was always called upon to settle disputes in the town where he was a prominent and much respected citizen. He later purchased a farm in Galilee, Pa., and there passed his last days, dying when over eighty years of age. He was three times married, the result of his first union being eleven children, as follows; Henry, David, Hulda, Mary, Ennace, Nancy J., Jacob, John, Abraham, Reuben, and Francis-all of whom are now living except David, who died in 1884 in Wisconsin. Hulda married Addison Pullis, a lumberman of Galilee, Pa.; Mary is the wife of George Ralston, a farmer in Jackson County, Wis.; Ennace married Wesley Wilcox, of Galilee; and Nancy is the wife of Charles Weeks, of Thompson, Sillivan County.

Henry W. Hunt was educated in his native town, and learned the blacksmith's and carpenter's trades, which he followed for fifteen years. August 12, 1855, he married Rachel Tyler, daughter of Smith and Polly [Baxter] Tyler. The Tyler family was one of the first to settle in Hancock, and gave the name to several localities of this section. The Baxters were also pioneers here, Jesse Baxter, grandfather of Mrs. Hunt, being one of the original settlers of Harvard in the town of Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt have had four children, namely; Ophelia, born June 28, 1856, who died May 29, 1858; Polly E., who was born March 1, 1858, married George W. Pine, of Thompson, Sullivan County, and was the mother of three children-Blanche, Frederick M., and Floy L.; Marshall, born February 27, 1860, a contractor in New York City; and Carrie. who was born December 13, 1866, and married Frank Verdon, a telegraph operator at Maybrook, Orange County.

Mr Hunt was Justice of the Peace for two terms in Thompson, and is a member of the East Branch Camache Tribe of Red Men. He is a Republican in politics, having cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, and has supported the party since that time. Mrs. Hunt is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the family is universally esteemed throughout the town where they reside.

REV. JACOB B. VAN HOUSEN, a venerated and much beloved clergyman of Roxbury, N. Y., was born in the town of Fulton, Schoharie County, November 21, 1817. His grandfather, Francis Van Housen, of Dutch ancestry, was born in Hudson, Columbia County, and was a private and Sergeant in the Revolutionary army. He married Hannah Daniels, and soon after came to Schoharie County, in 1795, and built a log cabin in the wilderness near West Fulton. He cleared five acres of land, raising a little grain, which he was obliged to take on a sled drawn by an ox team sixteen miles through the forest to be ground. The road that was cut by this travel may still be seen. He died at the age of seventy. He was a member of the Baptist church, and was a Democart in politics. Mr and Mrs Van Housen had a family of seven children; Levi, Asa, Lemuel, Elizabeth, Louisa, Polly, and Hannah.

Levi Van Housen, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Columbia County, working with his father, until he took possession of the farm, which he afterward sold. Moving to Richmondville, he purchased a farm on one hundred and eighteen acres, and remained thereon about eight years. He then changed his abode to Summit , and from there to Worcester, Otsego County. While in the forest after wood, a falling tree struck him breaking his back. This occurred in the prime of his life, he being but fifty-nine years of age at the time of his death. He married Hannah Baird, to whom fourteen children were born; namely, Jacob Baird, Lemuel P., Erastus R., Leroy B., John F., Jason B., Harriet, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarinda, Lydia Ann, Melissa, and Emeline. Mr. Levi Van Housen, like his father, was a member of the Baptist church and a Democart in politics, and held many offices in the town.

Jacob Baird Van Housen was educated in Fulton Academy, and afterward learned the blacksmith's trade. At the age of twenty-four he gave up this occupation, and, having studied for the ministry, was ordained pastor of the Second Summit church. Here he officiated for three years, and then moved to Flat Creek, Schoharie County, where he remained seven years, then removed to Stamford, Delaware County, preaching also at other places. He came to Roxbury in October, 1892. He married Rachel M. Brazie, daughter of Peter and Ann [Noonon] Brazie, her father being a farmer of Summit, Schoharie County. Mr. and Mrs. Van Housen have had three children; Mary S., who married Dr. E. Cowle, of Fishkill, Dutchess County, N.Y., and has two children-Hattie M. and Frank J.; Levi J. who was born December 25, 1857, and married Jennie A. Grant, daughter of James and Hannah [Curr] Grant, and has seven children-Carrie May, Emma C., Mary Inez, Charles G., Frank C., Edward J., and Maudie A.[deceased]; and died July 26, 1864.

The Rev.Mr. Van Housen bought the Carter estate in the town of Roxbury, on the Windham turnpike. His son Levi J. takes charge of it, carrying on a large dairy, and is a very progressive farmer. LeciJ. is a Democart, his father a Prohibitionist. In his fifty-three years of ministerial labor Mr. Van Housen has preached eight thousand sermons and baptized about four hundred people. Today, at the age of seventy-seven, he is an active man, still preaching the gospel, and doing good wherever he goes. Many are the hearts that he has brought to the light and made glad by his teachings.

WILLIAM WAKEFIELD, a man who began life in the most humble circumstances, by ardent energy, untiring industry, and strict adherence to honorable business principles, has made for himself a reputation and acquired a competency, which he now enjoys in his beautiful home in Walton. His father, Hiram Wakefield, was the son of Jesse Wakefield, of Connecticut, and one of a family of five children, all of whom married and lived to a good old age.He was born in 1812, in Middletown, Delaware County, where he married Miss Elmira Kittle, the result of this union being six children, one of whom, named Josephine, was drowned in early childhood. Another, Peter Wakefield, who was a most successful farmer in Franklin, died November 13, 1893, in his fifty-seventh year, leaving a goodly fortune to his wife and two daughters. Amanda, widow of Horatio Pomeroy, lives in North Walton. Sophronia and Lydia Jane are single, and live in Franklin. Hiram Wakefield was a humble farmer, and after many years of ceaseless toil died in Franklin, in 1885, his wife two years later following him to the eternal home.

William Wakefield was born in Middletown, Delaware County, in 1833, and was reared in the dairy drudgery of farm life, receiving only the limited education which the district schools of the town could furnish. When but twenty-one, he married, in 1854, Miss Rachel Russell, of Hamden, who died childless in 1856. In 1858 he agin married, his second wife being Margaret Davidson, of Delhi, daughter of George and Margaret [Dunn] Davidson, who were both natives of England. Mr. Davidson died at his home in Delhi in 1886, in his eighty-third year. He had a family of fourteen children. His widow and nine children survive him. Mrs. Davidson lives in Hamden, a feeble lady of eighty-seven years. Thomas Davidson, a brother of Mrs. Wakefield, and a volunteer in the late Civil War, was killed in the battle of Honey Hill, when but twenty years old. A brave young man, just starting out on life's career, there he lies buried among his comrades who died for their country's freedom and the honor of their nation's flag. John Davidson, another brother, also fought in his country's service, being wounded in battle, and dying from the effects of that wound, now sleeps in the old cemetery at West Delhi. Other members of the family are the following; Grace, now deceased, who left four children by her first marriage, with Richard Thompson, her second husband being John Scott; Isabella, wife of Henry Scott, who lives in Delhi, and has four children; Mrs. Wakefield; George W.; Eleanor J., widow of Peter Wakefield; Allon, living in California; Mary A., wife of John B. Mable, living in DeLancy ; James P., in Mundale; Douglas, in Bovina. Two died unnamed, and George when but a few months old.

Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield have one son, Charles W. Wakefield, who married Dora Goldsmith, and lives in Oneonta. Mr. Wakefield is a carpenter, whose work is always faithfully and carefully performed, and who has built many of the finest homes in Walton. He erected his present residence, at No. 4 Bruce Street, in the summer of 1892; and both the exterior and interior of the house exhibit the artistic taste and thorough workmanship of the owner, making it one of the most attractive dwellings in the town.

Mr Wakefield was formerly a Republician, and is now a Prohibitionist; and both he and his admirable helpmate are valued members of the Congregational church. In these days of discontent, when so many complaints are being made, on the one hand of poor work, and on the other of scant remuneration, it is a special pleasure to hear of a man who has received a suitable reward for his honest labor. Mr. Wakefield is a man of this type, meritoriously successful, whose prosperity has been won by vigorous efforts and rigid conformity to the principles of honor and noble-mindedness.

A portrait of this worthy citizen may be seen on an adjoiniong page.

JAMES COULTER, an influential resident of Bovina Centre, was born in the same town in 1808. His parents were Francis Coulter and Nancy Glendenning; and both were born in Scotland, where they were married. They came to this country in 1800, and stayed a year in Albany, whence they removed to Delaware County for a two years' residence in Stamford. Then they came to Bovina, and hired some land. In order to reach New York City, which was the main market, it was necessary to go to Catskill by team, and thence to the metropolis in a sloop. The primeval forest had not yet been cleared away, and was full of game. Wolves, bears, and even panthers, occasionally visited the yards of the log houses scattered here and there in the wood clearings. Francis Coulter soon had a log house of his own, where he lived many years, working hard and successfully, till he was able to own nearly two hundred acres of land, which he bequeathed to his family when he died, at the age of seventy-six. He and his wife were a unit in their religious opinions, belonging to the United Presbyterian Church in Bovina Centre; and she died at about the same time and age as her husband. Of their nine children five grew up, and two still survive; our subject, the elder; and his brother, William Coulter, living in Wisconsin.

James Coulter went to school and grew up in his native town, where he learned carpentry, blacksmithing, and stone-masonry, having a natural turn for these trades, though his main business was always agriculture. On January 5, 1832, James married to Nancy Thompson, who was born in Bovina on the first day of December, 1811, just before the last war with Great Britain. She was a daughter of Andrew Thompson, another early Scotch settler of Bovina, in 1802; though he and his wife have long ago passed into the undiscovered country, followed buy their seven sons and daughters. Grandfather Thompson was a hard-working farmer, and won both riches and respect.. James Coulter bought the land where he now lives in 1833, the year after his marriage. At first they had only a small clearing and a log hut; but his farm has now grown to three hundred and twenty acres, one of the largest in the vicinity. Mrs. Coulter died the day after the Fourth of July, 1891, when nearly eighty years old. Her husband has been a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Bovina Centre since he was a lad of eighteen, and his wife also was a communicant. They had on less than thirteen children, and six named below are now living. James William Coulter oversees the Commodore Gerry estate at Lake Delevan. Francis R. Coulter, born August 1, 1840, is a prosperous Bovina farmer and milk-raiser, and was married in January, 1871, to Jane Nancy Scott, born in Bovina, a daughter of Robert C. Scott, a pioneer in this region; but they have no children, and live a somewhat retired life, the farm which they occupied for a score of years having been rented, while its owners have purchased a residence in the village. John Coulter is a lawyer and ranchman in Georgetown, Col. David Martin Coulter and Dickson Eliot Coulter are both Andes farmers. Edward L. Coulter lives on the homestead.

Though now retired from active life, the father of these boys has been a hard worker. A Republician in politics, he has held many local offices, having been one term Supervisor, three years Justice of Peace, and once a Highway Commissioner. He is respected as one of the original settlers of the town, yet he is still hale, hearty, and jolly. In 1845 he took an active part in the anti-rent war, and was on the spot when Stephens was shot, a fact which connects him closely with local history. He is full of entertaining chat; for he knows everything about the neighborhood, Coulter Brook having been named for the Coulter family. Well has it been said by Dr. Paley, the great writer on the Evidences of Christianity:-

" Old age brings us to know the value of the blessings which we have enjoyed, and it brings us also to a very thankful perception of those which yet remain. Is a man advanced in life? The ease of a single day, the rest of a single night, are gifts which may be subjects of gratitude to God."

JOHN T. LAKIN, a prosperous farmer and lumberman of Hancock, was born in this town, May 28, 1819. He begongs to an old pioneer family, being a grandson of Joel Lakin, who with his two brothers, Jonathan and Jonas Lakin, came form Vermont in the latter part of the last century, and settled on the banks of the Delaware River, where their descentants still live. Joel was a soldier during the last three years of the Revolution. Jonas was the first Supervisior of the town of Hancock, Delaware County, naming the place in honor of his native town in Vermont. The Lakin brothers, strong and athletic men, engaged in lumbering and rafting, and established their business on Partridge Island in the same vicinity in which the Wheeler family settled. Joel was the first militia Captain of Hancock, and was always identified with the prosperity and advancement of the county. When he came from Vermont, he brought his wife, Sally Martin Lakin, and his four children- John, Jonas, Sally,and Betsey-with him. By his second wife, Clementine Sands, he had two children, Mary Ann, and Cassandra. He died a number of years before her, and was buried in Hancock, the town for which he had done so much, and whose interests were always foremost in his mind.

Jonas Lakin, son of Joel, the father of John T. Lakin, was born in Hancock in 1794. He had such education as the times afforded, and at an early age began to follow the pursuit of lumberman on the Delaware River. Philadelphia was their market and depot of supplies; and this noted steersman, with the other laborers, would raft the lumber down the river, and make the return journey of four days on foot. To add to their difficulties, they were obliged to carry their purchases on their backs. Jonas Lakin married Polly Thomas, daughter of Lucy [Jacobs] and John Thomas, a lumberman of Hancock, who is now buried on the point of land at the "Wedding of the Waters" of the Delaware River.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Lakin had fourteen children, namely: John T.; Joel, a Hancock lumberman and prominent town officer, who married Lastina Studley; Sarah, who married Daniel Thomas, a farmer and lumberman of Hancock; Lucinda, who married James Turner, a lumberman of the same town; Margaret, who married Omar Parks, also a lumberman of Hancock; Susan, who married Henry Salsbury, a millwright at Ashtabula, Ohio; Matilda, who married Charles Doyle, a Hancock farmer; Edwin, a noted steersman in the Delaware River, who married Abigail Doyle; Mary, who married Octave Bonefond, a farmer of Hancock; Edgar, an extensive farmer of Hancock, who married Emma Evans; Moses, a Hancock farmer, who married Grace Hubbell; Harrison, a farmer of Hancock, who married Harriett Wheeler, of the same place; Ruth, who married Herman Brush, of Hancock; Harriett, who died in infancy, being the only one of the family who did not grow to maturity. They were a strong, comely race, and the women were considered particularly beautiful.Jonas Lakin always followed lumbering as his occupation, at which he was very successful. In his early days game and fish abounded in great plenty, and the family subsisted chiefly on that and the product of their own land. Jonas died in his fifty-sixth year, and was buired at Partridge Island, a number of years before the death of his wife, which occured in 1892, in her eighty-ninth year. She also was buried at Partridge Island, in the family plot.

John T. Lakin attended the district school in his native town, and at the early age of fifteen years began to follow the river as steersman and lumberman; and this occupation, together with farming, which he carried on to some extent, he continued till 1891. For over fifty years of that time he cut and rafted all his own lumber,and sold his own products. July 4, 1854, Mr. Lakin married Hannah Lewis, daughter of Zenas and Margaret [Thomas] Lewis, both of old Massachusetts Puritan stock. To Mr. and Mrs. Lakin were born four children; Emily C., who married John Thomas, a dairyman and farmer of Hale's Eddy; Fred W., a farmer of Hancock, who married Jessie Leonard; Frank M., and Lewis N., who was the youngest of the family. The two sons worked the home farm, consisting of over seventeen hundred acres of land, in company with their father.

John T. Lakin belongs to the Democratic party, having cast his first vote for President in 1840. Although he has never aspired to political honors, yet on account of his great popularity he has held many positions of trust in his own town; among these was that of Highway Commissioner, which he held for nine years. In all his undertakings he has been eminently successful, and has gained for himself great respect and admiration. He has ever the interests of his town at heart, and by his untiring enterprise and good judgement has greatly added to its prosperity.

JOHN G. RUSSELL, a retired dairy farmer of the town of Bovina, was born on January 16, 1827, and is the grandson of the progenitor of this branch of the Russell family in America, a doughty Scotsman, who was one of the early settlers in Bovina. The parents of John G. Russell, were James and Margaret [ Brice] Russell, were hard-working, sober-minded people, to whom were born twelve children, whose name are recorded in the sketch of Andrew T. Russell in another part of this volume. In the district schools, to which he was sent in his boyhood, young John gained what knowledge of text-books he was able to acquire. He lived beneath the family roof until his marriage to Margaret Nicoll, which was soleminzed on November 19, 1857. The bride was a Scotch woman and the daughter of Andrew Nicoll, whose wife , as well as himself, was of Scotch birth. There were four sons and five daughters in the Nicoll family.

John G. Russell became the owner of one of his father's farm, a tract of ninety-three acres, the boundaries of which he afterward very greatly increased by subsequent purchase of land. He was most successful in his dairy farming, in which he was engaged until 1894. He now lives in the village of Bovina Centre, where he enjoys in retirement the result of his life's early and prolonged labors. His wife has borne him three daughters: Margaret A., the wife of Mr. Robert Wilson Scott, of Bovina Centre; Alice, a teacher in Bovina; and Christina, Mrs. Thompson, of Walton. Mr. Russell, like his brother, Andrew T., takes no interest in the political concerns of the country, but has devoted the engeries of his years to personal, social, and religious duties. His household is a household of faith, both he and his wife being conscientious mambers of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Mr. Russell's genial manner and kindly heart have won him the esteem and regard of those who know him best.

THOMAS DeLANEY, the genial and hospitable proprietor of Hotel Riverside at Walton, has become well and favorably known throughout the surrounding country. He was born in Orange County, New York, in 1855, son of James and Mary [Mills] Delaney. His mother was a native of Orange County, where she died in 1844, leaving four children, two of whom are now living, Thomas and his brother James. The younger James has led a life quite different from that of his early associates. When but thirteen years old, he went to Georgia with Elder Beebe's son; and . when the war broke out, he joined the rebel army and fought bravely on that side, while his brother was as bravely fighting for Northern principles. He was taken prisoner and placed in Point Lookout Prison, but escaped, and after the war went to Orlando, Orange County, Fla., where he is now a wealthy merchant. James DeLaney,Sr., who was born in New York City, died when past middle life, in Orange County.

Thomas DeLaney learned the blacksmith's trade; and twenty years of his life were spent in Sullivan County, working at that trade, which is so fascinating to the minds of poets and mastery. In 1862 Mr. DeLaney volunteered in Company G. One Hundred and Forty-third New York Volunteer Infantry, going out as Second Sergeant. He served three years, and was some of the most exciting work of the war, being with Sherman in his march to the sea, and in other engagements of note. In 1885 he came to Walton, and purchased the hotel property then known as the Riverside Hotel, and kept by Green Chase. The location is a charming one; and Hotel Riverside, as it is now called, is a favorite summer resort, Mr. DeLaney having done much to improve it and make it more convenient and attractive. It is now a large cottage, with additions and improvements on the original house; and it is more than likely that before many years larger accommodations will have to be provided for the many guests who frequent this place during the warm weather.

In 1960 Mr. DeLaney married Sarah Palmer, of the neighboring village of Downsville, a daughter of Abell and Clarissa Palmer. Her parents, who were natives of this county, died during the war in Oregon, leaving a family of six children. Mr and Mrs. DeLaney have two children; one son, Walter; and a daughter, Grace, who is a young lady of much artistic talent. The walls of her father's house bear witness to her taste and skill in oil painting. Her work is of the realistic school, which is in these days coming to be very popular.

Mr. DeLaney is a member of the General Marvin Post, No. 209, Grand Army of the Republic, having been transferred from the Fleming Post of Downsville, in which he had been Quatermaster. He is a firm Republician, and served as Deputy Sheriff under Clark and Crawford. Being a Chapter Mason, he filled several chairs while in Sullivan County, and is a highly respected brother in all Masonic circles. Mrs. DeLaney is a member of the Congregational church, and much interested in church work. For some years before her marriage she was a teacher, and she continues much interested in educational matters. Mr. DeLaney is a valued citizen of Walton. The many people with whom he has business and social relations hold him in the highest esteem, and are glad to reckon him among their friends.

CHARLES R. HATFIELD, whose death at his home near Griffin's Corners two years age was a cause of mourning throughout the community, was born in New York City, January 17, 1825, and was the son of Charles R. and Mary [McAully] Hatfield. The father was of English descent, while the mother was a native of Scotland. They had a large family of children; namely, Mary, Emily, Elizabeth, Melissa, Catherine, Armintha, Christina, Eveline, James, Maria, Charles R. The last named was brought up in the metropolis, and learned the trade of glider and frame-maker, being engaged in the manufacture of picture-frames in New York City, until the Civil War. He then elisted in the one Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment, and served with credit to the close of that momentous struggle. He selected as his life partner Miss Christina Miller, daughter of Adam and Eliza [Gibson] Miller. Her parents, who were natives of Scotland, came to America in 1830, and settled in New York City, where they established a hair-dressing business, which Mr. Miller continued until his death at the age of thirty-two, his wife preceding him to the other shore by five months. They had three children, of whom Mrs. Hatfield is the only one now living.

Mrs. Hatfield's death failing in the city, they came to Delaware County; and, buying the Willoughby farm near Arkville, Mr Hatfield remodelled the house and adapted it to the want of summer boarders. This proving a successful venture, he then sold out and bought the old Lee farm, three miles from Griffin's Corners, and here built a large house, which his widow now carries on as a boarding-house and hotel. A family of six children were born to him and his wife, the following being a brief mention thereof; Willaim married Sarah Adams, and lives in Ridgeway, Pa.. Charles R. took for his wife Alice J. McKillip. Thomas F. lives at home. Elizabeth became the wife of James W. Curtis, of Fleischmans. John W. married Maggie A. G. Seacor, making his home in Brooklyn, N.Y. Katie L. is the wife of Philip Schaffer, and lives at Williams Bridge.

Mr. Charles R. Hatfield lived to be sisty-seven years old. He was a Republician, and , while in New York City, was a member of the Broadway Tabernacle church. After his death his wife enlarged the house, which can accomodate sixty boarders. It is called the Hatfield Mansion, and is a landmark in this part of Delaware County, having an elevation of about twenty-five hundred feet above level of the sea. The scenery is grand, embracing a view of ten different mountains peaks.

Mrs. Hatfield is a business woman, with plenty of friends.

WILLIAM H. BROWN, a well-known citizen of Hancock, Delaware County, was born August 25, 1825, in the adjoining town of Walton. His father, William Brown, a native of Rhode Island, came to Walton in the early days of its settlement. He married Sophia Benedict, a daughter of Daniel and Lois [McCall] Benedict. The Benedict family originated in Connecticut, and was one of the first to settle in Walton. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown had two children, namely; George A., who was born June 2, 1823, and, after learning the shoemaker's trade, removed to glendale, Wis., where he now resides; and William H. The father of these boys was lost in the river while employed in rafting.

Young William was but nine years of age when he made his home with Mr. Seth Hoyt, with whom he lived unitl his sixteenth year. In 1850 he removed to Read's Creek, Hancock. On March 11, 1852, he married Miss Rachel S. Hood, daughter of William and Nancy [Apley] Hood, of Hancock, and a member of one of the oldest families of that section of the country. Mrs. Brown's great-grandfather came from Holland with his two brothers, and located his home in Colchester, while one of his brothers settled on the Mohawk; and the other, supposed to be the ancestor of General Hood, took up his residence in the South. The Apley family came from Connecticut, and was among the first to settle in the Delaware Valley. Mrs. Brown's parents had nine children, three of whom lived to reach maturity; Mrs. Brown, who was the oldest; Clark, who is a prominent lawyer and stock-raiser in LaCrosse County, Wisconsin; and Betsey, who married Mr. Carley, of Deposit.

Mr. Brown enlisted in the Second New York Heavy Artillery in September, 1862, and was mustered into the service at Elmira. He took an active part in the engagements at Spottsylvania Court-house, Hanover Junction, Swift Run, and Cold Harbor, lying at the latter place eleven days under fire and without relief. His next engagement was at Petersburg, where his regiment was reduced from seventeen hundred to eleven hundred men. June 16 they charged on the rebels, and Mr. Brown was wounded in the leg. For eleven months he lat in the military hospital, where his wound partially healed; but for thirty years it continued to be extremely painful, and in January, 1892, he had the leg amputated. After leaving the army he resumed his former occupation of farming and lumbering and working as a steersman on the river.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the parents of six children; The eldest, Sophia, was born April 3, 1853, and married H.D. Mills, a stonemason at Fish's Eddy. Louisa was born September 4, I854, and is the wife of Henry Denio, a farmer of Tompkins. George is a farmer at Read's Creek, born September 12, 1856. Charles was born July 2, 1858, and resides at East Branch. Abram, a farmer and lumberman, was born September 9, 1860. Clarence L., the youngest, was born August 13, 1871, and is employed in the factory on Read's Creek. Mr. Brown is a Republican in politics, has been Constable, Collector of Taxes for seven years, and has twice taken the census of his town. He is a man of upright character, a worthy, citizen of the town where he resides, with the good works of which his name is ever identified.

GEORGE W. MARVIN is a highly respected and thriving, citizen of Walton, N.Y., owns and occupies a good farm in Marvin Hollow about two and one-half miles from the railway station. He was born in the town of Walton, November 20,1817. His grandfather, Matthew Marvin, a native of New Canaan, Conn., came to this State after the Revolution, and first lived for a few years near Hoosick. (For further ancestral history see sketch of N. C. Marvin.)

Jared Marvin, a son of Matthew and Mary (Weed) Marvin. was born in the town of Hoosick, and was reared on a farm, but later worked at the carpenter's trade, and was also employed in a mill as a cloth-finisher. He afterward adopted the calling of a pilot, and won a wide reputation for skill in guiding rafts down the river. He spent the last years of his life in the town of Walton, and died on the farm adjoining that of his son George, at the age of seventy-six years. He married Fanny Rogers, the daughter of Asa and Catherine Rogers, who occupied the farm adjoinng his father's. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers removed from Granville, Mass., their native place, to Tompkins, at an early period, and in 1812 or 1814 came to Walton, where, buying a tract of heavily timbered land, they improved a farm. Mr. Rogers died when about seventy years of age. His widow, who was one of the old Hamilton stock, and the daughter of a woman who spent more than a century of years on this sphere, was a remarkably well-preserved old lady, ever active and alert, and after she was eighty years old once walked a distance of four miles, climbing a tremendous mountain on the way. She lived to the advanced age of ninety-two years. To Jared Marvin and his wife were born the following children: Catherine, who died at the age of twenty-three years; George W.; Mary, who married Decatur Eelis, of Walton; Abigail, who married Roswell St. John, and is now dead; Charles, a prominent minister, who resides in the West, where he has organjzed and built up twelve churches; William; Lewis and John, the latter of whom died when a little lad of four years. The mother, who spent her declining days with her eldest son, lived to the age of fourscore years. Both were members of the Congregational church.

At the age of sixteen years George W. Marvin. the eldest son of Jared, began the pioneer labor of clearing the land, taking a yoke of oxen and doing a man's work. For some time he was engaged in teaching the district school in the winter, and working on the farm during the remainder of the year. He remained with his parents until the homestead, largely through his efforts, was paid for. He married when twenty-nine years of age, moving then to a farm which he had previously purchased, and of which he had cleared a small portion. Having lived thereon for three years, Mr. Marvin disposed of that property, and with his brother William purchased three hundred acres of land, which constitutes his present homestead. Very little of this land had been cleared; and, assisted by his brother, he put up a sawmilll, and, cutting down the trees, sawed them into lumber, which he sent to Philadelphia at first, but in later times began supplying the village of Walton. He continued in this business for nearly thirty years, and in the mean time placed his land in a good state of cultivation. He has a fine grass-bearing and dairying farm, raises some grain; and, besides the numbers of cattle and horses on his place, he keeps a good many sheep. He has erected excellent farm buildings, and has all the tools and machinery requisite for carrying on his business after the most approved methods. He had the misfortune to have one barn destroyed by lightning, but this has been replaced by two very fine ones.

Mr. Marvin was married in I846 to Hannah EelIs, who was one of twelve children born to Mead and Philena (Johnson) EelIs, natives of Walton. Mr. EelIs was a dealer in lumber, and an expert in running saw-mills, being able to saw trees thirty-four feet long and four feet thick. Mr. and Mrs. EelIs were both members of the Congregational church; and both died at the home of Mr. Marvin, he at the age of eighty years, and she when seventy-five years of age. Mrs. Marvin, who departed this life December :/o, I892, bore her husband three children--Martha, Julia, and George. Martha had great musical talent, received all the advantages afforded at the Providence, R.I., Conservatory, and won a fine reputation as a music-teacher in Providence, having Pupils from seven different States. Her death by drowning was a sad blow to her family and to her many friends. Julia, who was also a pupil of the Walton Academy, married William A. Drake, a civil engineer, who has been largely engaged in surveying Western railroads, and is now surveying in Arizona. They are now living in Pueblo, and are the parents of three children Mattie, Nellie, and Dorothy. George married Lizzie Patterson, the daughter of George Patterson; and they have one child, Martha. He is a farmer by occupation, and assists in the care of the home farm.

S. F. ADEE, proprietor and editor of the Delaware Express of Delhi, was born at Davenport Centre, August 22, 1865, and is the son of George T. Adee, a prominent citizen of Delhi. Mr. Adee resided in Davenport Centre until he was ten years of age, when he moved with his parents to this town. His early education was gained at the district school, and was supplemented by a course at the academy, from which he was graduated in 1885. He also spent one year at Cornell University and in 1887 entered the law department of Columbia College, taking his degree in 1889. Upon the completion of his college course he was admitted to the bar, and returned to Delhi, where he practised law with his father for about two years. Turning his attention to journalism, he purchased the Delaware Express in March, 1891. This paper was established as far back as 1839, and is a bright, interesting newspaper, with a steadily increasing circulation. Mr. Adee has a fine outfit for all kinds of job printing, and does a large amount of business in this line. He was instrumental in starting the present Andes Recorder, and also the Walton Times, both of which papers he subsequently sold, now devoting his whole time and attention to the Delaware Express. Mr. Adee is a Republican in politics, and for the last four years has occupied the responsible position of Justice of the Peace. He has served on the County Republican Committee for one term, and is also a member of the Senatorial Committee for his district. He is a member of the Lodge No. 439, A.F.& A.M., and is an attendant and supporter of the Second Presbyterian Church of Delhi.

GEORGE S. SEYMOUR is a successful farmer in the town of Tompkins, N.Y., where he was born October 7, 1848. His grandfather was William Seymour, who is further mentioned in the biography of Alonzo Seymour elsewhere in this volume. Charles D. Seymour, the father of George, was born in Tompkins, April 26, 1823, and was brought up a farmer. He married Phoebe Walker, daughter of John and Betsey Walker, residents of that part of Tompkins now known as Deposit. . George S. Seymour in his childhood was educated at the district school, and worked on his father's farm, a part of which he purchased from his father in 1880. On January 19, 1881, he married M. Eliza McDonald, daughter of D. G. and Jane (Chambers) McDonald, of Walton. Mrs. Seymour's paternal grandfather, Archibald McDonald, came to America from Scotland, and settled in North Carolina, where he remained for thirteen years, and then came-to;Delaware County, New York. He married Jennette Smith, daughter of John Smith, of Walton. Their son, D. G. McDonald, was born in North Carolina, and, when thirteen years of age, removed with his parents to New York, where he was engaged in the lumber business and agricultural pursuits. D.G. McDonald married Jane Chambers, who became the mother of eight children, namely: Maria; Eliza, the wife of the subject of this sketch; John; Archibald; Jennette; Jane and David, who were twins; and Sloane. The family are Reformed Presbyterians, and still reside on the old homestead. Mr. McDonald is a Republican in politics.

Mrs. Seymour resided with her parents in Walton, teaching school in various towns of Delaware County for five years. She is the mother of two children -- David N. and Ethel N.; and both she and her husband are members of the Presbyterian church. Politically, Mr. Seymour is a Republican, being a firm supporter of the platform of that party; and his position as a man of unquestionable integrity is manifested by the respect with which he is regarded by all who know him.

CHARLES P. KNAPP, Cashier of the Deposit National Bank, is one of the enterprising citizens of this place. He has contributed largely, both in money and influence, to advance the interests of this part of the county. A glance at the village of Deposit will indicate what manner of men have the controlling power, and will show the sort of public spirit they possess. The electric lights, water-works, soldiers' monument, and various other public improvements would be creditable to a town four times its size and Mr. Knapp has done his full share toward bringing these about. He is emphatically a Deposit man, having always made this village his home, and being familiarly known throughout the entire community. The bank of which he is the Cashier was started in 1854 as a private institution, being established by the Hon. Charles Knapp, his grandfather, who was one of the most prominent men of his time in this part of the State. In 1864 it became a National Bank, its number under the national banking laws being 472.

The present President is Charles J. Knapp, of Binghamton; the Vice-President, Charles Maples, of New York City. The Cashier, Charles P. Knapp, and the Assistant Cashier, Charles Pinkney, are residents of Deposit. The bank is on the soundest financial basis, and has never failed to pay its five per cent semi-annual dividend, which is good evidence of the character of its management and something of an index of the prosperity of the village and community. The father of Charles P. was James H. Knapp, who was also interested in the bank, and was its President from July, 1880, until his death, which occurred November 13, 1887. He had previously been one of the bank's cashiers and vice-presidents, and was elected Director January 9, 1866. He was a business man, and did not interest himself particularly in politics. His widow, the mother of Charles P., is living at Deposit, and is a lady of fifty years, possessing rare qualities of mind and heart, with the intelligence and refinement of the true woman.

The subject of this sketch is an only child. He was born May 16, 1863, and was brought up in the village of Deposit. He attended the well-known Phillips (Exeter, N.H.) Academy, one of the best preparatory schools in this country from 1880 to 1884. His father being in poor health, he was called to assist in the bank, November 21, 1884, and ranked a Teller. On February 17, 1888, he was elected to his present responsible position, which he has ably filled, contributing largely to the prosperity of the institution. Mr. Knapp is the President of the Deposit Board of Trade; and it has been through the untiring energy of this organization, made up mainly of the young men of Deposit, that the place has secured its varied industries, and has attained the proud distinction of being the most progressive place of its size on the road. Mr. Knapp is also a stockholder and prime mover in the Deposit Electric Company. Fraternally, he is High-priest of Deposit Chapter and Past Master of Deposit Lodge, A. F. & A.M., and is a member of Malta Commandery, No. 2I, at Binghamton, and of the .Otseningo Consistory,. S. P. R. R., of Binghamton. Socially, he is a gentleman whom it is a pleasure to meet, genial and courteous, having the characteristics that make an agreeable companion and faithful friend.

DUNCAN CAMPBELL, who is spending the eventide of an active life in restful retirement in the village of Bovina, was born in Scotland .on December 24, 1817. His paternal grandfather was Alexander Campbell. But little is known of him beyond the fact that he was a soldier in the British army. Duncan came to America in 1820 with his parents, Colin and Catherine (McGregor) Campbell, being on the Atlantic forty-two days. In Scotland, his native country, Colin Campbell had followed various occupations. After coming to this country, he settled on a farm in Andes, Delaware County, and, steadily applying himself to agricultural pursuits, there passed the remaining years of his life. Both he and his wife lived to a green old age. They were loyal to the kirk of Scotland, never affiiliating with the American branch of the Presbyterian church. A family of ten children, four of whom are now living, were brought up on the Delaware farm; namely, Alexander, Jannette. Mary, Nancy, Duncan. Catherine, Susan, Elizabeth, Colin, and John. Duncan and Nancy were twins.

Duncan Campbell grew up and was educated in Andes, working at home until he was twenty-eight years old. Feeling then, doubtless, that it is the part of wisdom for every man to establish himself independently, he began to take outside employment, and did whatever work he could find to do. He laid stone walls in the neighborhood, and toiled and saved his earnings until he had amassed a sum sufficient to purchase a farm of one hundred and ninety acres in Bovina. Here he established a dairy farm, which was financially so successful that he was able to extend the territory of his estate to three hundred and fifteen acres, He lived here for thirty-five years, a conspicuous example of industry and thrift. In 1893 he moved into the village of Bovina.

On the fifth of January, 1857, he took for his wife and helpmate Miss Nancy Thompson, a daughter of George and Elizabeth Thompson, of Bovina, both of whom are now deceased. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell, and it is as yet an unbroken family circle. The eldest is a daughter, Mary C. Campbell, who lives at home. Elizabeth, the second, married David J. Miller, and lives in Bovina. Colin, the eldest son, is a farmer in the near town of Walton. John M. lives on the old homestead. Jannette Campbell is a teacher in Hobart. Margaret lives with Mrs. Miller in Bovina. And Emma, the youngest, teaches in the village.

Duncan Campbell has always taken an active part in the politics of the Republican party, of which he is a clear exponent and strong advocate. He and his wife are both conscientious members of the Reformed Presbyterian church, following the instincts and traditions of their Scottish ancestry.

A portrait is herewith presented of this worthy representative of the noted clan Campbell, of which it has been well said that no other family can show a more numerous and illustrious roll of names.

HON. CHARLES KNAPP, deceased, will long be remembered as one of the most distinguished men of his time in this part of the State, and one who contributed largely toward the development of Deposit and its vicinity. He was born in the town of Colchester, Delaware County, October 8, 1797. He had only such educational advantages as were afforded by the district schools of his native place eighty years ago, anal they were certainly very limited. Colchester is situated upon the east branch of the Delaware (formerly Mohawk) River, and is one of the most rugged places in the State of New York. Lumber was the chief resource of the early settlers, as it is of their descendants, notwithstanding the tanning of leather is .an important industry and in the past five years the dairy business has grown to considerable proportions.

Mr. Knapp was the son of a farmer, and was brought up to hard manual labor. His earnings till he reached his majority went into the general fund for the support of his father's family. In 1815 he began his public career by venturing upon the occupation of a village school-teacher. For a few years teaching was his winter occupation, while in summer he returned to the farm. One instance of his thriftiness in his early life was teaching a six months term of school for sixteen dollars per month, and presenting to his father at its close an even one hundred dollars, he having earned by overwork enough for his spending-money and sufficient to add a small sum to the amount of his regular wages. Of course, his education did not stop with his school studies. He was gifted with a strong and assimilating mind, and became in a practical sense a thoroughly educated man. When he was twenty-one years of age, he embarked without capital in such local business as promised the best rewards. He continued as a farmer for a while, but soon also engaged in the lumber trade. In 1825 he opened a general country store at -Pepacton, near Colchester. The amount of his capital for that enterprise was only three hundred dollars; but he managed his little estate so that with the entire confidence of the public, which he always enjoyed, he gained rapidly by legitimate enterprise; and in the course of twenty years he amassed what would be regarded, even in these times, a handsome fortune. He did not confine himself to and one thing or a few things, but directed a large variety of paying enterprises.

The high regard in which he was held by his fellow-citizens was shown in 1841 by his election to the State Assembly. He discharged his public duties at Albany, as he did his private business at home, in a manner which sustained him before the public as an upright, conscientious, and able man. In 1848 he moved to Deposit, as the Erie Railway appeared to be likely to make important changes in business channels and to aid him in larger enterprises than he had before been able to carry on. Here he engaged in farming to some extent, but largely in lumbering and tanning. In 1854 he opened a banking house under the individual banking law of the State. This was the beginning of the Deposit National Bank, which has always been one of the soundest and, it m y be added, one of the most successful financial institutions of the State. Two years later the bank became the property of an association with a capital stock of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Mr..Knapp retained a majority of the stock, which gave him the control; and the business management was still under his immediate supervision. In 1864 it became a National Bank; and in 1873 the capital stock was increased to two hundred thousand, which, to avoid the payment of excessive taxes, was in 1878 reduced to one hundred thousand. Under the efficient management of Mr. Knapp the bank paid a good dividend, besides adding to its resources year by year.

In 1868 Mr. Knapp was nominated by a Republican convention held at Sidney Plain, for member of Congress. It was a long and tedious convention, in which Chenango County presented the name of the Hon. Isaac S. Newton, Delaware County presented that of the Hon. Samuel F. Miller, and Otsego County urged the nomination of the Hon. David Wilbur. Mr. Knapp, being finally asked by telegraph if he would take the nomination, consented. and was elected by a large majority. He served in Congress with ability along with such representatives as Mr. Hotchkiss from this district. Hamilton Ward, William A. Wheeler. John A. Griswold, General Slocum, Porter Sheldon, and others from this State.

In 1870 he was offered a renomination, but declined, as he was over seventy-three years of age, and did not care to burden his life with the responsibility of the position. He was originally a Democrat, believing with Jackson and Benton on national issues and financial matters, but was an inflexible opponent of the extension of slavery, and was consequently among the first in the ranks of the Republican party. His whole career furnishes a remarkable example of the stalwart, self-made men of this country. He learned to struggle with poverty when a boy, which taught him the proper use of wealth when he became a man. It was no great step for him to go from the mountain school-house to the national Congress, because the school-teacher possessed the ability of the statesman. Early in life he was united in marriage with Sylvia Radeker at Colchester. The union was eminently a happy one, and was not ended until after its golden anniversary had been passed. Mr[s]. Knapp died in 1887. Ten children were the fruit of their marriage, five of whom, three sons and two daughters, are now living.

The Hon. Charles Knapp died in July, 1880. His life had been an eventful and a useful one. The world was the better for his having lived in it, and it is with pleasure that the publishers of the 'Review' can place in their work the biography of so illustrious a representative of this part of the country. He was an ambitious man, it is true; but his aspirations were always within their proper limits. There is in the human mind a natural desire for distinction, for being or acquiring something which shall lift the individual above the mass, and give him consideration with his fellows. A desire so natural and so universal as this, a desire that so readily joins hands with the highest motives, must have a legitimate sphere of operation, and must, when confined to this sphere, be entirely consistent with the noblest life. When it is united with a sincere love of men and an honest regard for the effect of one's action upon others, when it is held subordinate and subsidiary to the universal good, when it grasps at nothing which actual excellence of power and character may not legitimately claim, then it is good in itself and good in its results. It is right for a man to desire to excel in anything worthy of a man, and in all these desires and ambitions Mr. Knapp had this conception of the truth; and, whether in business affairs or political affairs, he was not held or controlled by selfish motives. He was a man who reached his position of influence solely as a result of honest methods properly applied, and was enabled to become distinguished virtue of his own inherent worth.

CLARK CABLE, a substantial and esteemed resident of the town of Delhi, was born in Hamden, Delaware County, N.Y., October 19, 1832, being a grandson of Calvin Cable, who settled in Delhi at an early period of its history, and there spent his last years. The father, Simon Cable, was born in Columbia County, New York, and removed with his parents to Delaware County, remaining with them until he became of age, and assisting in the work of clearing the farm. He then purchased a farm in Walton, which he carried on until his death, which occurred when he was seventy-two years old. His wife was Maria Launt, a native of Delhi, and a daughter of Jeremiah Launt. She survived her husband many years, living to the unusual age of ninety-four. She bore her husband three children: namely, Betsey Ann, Maria, and Clark.

Clark Cable spent his early years in Walton on the parental homestead, and acquired his education in the district school. After attaining his majority he purchased a farm, and for twenty years was engaged in general farming. He then moved to Harvard, and for five years was the keeper of a hotel in that village. Returning to Walton, he worked in a mill there for the succeeding five years, giving up that position to come to the farm of his father-in-law, where he has since resided. On July 2, 1858, Mr. Cable was united in wedlock to Miss Sarah [sic] Launt, a daughter of John Launt, one of the oldest persons now living in Delaware County, and of their union two children have been born; namely, John and Henry. The elder son, John, married Lizzie Wade: and they have one child, May.

John Launt, the father of Mrs. Cable, is of German descent, being a son of Jeremiah Launt, who, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and whose father was a native of Germany. John Launt was born November 23, 1803, in Worcester, N.Y.; but, when a little fellow, his parents removed to Nassau, Rensselaer County, where he lived seven or eight years. In 1812 he went to Greenbush to see the soldiers, an event which he distinctly remembers. He afterward went with his parents to the town of Schodack, and was about fifteen years old when the family came to Delhi. In the latter place he attended the district school and worked on the farm, remaining at home until his twenty-first birthday. He then went for a time to the Black River country, and later bought a farm in Hamden, which he managed for fifteen years, and then sold, and the next five years was engaged in farming on Walton Mountain in the town of Walton. Five years thereafter he bought his present farm, which then consisted of very wild land, but was pleasantly located on Plattnet Brook, about three miles from Walton. By persevering industry he cleared and improved a fine homestead. At the age of twenty-four years he married Jeanette Warren, a native of Hamden, and one of a large family born to Elias and Nancy (Goodrich) Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Launt reared four daughters, of whom we record the following: Sarah became the wife of Clark Cable, whose name- heads this sketch. Mary married Ephraim Wakeman, of Walton, and they reared five children. Matilda became the wife of William Leonard. And Angeline, who married Clark Tripp, became the mother of six children--Betsey Ann, Cecilia, Sarah, Judson, Laura, and Julia.

ALONZO SEYMOUR is a native resident of the town of Tompkins, which he represents as a member of the County Board of Supervisors. His great-grandfather, William Seymour, who, it is supposed, was of English birth, for many years was a prominent business man at Newburg, N.Y. He also built two Liverpool packets, the "William Penn" and the "Ontario," the latter being a vessel of five hundred tons burthen, the largest packet at that time in the Liverpool trade. He was an extensive dealer in real estate, and did much for the improvement of the village, where he was a resident to the time of his death.

His wife, accompanied by his son William, who was born in New Haven, Conn., moved then to Delaware County, where they were among the first settlers. This son purchased a tract of heavily timbered land on the south side of the west branch of the Delaware River, which included the land now owned by the subject of this sketch. .In these early days no railroads or canals shortened the distances between towns and villages, and the isolated pioneers subsisted chiefly on the products of their own land and the deer and fish which were then abundant in the surrounding country. William Seymour, Jr., commenced at once on his removal to his new home to clear his land and take his lumber by-means of rafts down the river to Philadelphia, returning over the long route on foot. December 16, 1803, he married Dorothy Lord, daughter of Eliphalet and Mary (Green) Lord. She was born August, 28, 1788, and died January 28, 1866, the mother of ten children, having lived to see the wilderness about her home transformed into the seat of a prosperous, wealthy community.

Willet Seymour, a son of William and Dorothy Seymour, and the father of the subject of this sketch, was born on the old farm in Tompkins, May 6, 1805, and was reared to agricultural and lumbering pursuits, in which he was employed throughout his life. On the death of his father he became the possessor of the old homestead; and here he still resides in his ninetieth year, retaining to a remarkable degree all his faculties. His wife was Mary Goodrich, to whom he was married July 28, 1830. She was born in Sidney, N.Y., September 1, 1814. Her grandfather, Zenas Goodrich, who was a Revolutionary soldier and a pioneer of Sidney, married Mercy Lawrence. Allen Goodrich, the father of Mrs. Willet Seymour, married Miss Elizabeth Lord, a daughter of Eliphalet and Mary (Green) Lord. Nine of the ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. Willet Seymour lived to reach maturity namely. Amanda, Alonzo, Gilbert, Charles, Erastus E., Willet. Florence, and Rector, Lewis dying in infancy, and Washington dying at the age of forty-eight years. Mrs. Seymour was a thrifty housewife, and before her marriage had. learned, besides the necessary household accomplishments, the art of weaving, carding, and spinning, so that in her early, married life she dressed her children in the homespun which she made entirely with her own hands.

Alonzo Seymour was brought up to the lumber business, assisting his father in buying the standing lumber and rafting it down the river to Philadelphia. Upon reaching his majority he purchased a tract of land in the town of Tompkins, on which there was an improved water-power and saw-mill, and has been since that time continuously engaged in the manufacture and sale of lumber. He has also been greatly interested in farming, and in 1888 purchased the old homestead which he now occupies. In 1860 he married Miss Josephine Bradbury, who became the mother of six children: Oakley A.; Irvin W.; Ziba A.; John W.; June; and Kate, who died at the age of five years. And the)' have also an adopted child, Belle.

Politically, Mr. Seymour is a Republican, being a stanch supporter and active worker of that party, and has held many offices of trust and responsibility, among them being that of Supevisor, to which he was elected in 1893 and re-elected in 1894. He has also held positions on various committees, his long experience and natural business ability and well-known integrity making his co-operation doubly valuable. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour are both earnest, active members of the Baptist church, where they are universally esteemed.

RILEY SANFORD was born on Hubbell Hill in Middletown, Delaware County, on the Fourth of July, 1822. His grandparents, William and Phoebe (Hull) Sanford, came to New York from Connecticut in 1790, bringing with them a family of small children. Their journey was through a wilderness, and the only landmarks that the travellers could depend upon in the trackless depths of the northern forests were blazed trees.

The Sanfords were among the very earliest settlers, and lived in great isolation, being two miles distant from the few emigrants who had settled in the neighborhood previously. Some time was spent in selecting a good location for the future home, and a spot was at last chosen which is now known as Hubbell Hill. Here a tract of one hundred and eighty acres was bought, and the sturdy pioneer fell to the task of cutting down trees for the construction of an bumble home. For a week at a time he saw no living things save the wolves and panthers that infested the limitless forest around him and prowled dangerously near the lonely settler's rough fortress of defence. As the sons grew up, they were each one taught the use of axe and spade; and before long the beautiful timber was cut down and burned, in order to clear a space where grain could be raised. Just as he had begun to enjoy the fruition of his labors, he died, at the age of eighty years, leaving a wife and eleven children--Charles C., William, Ziba, John, Mrs. Bennam, Mrs. Reed, Ruanna, Lucy, Marauca, Betsey, and Amy.

Charles C. was born in Connecticut, and was nine years old when his father came to Delaware County. It fell to his lot to continue the work begun by his father; and he improved the property by putting up buildings of a more substantial sort, and by cultivating the land more extensively. He was joined in the holy estate of matrimony to May Smead; and to them also were born eleven children, namely: Daniel, William Perry, Harriet, Charles, Alonzo, Riley, Levi, John S., Jonathan, Edgar, and Irving, all of whom grew to maturity. The father, Charles C., lived to be eighty-six years old. Both he and his wife were members of the old-school Baptist church.

Riley Sanford, whose name is the title word of this biographical memoir, was married at twenty years of age to his first wife, Miss Temperance Jenkins, whose full history is contained in the I. H. Jenkins biography. She died at the age of about thirty-two years, leaving four children to mourn with her bereaved husband--Henry, Asol, Emery, and David. Mr. Sanford's second wife was Miss Phebe Jenkins, a daughter of John Jenkins. The offspring of this marriage were two children, Charles H. and Esther T.

Henry, the eldest son, married Sarah Sanford, and lives in Bragg Hollow. Asol was married three times. His first wife was Mary Thorpe, who left one child; the second was Mary Hanley, who also left one child; and the third was Agnes Miller, who is still living; and resides with her husband at Halcottsville. Emery was joined in wedlock to Eunice Jenkins. They live at Kelly's Comers, and have four children. David F. married Sarah Brooks, and is the father of :three children; he owns a farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres, and is considered one of the most successful farmers in this region. Charles H. married Miss Mary A. Jaquish, and lives in Bragg Hollow. Esther married Charles D. Rowe, lives in the same locality, and has four children.

Riley Sanford disposed of his estate on Hubbell Hill, and in 1858 moved to the farm he now owns, and upon which he resides. The handsome new buildings on the place and its generally improved condition bear witness to his industry and judgment. He is a man of fine physique and strong nerve, and is full of plans for future improvement. Some years ago he mastered the art of veterinary surgery, and has been very successful in his practice. He has held several town offices, including that of Assessor.

HON. ISAAC HORTON MAYNARD is one of the citizens of Delaware County whose reputation as a man of public affairs extends far beyond the boundaries of his native State, and whose name is connected with some of the most important events of the State and nation in recent years. He was born on April 9, 1838, in Bovina, son of Isaac and Jane (Falconer) Maynard. His great-grandfather, Isaiah Maynard, emigrated to this country from the north of England about 1750, settling in the town of Rye, afterward Harrison, Westchester County, N.Y. During the Revolutionary War the grandfather of Judge Maynard, Elisha B. Maynard, distinguished himself as a patriot soldier; and in 1790, when the days of fighting were over, he removed from Westchester County and settled in Bovina, then a part of Stamford, Delaware County. He was the first settler within the present limits of the town of Bovina. Here in the wilderness he reared his family of five sons and seven daughters; and Isaac, born in 1795, the father of the present Judge Maynard, was the first white child born in the new settlement. Isaac Maynard was a prominent man in the affairs of the town and county, serving as Magistrate for more than twenty years. His wife was born in 1797, in the city of New York, and was the daughter of Archibald Falconer, a native of Nairn, Scotland.

In the healthful and vigorous work of the home farm Isaac H. Maynard developed a constitution which has not failed him in the arduous and wearisome tasks of his maturer years. In September, 1854, he entered the Stamford Seminary, where he prepared for college; and in 1858 he entered Amherst College, from which he was graduated with high honor in 1862. He took prizes for Greek, and one for proficiency in extemporaneous debate, delivered the German oration at the Junior exhibition, pronounced one of the English orations at commencement, and was valedictorian. He then studied law with the late Hon. William Murray, and in November, 1863, was admitted to the bar at Binghamton. He practised law in Delhi until 1865, then removed to Stamford and formed a law partnership with his cousin, the Hon. F. R. Gilbert, the firm of Gilbert & Maynard continuing until January, 1878. He was Supervisor of the town, and was largely instrumental in securing the incorporation of the village of Stamford by special act of the legislature in 1870 and was the author of its charter. He was the first President of the village, and was re-elected unanimously for ten years in succession. He was one of the founders of the Stamford Seminary in 1874, and was a member of its Board of Trustees until it became a part of the Union Free School in 1881. He was also one of the organizers of the latter institution.

His legislative career began in 1875, when he was elected a member of the Assembly from Delaware County, and in that capacity served on many important committees. He was an active supporter of Governor Tilden in the exciting Presidential contest of 1877, and one of the foremost leaders of the Democratic party. In November, 1877, he was elected Judge and Surrogate of Delaware County, and in his full term of six years showed rare judicial ability and integrity. In 1883 he was a candidate on the Democratic ticket for Secretary of State, but was defeated. On January 1, 1884, Judge Maynard was appointed by Attorney-General O'Brien, First Deputy Attorney-General, and held the office till June 1, 1884, when he resigned to accept the office of Second Comptroller of the United States Treasury, to which he had been appointed by President Cleveland. When Judge Maynard went into the Second Comptroller's office, the work of the office was over two years behind; but, when he left it, the work was up to current date. April 1, 1887, he was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; and here he had charge of the Custom Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the Revenue Marine, the Supervising Surgeon-general's Bureau, the Navigation Bureau, the Life-saving Service, the Light-house Board, the Steam Inspection Service, the Miscellaneous Division, and the Supervising Architect's Bureau -- all of which required his personal attention. All these official services at Washington, involving so many different and intricate cases, Judge Maynard rendered-thoroughly and faithfully, to the hearty satisfaction of the government and the approval of the public. On the inauguration of President Harrison, Judge Maynard resigned his office, and May 22, 1889, was appointed by Governor Hill as one of the Commissioners to revise the general laws of the State. In this, as in all of his official duties, he displayed rare ability. The work of the commission resulted in reducing by about one-half the entire bulk of the laws of the State. In January, 1892, he was appointed by Governor Flower Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, the appointment being confirmed by the Senate.

Judge Maynard was married June 28, 1871, to Margaret M. Marvine, daughter of Charles Marvine, of Delhi, N.Y. They have one daughter, Frances, a young lady of eighteen. Few of our public men have discharged more constant and arduous duties than Judge Maynard. From the time of his first election as Supervisor of Stamford he has without ceasing worked for the public good in professional and political capacities, and his executive ability has proved to be of the highest order. For the foregoing facts, summarizing the career of this eminent citizen of Delaware County, the "Review" is indebted to the Albany press.

DAVID C. HOAG, a prosperous farmer of Andes, was born in the town of Delhi, July 3, 1864. His grandfather, William Hoag, a stone-mason of English descent, was born in Scotland. He married Ellen Jackson, also a native of Scotland, who lived to be over ninety years of age. Mr. Hoag's death, which occurred when he was but fifty years of age, was caused by a large stone falling upon him.

John Hoag, the father of the subject of this biography, came to America in 1852 with his wife Margaret and one child, James, and engaged in carpenter work at Andes. But eight of their family of twelve children are now living: James, who was born October 18, 1852, and with his wife, Blanche Bell (Knapp) Hoag, and two children, now resides in Wayne County, Pennsylvania; John, Jr., who married Betsey Hitt, and now lives in Evansville, Sullivan County, and has two children; Ella, who married William Van Kuren, a farmer of Andes, and is the mother of two children; Robert, who married Libbie Lewis, and is now a farmer with five children, in the town of Hardenburg, Ulster County; Jennie, who married Warren Dean, a carpenter in Bovina; David C., the subject of this biography; William, who married Belle Middlemist, and is now a farmer in Sullivan County; and Thomas, who married Jennie Lunn, and is a farmer of Delhi, with one child. John Hoag moved from Andes to a farm in Delhi, whence he returned to Andes, where he bought one hundred and fifty acres. This he afterward sold, and went back to Delhi, where he at present tends the toll gates. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Presbyterian church. He was always active and industrious, and has been very successful in his undertakings.

David C. Hoag was educated in his native town of Delhi, and at the age of twenty-three bought of Margaret Hoag a farm of two hundred anti forty acres. His brother William shared the expense with him, and together they purchased two more farms, one of ninety-six and the other of fifty-five acres, making them then the possessors of about four hundred acres. After a year David bought his brother's share, and, having sold eighty-five acres, operates the rest as a dairy farm. He keeps thirty cows, grade Jerseys, and some young stock. In 1892 he married Tina Fenton, daughter of Orin and Mary (McLean) Fenton. Mr. Fenton owns a farm of two hundred and thirty acres near Perch Lake, and has a family of five children: Alexander, George, Andrew, Mamie, and Tina. Mr. Fenton enlisted in the One Hundred and First New York Infantry at the commencement of the war, received his discharge after three years service, and is now drawing a pension.

Mr. Hoag is the owner of about two-thirds of Perch Lake, an extended view of which is obtained from his residence. He is classed among the successful farmers of the vicinity. He is a Republican in politics, a man of broad views, liberal in religious matters, and a kind neighbor, loved and respected by all who know him.

SLUMAN L. WATTLES is the wealthiest citizen of Sidney Centre, in the town of Sidney, Delaware County, where he has held many offices, and is a very influential man. He was born in another part of the same town, May 6, 1816, just as the War of 1812 was over, and in the very year when James Monroe was elected as the successor of James Madison in the Presidential chair. The grandfather for whom he was named, Sluman Wattles, was born in the town of Lebanon, Litchfield County, Conn., in 1752, of Scotch descent. He was a land surveyor, and came to this region in 1784 to make surveys in connection with the Livingston grants. He brought his young wife with him, bought land, and at last became owner of a quarter of the Livingston Patent. The whole estate measured four miles by sixteen, and Grandfather Wattles's part of it was a mile from the present town of Franklin. When he first came hither, Surveyor Wattles was on horseback, and had to follow the watercourses as his only guide. It was an unknown country, full of Indians; but they were not hostile to the new-comer, who made a treaty with them, though not without the plentiful aid of whiskey. They knew him well, and trusted him; and, when his log .. house was built, with its bark roof and doors of split log, they often stayed over night within its shelter. At the outset there were no white settlers in the neighborhood. The nearest mill was at Schoharie, forty miles away. For meat they had game from the forest and fish from the stream; and their bread was mostly johnny-cake, made of maize, or Indian corn. For a long time he held the office of Judge. As such he helped organize the county, and was the first member elected from it to the State Assembly. The Judge's first wife died in early life, of small-pox. His second wife was Betsy Butts, of Sidney; and his first child, Mrs. Betsy Dewey, enjoyed the distinction of being the first white child born in the county after the Revolution. The old gentleman was a stanch Presbyterian, and spent his last years in Sidney, where he died in 1837, at the good, square age of eighty-five. He had raised a large family, all of whom lived to grow up, though only two survived him. Their names were: Caroline, Sluman, John, Simon, Sally, Betsy, Chandler, Nathaniel.

Of these children the youngest, Nathaniel, was born in Franklin, and married Emily Birdsall, of Otego. He combined the two professions of agriculture and theology, being both an able farmer and .a good Baptist preacher. Always of studious habits, he obtained a good education for his day. His last years were passed on the farm at East Sidney, where he died at the age of seventy-five; but his wife died at forty-five. They brought into the world six boys and a daughter, all but one of whom are still living. The eldest, Sluman L. Wattles, named for his grandfather, is the subject of this sketch. Caroline is the wife of William Dewey, of Sidney Centre.Walter Wattles is a Sidney farmer. Gilbert Wattles is at Minneapolis, Minn. Homer Wattles lives in McHenry, Ill. Edwin Wattles is in Sidney. Their brother Russell died in the prime of life, aged only thirty-five.

Mr. Sluman L. Wattles grew to manhood in East Sidney, attending the district school, and then studying at Trenton Academy. Though he followed farming as his life work, he was always a great student, poring over his books almost unaided, but to such good purpose that at the age of eighteen, in the year 1834, he could teach school, and continued so doing for ten successive winters, always returning to the farm in summer. Soon after reaching his majority, in 1837, he was appointed Superintendent of Schools for the town of Sidney. In 1846, at the age of thirty, he was created Justice of Peace, and held the office for nearly a quarter-century. In fact, during nearly all his adult life he has held one or another public position, having been supervisor five years. He was also a Notary Public, and this led him into much legal business, in addition to agriculture.

On the second day of the year 1847, at the age of thirty-one, he was married to Wealthy Ann Porter, a native of Conway, Franklin County, Mass., where she was born October 18, 1824, the daughter of George R. and Elizabeth (Chauncey) Porter, who was a kinswoman of Commodore Isaac Chauncey, an officer of great service to the States in the War of 1812. G.R. Porter was a native of Nova Scotia, and belonged to an old family. In his early days he came to Sidney, where he farmed until his death. He was the father of five children, four of whom have lived to advanced age. Of these children Mrs. Wattles if the eldest. Mary Ann Porter is the widow of Rinaldo Southwick, and lives in Boston with her son. William Porter carries on the home farm. Elizabeth Porter is the wife of Isaac De Cou, and makes her home in Harrison County, Iowa. George Porter, named for his father, died in babyhood. The Porters were Baptists, and in this religious faith Mrs. Wattles still continues. Her husband, however, is a liberal, and belongs to no church. When he sold his farm and came to Sidney Centre in 1846, there was no village here, and he witnessed the erection of every house in the place. They have but one child, Kate, born in Sidney, March 21, 1855, and married to Eugene Hanford, a Walton lawyer.

In politics, Mr. Wattles is a Democrat. He is a leading man in town affairs, a large owner of real estate, and Vice President of the Sidney National Bank. He is a genial, cheerful, and popular gentleman, who rarely goes beyond the boundaries of his native town, and his wife is a born lady, given to hospitality.

"Agriculture engenders good sense, and good sense of an excellent kind." This saying by a French author fits the career of Mr. Wattles, who would perhaps add, with the English poet, Alexander Pope:

For modes of faith, let graceless zealots fight:
His can't be wrong whose life is in the right.

D. WELD ROBERTS, one of the extensive agriculturists of Delaware County, was born in Bragg Hollow in Middletown, April 30,1838, being a son of Joshua F. and Hulda (Weld) Roberts, and grandson of David Weld and Ira Roberts.

David Weld, the maternal grandfather settled in Delaware County in the early days when the country was still wild and mostly inhabited by the bear, wildcat, deer, and other wild animals. Afterward he went west and died there. Ira Roberts, the paternal grandfather, came with his wife whose maiden name was Baker, from their native place, Putnam County, in 1815, and settled in Bragg Hollow. His farm here consisted of one hundred acres of land that had been somewhat already improved. About six months after entering upon his undertaking, he died in his new home, leaving his wife with eight children, one of them being Joshua F. Mrs. Roberts lived to be about eighty years old.

D.Weld Roberts, son of Joshua F., was educated at the district school, and afterward turned his attention to the work on his father's farm till he was about twenty-eight years old. Then he was married to Miss Elizabeth Mead, daughter of John T. and Rachel (Keater) Mead. John T. Mead was a son of David and Elizabeth (Ballard) Mead. His father was a Baptist minister, a laborious and earnest man, devoted to the spiritual welfare of the people he endeavored to serve. JohnT. Mead had a district school education, and when of age, bought of Orvy Stevenson, a farm of one hundred and ten acres, where he lived for sixteen years, adding new buildings and improving the place by degrees. But concluding after a while to sell out, he bought the Thomas and Harry Keater place, and there lived about fourteen years. Then, circumstances seeming to call for a change, he went to Roxbury, bought a house there, and settled down for some time. Still later he moved over to Batavia Kill, where he remained till his death, which occurred at the age of eighty-five years. John T. Mead was a Republican, and it is related of him that he never missed putting in a vote.

Rachel Keater, wife of John T. Mead, was a daughter of Joseph and Polly (White) Keater. Joseph Keater was born in Kingston, a son of Cornelius Keater. He was also one of the pioneers, and took his part in subduing the wilderness. He settled on the Batavia Kill, and bought the farm of Daniel Keater composed of about three hundred acres, but sold one half of the land. He has cleared the remainder, and has now lived on the place forty-eight years. His wife is now seventy-eight years old. They have had eight children--- Mary, Mehitable, Elizabeth, Rachel, Deborah, Thomas, Harry and Chauncey. Thomas and Harry built the first store in the Kill, and were very successful in conducting it, considering the limitations of those days.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Weld Roberts have two children. George, the elder son, born January 28, 1868, married Miss Peace Hubbel, and they live at the parental home. The other son, Nelson J., born April 7, 1874, is a carpenter by trade. D. Weld Roberts bought a farm of two hundred and sixty acres in Bragg Hollow. After selling it to his father, he purchased other land, and continued to add more and more, till now he has a spacious tract of cultivated land covering fully three hundred acres. He has built a very large barn, which is in size sixty-four by sixty-six feet, twenty-six feet of this being an overshot. Mr. Roberts has a herd of forty cows, mostly Alderneys, also a flock of over eighty sheep, with poultry and other accessories of a successful farm. Mr. Roberts is a Democrat in his political opinions. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

GEORGE ADEE, a well-known lawyer residing on Main Street, Delhi, N.Y., was born January 25, 1834, in Bovina, Delaware County. His father, Stephen B., was a native of the same town, born there June 14.1801, and was the son of Samuel Adee, who was the son of Jonathan, who died about the commencement of the Revolutionary War. Jonathan had two sons and three daughters: namely, Samuel, Phoebe, Sarah, Rebecca and Jonathan. Their father was John, who had four sons and one daughter: namely, Jonathan, William, Daniel, John, and Hannah. John Adee was a weaver in early life, and moved from Providence, R.I., to Rye, in or before 1729, and engaged in farming and real estate operations. He died in 1784, having lived in America most of his life, his native country being England, where he was born, and from whence he came to America with his family in the early part of the eighteenth century. The family were of French extraction, dating back to Count Adee, whose ancestral home was at Clermont, forty miles from Paris. The second brother of the Viscount was contemporary with the celebrated Mary, Queen of Scots, and accompanied that unfortunate queen when she left France to take her place on the throne of Scotland. One branch of the family moved to Cirencester, Gloustershire, England, and their monuments may be seen to this day, bearing the family coat of arms.

family arms


Arms of Adee of Cirencester in Gloucestershire, England, namely:---

Three crosses, points downward, one in pale and two in saltier, encircled with a coronet.

In the south cross-aisle of the church of Holyrood, parish of Ampney, in the hundred of Crowther and Menter and in the deanery of Fairford, two miles from Airmouth, there is a monument with a Latin inscription recording the death of Mary, wife of Smithin Adee, Esquire, who died on the 10th of July, 1729, and on it are these arms, namely:---

Three crosses, points downward, one in pale and t3wo in saltier, encircled with a coronet.

The family arms of Adee of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, descended from the second brother of the Viscount Adee, who came over to Scotland from France in the suit of Mary, the Queen Mother, with the motto on scroll:

'Crux Mihi Grata Quies'

(The cross to me is joyful rest.')

The Adee coat of arms was brought to America by John Adee about two hundred years ago.

Samuel Adee, grandfather of the subject of this sketch was a boy only ten years of age at the outbreak of hostilities with the mother country. The Tory boys would whip him while on his way to and from school on account of his patriotism, but it only made him more enthusiastic. He moved to the town of Bovina with his family in April, 1793, being one of the first settlers in the town. His brother, Jonathan settled near Reynoldsville, Tompkins County, N.Y. about the same time. Samuel was an energetic man in all that he undertook. Settling in the midst of a dense forest, the piercing scream of the panther, the sullen growl of the bear, the sharp bark of the wolf, were even and anon heard, kept back at nigh by large fire kindled for that purpose. In three days he erected a log house, which in the course of seven or eight years gave way to a fine frame dwelling, while a large frame barn, with some seventy-five acres of cultivated land attested his enterprise and perseverance. His wife was Sarah Bloomer, of White Plains, where she lived in the troubled times of the Revolution, when the country was scoured alternately by the redcoats and the patriot soldiers of Washington. They were married soon after peace was restored, and reared a large family of children to be useful and worthy members of the community. They were members of the Baptist church, old school. He would go fifteen miles on foot to a church a little east of Harpersfield Centre, and his wife on horseback to attend divine service. He died in October 1828, and his wife in March 1843. Their children's names were as follows: Joshua, Elizabeth, Ann, Jonathan, Deborah, Darius, Esther, and Stephen B.

The latter, inheriting his father's energetic nature, remained on the old homestead, and occupied himself with its cultivation and improvement. He erected a fine house in 1839, and subsequently new barns. In 1831 he married Miss Elizabeth D. Ludington, a lineal descendant of Lady Jane Pinckney, a daughter of Sir John Pinckney, England's historic lawyer and Earl of Derby. His son, Thomas Pinchpenny, came to America in 1687. Accompanied by his sister Jane and he was commissioned Governor of the Carolinas. Jane married Mr. Fowler, and their daughter, Jane married Thomas Foster, and their daughter Mary, married Joseph Northrup, and their daughter Jane married Henry Ludington, and their daughter. Elizabeth D. married Stephen B. Adee, father and mother of George Adee. They were members of the Baptist church, old school. Henry Ludington's father Samuel, and five brothers served under Washington during the Revolutionary War, and one was a colonel on his staff. The father of the six Ludingtons was an Englishman, born in Liverpool, and had been an officer in the English navy. He moved to America with his family at an early date, and settled at the place in Putnam County that bore his name. Their patriotism made them famous for the part they all took in gaining our independence. Samuel marched with the troops from New York, and was present at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va. He moved from Ludingtonville with his family in 1795. He and his son Henry cleared up adjoining farms in Bovina, New York, the whole now being owned and occupied by Henry's son, Thomas H. Ludington.

Stephen B. Adee and his wife, Elizabeth D. reared six children--- Henry L., George, James S., William A., Elizabeth R., and Mary H. The mother died April 22,1847, aged thirty-seven years. The father, Stephen B. Adee, married Miss Nancy Orr, of Kortright. He died February 15, 1870, and his wife in 1877. They are now resting in a cemetery in the upper part of Bovina, where the eldest son, Henry L., who died at the early age of sixteen, was laid by the side of his mother in 1848.

George Adee, the subject of this notice. Spent his early years on the old homestead where his father and grandfather had lived before him. He attended the common schools, and out of school hours, assisted his father on the farm. In 1854, at the age of twenty, he entered the Delaware Academy at Delhi, N.Y., where he remained for two years, except one term during which he taught school. In August, 1856, he entered the law office of the late Hon. Samuel Gordon, of Delhi, where he read until July 15, 1857, and was then admitted to the bar at a general term of the Supreme Court, held at Cooperstown, N.Y. He began practice in Hobart, where he remained four years. In 1861, he moved to Davenport Centre. On October 4, 1864, he married Miss Frances M. Forman, the daughter of Stephen Forman, M.D., of Bloomville, who practised there for more than fifty years. Her mother was Miss Prudence Roberts, a daughter of Eli Roberts, a successful farmer, who moved from Dutchess County, New York, and settled about four miles above Bloomville, where it was all a wilderness. She was an interesting lady, a leader in society, and a worker in the Methodist Episcopal church in Bloomville, of which she and the Doctor were members. She died in 1857. The Doctor afterward married Miss Emiline Wright. He died September 4, 1884, and was laid to rest beside his wife and two daughters in the cemetery at Bloomville, N.Y. His widow now resides at Inwood, Iowa, with a daughter of her first marriage. The Doctor was a son of Henry Forman, a thrifty farmer residing across the river from Bloomville, who was a son of Jacob Forman, an early settler in that vicinity, and whose father came to this country before the Revolutionary War, and had a flail made of iron with which to thrash the Tories. He was taken prisoner with his flail, and sent back to England for trial. He was acquitted, and returned to this country, but his flail is in the English museum till this day. George Adee remained at Davenport Centre till 1875, having a large law practice. In the year mentioned he removed to Delhi with his family and still resides there, having a successful practice in all the courts in the State, including the general terms of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, where he has met with great success.

George and Frances M. Adee have one child, a son, Stephen Forman Adee, born August 22, 1865, at Davenport Centre, where he attended the common school till he moved to Delhi with his parents in 1875. He then entered the Delaware Academy, and was graduated in 1885. From this institution he went to Cornell University at Ithaca, New York, where after a year of unceasing study his health gave way, and he returned home for a year. His health improving, in September 1887, he entered Columbia College Law School in New York City. While there, in 1889 he was admitted to the bar at a general term of the Supreme Court held in Brooklyn, and was graduated at the close of the term in June,1889. Returning to Delhi, he then entered upon the practice of law with his father, the firm being G. & S.F. Adee, and they enjoyed a good and successful practice until February, 1891, when he bought the Delaware Express, and was a successful editor and proprietor of that paper. Soon thereafter he started and was proprietor of the Andes Recorder, at Andes, N.Y., and also started and was proprietor of the Walton Times, at Walton, N.Y., each of which he sold, and October 1, 1894, he sold the Delaware Express to William Clark, and then formed a copartnership with G.W. & H.D. Crawford, under the firm name of Crawfords and Adee, and they entered into an extensive lumber business as manufacturers, importers and wholesale retail dealers at Delhi, N.Y. The family attend the Second Presbyterian Church of this place, of which the mother and son are active members.

George Adee, in the meantime, continued the practice of the law. He has always been a consistent Republican, and in many a political contest has stumped the county, and made speeches from time to time in almost every town therein, being hailed as one of the best Republican speakers of the county. He is a good orator, whether in a political contest or at the bar, his aim being to follow down the lines of truth and so arrange the facts and law as to carry conviction to jury and court. His pleas are interspersed with touching pathos and cutting sarcasm, and he so fully debates both sides of the issue that opposing counsel have but little to say except to repeat his arguments. His audience often sits in breathless silence, except when he turns a point of mirth, and then break forth in cheer upon cheer. He has won many a legal contest by his superior eloquence over his adversaries.

He still resides at Delhi, hale, hearty, and robust, pursuing the even tenor of his way, and enjoying great popularity. He has always been an able counselor, a true and trusted friend, an accommodating neighbor, beloved and respected by everyone, a kind and affectionate husband and father. His house is fitted with all the modern improvements, and furnished in the best and latest style, and it is often the scene of joyous social gatherings, presided over with graceful hospitality by his loving wife, a lady of rare gifts of heart and mind.

The accompanying portrait of this distinguished member of the Delaware County bar, together with the illustrations of the escutcheons of the ancient family of which he is a notable representative, will be highly appreciated by readers of the "Review".

HOSEA JENKINS, a well-known dealer in agricultural implements at Trout Creek, in the town of Tompkins, was born at Roxbury, in the eastern part of the county. His great-great-grandfather was Solomon Jenkins, whose son Nathaniel, was born in Dutchess County. Nathan Jenkins, son of Nathaniel, was also a native of Dutchess County, and his son Horace, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Roxbury. The Jenkins family came to this country from Wales. One of the ancestors of Mr. Jenkins was killed in the battle of White Plains, and for many years some of his clothing, torn with buckshot, showing where he received his death wound, was preserved by the family.

Nathan Jenkins was one of the pioneers of Batavia Kill, being the first man to drive a wagon into that town, and there he cleared his land, and erected a log cabin, subsisting chiefly on the fish and game which abounded in the vicinity. His father was a Revolutionary soldier, and received a pension for his services, dying in Roxbury when over ninety years of age. Nathan Jenkins married Lydia Morse, of Roxbury, and nine children were born of this union--- Horace, Hosea, Benjamin, Smith, Albert, Phoebe, Celia, Margaret and Irene. Nathan Jenkins died at Batavia Kill, aged eighty-three years.

Horace Jenkins attended the district school in Roxbury, assisting his parents on the farm, and later purchased land for himself, which he cleared and cultivated. His wife was Annie Vermilya, daughter of Solomon and Susan (Milnix) Vermilya, of Middletown, Delaware County. And she became the mother of five children, as follows: Susan, who married Jesse Howes, of Sullivan County; Orson, who married Helen Chandler of Pennsylvania; William, whose wife was Sarahette Southard, of Tompkins; Irene, who married John A. Wilber, of Sidney; and Hosea, subject of this sketch. Horace Jenkins, after disposing of the old homestead, removed to Tompkins, and purchased land on Knickerbocker Kill, clearing one hundred acres, and engaging in farming and dairying. On the death of his wife in 1890, he sold this place, and retired from active pursuits, going to live with his daughter in Tompkins; and here he still resides, strong and hearty as of old. He cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson, and his last with the Democratic party was for James K. Polk. He then gave his support to the Republican Party, voting with that organization at the time of Lincoln's second election, and has ever since been a stanch defender of its principles. He is a highly respected member of the Baptist church, in the good works of which he is always prominent.

Hosea Jenkins, son of Horace and Annie (Vermilya) Jenkins, removed to Tompkins from Roxbury with his parents when ten years of age, and besides attending the district school and assisting in the care of the farm, learned the carpenter's trade. He purchased a farm containing a portion of the old homestead and some adjoining land, and here he lived until 1894, when he sold it a bought a home in the village of Trout Creek, where he now resides. For twenty years he has dealt in all types of farm implements, and still is engaged extensively in this business.

March 13, 1858, he married Miss Mary Ann Sherwood, daughter of James and Chloe (Steward) Sherwood of Roxbury. The Sherwood family is of German ancestry, the father of James Sherwood being Moses Sherwood, a pioneer of Roxbury, and a sharpshooter in the War of 1812. It has always been said that he was the man who killed General Brock, and his own explanation of the affair was, "I don't know as I killed him, but I took good aim and saw him fall." Moses Sherwood settled in Roxbury at the beginning of this century, his first habitation being a log cabin with a blanket for a door. The wolves and other wild animals howled about the house at night, and many a time while her husband was at war, the wife of this sturdy pioneer was obliged to lift her oldest boy to the horse's back that he might go to the mill. He lived to be over ninety years of age, active and rugged to the end, being able to read without glasses. His wife, Sarah Cator Sherwood, was born in Roxbury. Their son, James, the father of Mrs. Jenkins, was a successful farmer of Roxbury, following that occupation throughout his life. His children were: George, Mary, Elizabeth, James, Sarah, Eleanor, Chloe, Peter and Melissa. He died at Roxbury in 1894, at the age of eighty-four years, having been for many years a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.

Hosea Jenkins and his wife are the parents of four children: Eva, the wife of Smith Shultes, a farmer in Tompkins, and the mother of one child. Blanche; Emma who married Marvin Hinman of Walton, and has one daughter, Mary; Nora, the wife of Homer Pierson, formerly of Masonville, but now a resident of Tompkins; and Orson who resides with his parents. Mr. Jenkins is regarded by his neighbors with much esteem and deference. He has occupied various positions of trust in the town of Tompkins, in 1883 serving as Commissioner of Highways. He and his estimable wife attend the Methodist Episcopal Church at Trout Creek.

PORTER LAKIN, a respected citizen of the town of Hancock, was born October 9, 1845, on the old homestead in Hancock, now occupied by his brother, James Lakin, whose biography, together with the family history, may be found in another part of this volume.

Porter Lakin was educated in the district schools of his native town, and since his sixteenth year has followed the river as a lumberman, besides carrying on an extensive farm business. His home has been in the neighborhood of Hawk Point. June 16, 1867, he married Mary Mills, a native of Prattsville; daughter of Henry and Margaret (Rowe) Mills. Henry Mills came from Glasgow, Scotland and settled at Prattesville, Greene County, where he was employed for a time in the woolen mills. Later he moved to Equinunk, Pa., where he bought a farm and lived for some years, after which he came to Hancock, first making his home on Greene Flat, later at Hawk Point, where he passed his last days, dying in 1868. His wife, who was a native of Greene County, survived him a number of years. She was the mother of a large family.

Mr. and Mrs. Lakin have had ten children, namely: Julius, born December 30, 1868; Ernest, born October 7, 1871; Harry Egbert, born October 16, 1872; Maud Lillian, born January 10,1876, died September 20,1880; Porter D. born March 28, 1878, died April 7, 1880; Earl R. born February 23, 1880; Herbert D., born January 8, 1882; Margaret M., born November 9,1884; Ellen Mills, born June 26, 1887; Porter H., born November 4, 1892.

Mr. Lakin has over eight hundred acres of land, much of which is under cultivation; the methods being used being the most modern. By his interest in the public welfare and his diligent application to business, he commands the respect of his fellow townsmen, whose appreciation of him has often been attested by their votes at the polls. He is a Democrat and has held a number of positions of trust and honor, having been Assessor of the town for six years, and being now Commissioner of Highways.

REV. MILTON C. HAMBLY was ordained in October 1893, as pastor of the Presbyterian church of Hamden, Delaware County, N.Y. He is a Canadian, having been born in Nobleton, County York, Ontario, in 1858. His grandfather was William Hambly, of Nova Scotia, who married Nancy Fisher, and died in the prime of life, leaving a widow, three sons, and one daughter. Their son John was born in Nova Scotia in 1828, and married Mary Ann Holden, who was born at Brampton, Ontario, in 1839. Mr. Hambly is engaged in mercantile life in Toronto. He and his wife are the parents of seven children: Amelia C., wife of W.H. Ayer, of Toronto; William S., a commercial traveler. Residing in Toronto; the Reverend Milton C.; Jennie E., wife of John A. Trollope, a Methodist minister in Ontario; John W.F., a commercial traveler, who is unmarried and lives at his parents' home in Toronto; George J., who is also a commercial traveler; and M.C.F. Hambly, who is married and is in business with his father.

Milton C. Hambly received his early education at Nobleton, and as graduated from Knox College, Toronto, in April, 1893. He is an energetic, earnest worker in the gospel, intent on rightly divining the word of truth. On May 19. 1885, he married Elspeth L. Butchart, of Mildmay, Ontario, daughter of John and Isabella (Kennedy) Butchart. Mr. and Mrs. Hambly are the parents of three children: Ivan C., born February 5, 1887, Elwood C., who was born December 7, 1888; Knox H., a child of two years, having been born October 18, 1892.

ARTHUR F. BOULTON, well known as a leading businessman of Roxbury, N.Y., was born in this town, July 1,1872, son of Birrett and Elizabeth (Frisbee) Boulton. The paternal grandparents were John T. and Betsey M. (Fuller) Bouton, the former of whom was the son of Samuel Bouton.

Burrett Bouton was born in Roxbury in 1847, and received his education at the Roxbury Academy. At the age of fifteen he began to work as a clerk for his father, who kept a store in general merchandise, and afterward became a partner in the business. Having acquired knowledge of the legal profession, in 1885 gave up commercial interests, and devoted his entire time to the practice of law. He was an active and useful citizen, a strong Democrat in politics, and twice served his town as Supervisor. He died in 1891, at the comparatively early age of forty-three, leaving three children--- Arthur F., Anna, and John Frisbee Boston, daughter of John and Jane (Smith) Frisbee, survives her husband, and is a lady much respected by a wide circle of friends. She is a member of the Reformed church of Roxbury.

Arthur F., the elder son of Birrett Bouton, received his early education in the common school at Roxbury and later attended the Stamford Seminary. At the age of seventeen he began to read law with his father, and after the latter's death continued his legal studies with A.C.Crosby, Esq. Later he turned his attention to the insurance business, and at this time represents the New York Life Insurance Company, and also some of the best fire and accident insurance companies. In 1892 he married Miss Lulu Craft, a daughter of A.J. and Elizabeth (Faulkner) Craft, of Roxbury. Mr. Bouton's office and residence are both on Main Street. He is the Town Clerk, and is connected with the fraternal orders, being a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, No. 608, of Roxbury.

JAMES HUNT, a practical farmer and highly respected citizen of Tompkins, N.Y., was born in Charlestown, N.H., May 27, 1827, and was of English and American parentage. His father, Henry Hunt, was a native of London, England, and led a sailor's life for a number of years, afterward settling in America. He married Esther Hart, who was born near Charlestown; and for a time he resided in the State of New Hampshire. He then moved to Springfield, Vt.,, where he died in the prime of life, leaving his widow and four children. She lived near Springfield until her death.

James Hunt was very young when his father died, and he came to live with his aunt, Mrs. Benjamin Lane, about one mile from Cannonsville, Delaware County. Here he grew to manhood, and lived until his marriage at thirty-four years of age. Starting out in life for himself, Mr. Hunt purchased a tract of timbered land, which he cleared and then sold a few years later, buying one hundred acres now included in his present farm. About twenty acres of this land had been cleared, and it contained one log house. Mr. Hunt began at once to fell the trees and prepare more land for cultivation. He has at present upward of seventy acres cleared, and has erected good frame buildings.

Mr. Hunt was married on November 6, 1861, his bride being Miss Harriet Elizabeth Hathaway, who was born in Tompkins, a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are the parents of two children: Grace B., who married Samuel L. Halbert; and Frank L. Mrs. Hunt is a member of the Presbyterian church at Cannonsville, and both she and her husband are respected throughout the community in which they reside.

LEVI SYLVESTER CHACE, druggist, also Postmaster of Walton, Delaware County, New York, was born in the town of Hamden, January 21, 1837. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Chace emigrated from Holland previous to the Revolutionary War, and at the breaking out of hostilities was a soldier under General Washington. He settled in Rhode Island, and was the father of three sons who lived to maturity, all of whom came to Delaware County. They were Sylvester, Philip, and George. George Chace married Christina Van Hunsen, by whom he had ten children, who may be thus briefly mentioned: Hiram G., settled near Bethany, Pa., where he married and raised a family. William G. settled in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, and married Miss R. Church. Francis, who went to California, died young. Henry is a resident of Delaware County. Edward lives in Illinois. Sarah married Allan Crandall, of Alba, Pa. Maria married Henry Lill of Delhi, both of whom are deceased. Lydia A. married to George Furman, died in Pennsylvania. Amy married Warren Peak. Augustus B., the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Hamden in 1813 and married Miss Harriet Monfort of Kortright, by whom he had these children: Levi S. is our subject. Jared, a farmer of Delos, N.Y., died in1891. William is a resident of Binghamton, N.Y. Mary, married to Clark Gould, of Walton, died in 1871. Emily is the wife of Robert Harvey of this county. Harvey died in 1889, at Elmira, N.Y. Mr. Chace lived to see many important changes in the county, all the outcome of progress and prosperity. He was an old time Democrat up to the time of his death, in 1874. Mrs. Chace is still living, residing with her son at Walton.

Levi S. Chace was educated at the schools of his native village. Afterward settling upon a farm, where he remained until 1864, when he came to Walton, shortly embarking in the drug business, which he has continued up to the present time. He was married in 1859 to Miss Mary Tiffany, a daughter of Harry Tiffany. Miss Tiffany was born at Black River in 1839. They reared five children, namely: Harry, who was killed on the railroad in 1889; Marcia, wife of William Borst, of New Jersey; George, who resides in Norfolk, Virginia, a jeweler by trade, and married to Miss Maggie Sutherland; Helen, wife of Alan Reinhart, of Walton; Herman, a graduate of pharmacy. Mr. Chace has been Chief of Police of Walton, and twice occupied the position of Collector of Walton. He was appointed postmaster of Walton, February 21, 1894. He is a member of Walton Lodge of Free Masons, No. 559, and a charter member of Walton Chapter, No.251. Mr. Chace has done as much as any man of his time in promoting the welfare of Walton.

EDWARD F.TOMPKINS, a very successful merchant of Union Grove, was born January 8, 1867, son of Daniel and Sarah (Turner) Tompkins. His paternal grandfather, a farmer, married Elizabeth Post, and had a family of seven children--- Daniel, John, Charles, Robert, Mary, Esther, and Libbie.

Daniel Tompkins was born at Roxbury, where he was educated and grew to manhood. When quite young, he commenced working at lumbering and to some extent in the tannery business. In 1862 he enlisted at Delhi in the Fourth New York Cavalry, and served throughout the war. While carrying dispatches, he was taken prisoner, and held for nine months. After his release, he met and married Sarah E. Turner, whose father was a large planter, of Portsmouth, Virginia. At the close of the was he returned North, buying a farm of one hundred and fifty acres in Canada Hollow, in Middletown, about six miles from Margarettville. Here he was very successful in his farming career. He and his wife became the parents of the following children: Edward F., the subject of this sketch; Margaret, who married W.C. Sanford, of New Kingston; Susan, who now lives at New Kingston; Charles, a farmer at Margarettville; Frona, who resides in Stamford; Chauncy, who resides at New Kingston; and Edna, whose home is also at New Kingston Daniel Tompkins sold his farm, and removed to Arena, Delaware County, where his wife died October 31, 1887. He has since lived with his son Edward. He is a Republican and an active worker in politics, being also very liberal in religious views.

Edward F. Tompkins was educated at Jacksonburg, but when quite young commenced to work on a farm. At the age of eighteen he became a clerk in the store of D.A. Fletcher, in whose employ he remained for five years. HE then came to Union Grove, buying a store from Mrs. F.B. Mason, on the corner of River and Bakerboom Streets. He here carries a complete line of general merchandise, is always obliging and courteous to his customers, and has a very large patronage.

The wife of Mr. Tompkins is Flora, daughter of Warren and Elizabeth (Brower) Weaver. Peter Weaver, the grandfather of Warren was born in Dutchess County, and came to Delaware County, settling in what is now known as Weaver Hollow, where he owned a large farm. He married Sarah Phenix, by whom he had ten children. His son William, the father of Warren, was born on the old homestead, and was educated in the common schools. He married Eva Austin, and had four children: Warren, Angelina, Ira and Sarah. William Weaver bought a part of the old homestead, and lived there till his wife died. He then married Mary Travis, and went into a hotel at Lumberville, now called Arena, where he resided several years, and afterward bought a farm in Prattsville, but on account of his wife's ill health removed to the village of Durham, Greene County. In 1885 he came back to Delaware, and has lived with his son Warren. His second wife died in 1894. He is a Republican, and an esteemed member of the Methodist Episcopal church. At the age of twenty-one, Warren Weaver, the father of Mrs. Tompkins, bought one hundred and fifty acres of land on the Delaware River, where his sister, Angelina, kept house for him for a few years In 1866 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Louis and Mary Brower, and they have two children now living: Flora, who married the subject of this sketch; and Alma, who is at home with her parents. A daughter, now deceased was named Olive. In 1887 Mr. Weaver bought an adjoining upland farm, removed there, and now makes that place his home, while he still owns the farm on the Delaware.

RANSOM R. HAWK, one of the best known citizens of East Branch, Hancock, belongs to a family that is one of the oldest in the country, the branch in Delaware County being descended, it is supposed from Adam Hawkes, who early settled in Saugus, near Lynnfield, Mass., where some of his descendants still reside.

John Hawk, the grandfather of Ransom, was born near Easton, Pa., and was a child at the time of the Revolutionary War. His family lived on the outskirts of the town, and were obliged to leave all of their effects behind them, and drive their stock to the blockhouse in the village to escape from the Indians and the Tories, who were leaving devastation and death in their path. John Hawk remembered many thrilling tales of those exciting times, having been well acquainted with Tom Quick. The noted Indian slayer, from whose lips he heard many stories of adventure, and having also known Kanope and Ben Shank, two famous Indians. The former of whom fell before the rifle of Quick, while the latter escaped and fled the country. John Hawk married Jane Ross, a native of Cohecton, and they had the following children: John, Nathaniel, George, Rosanna, Polly and Sally, and one child who died in infancy. The parents of these children were highly respected, and both lived to be over eighty years of age.

George Hawk was born at the foot of Hawk's Mountain. Which was named for his family. He was educated in his native town of Hancock, and followed the occupations of lumbering and farming throughout this life. He married Susan Dennis, a daughter of a soldier of the War of 1812, who died at Sackett's Harbor. She was a descendant of the Dennis family of Andes. Some of the members of which settled in Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Hawk had seven children: Maria, who was born January 18, 1833, and married George W. Houston; Ransom R.; Jeremiah D., born June 12, 1837; Henry J., born July 30, 1839; James B., born June 24,1844; John B., born December 6, 1847; and Sally A., born April 22, 1850.

Ransom R. Hawk, eldest son of George, was born in Hancock, November 12,1834, was educated in his native town, and learned the carpenter's trade. In 1872 he erected the store now occupied by Mr. Mellory, and carried on a general merchandise business for a number of years. In August, 1864, he enlisted in Company C, New York Engineer Corps, of which company, W.M.Brown of Cohoes, was Captain, and from which he received his discharge July 4, 1865, at Hilton Head S.C. June 28, 1866, he married Miss Ellen M. Miller, daughter of James and Annie M. (Williams) Miller, of Hancock. The Miller family is one of the oldest in this section of the country to which they emigrated from Connecticut, as did also the Williams family. Nathan Williams, grandfather of Mrs. Hawk, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and for his services at that time, drew a pension from the government.

Mr. and Mrs. Hawk have two children, Susa M. and Philip B., both of whom reside with their parents. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church at East Branch, of which they are valued members. Mr. Hawk has been Justice of the Peace for two terms, also Assessor and Inspector of Elections. He is a Republican in politics, a member of Shehawken Lodge of Free Masons, and of the Hancock Chapter of Royal Arch Masons; and the esteem with which he is regarded by all testifies to his worth as a citizen and a friend.

AUGUSTUS H. TODD, a more than ordinarily successful mechanic and plumber of Delaware County, was born on the 11th of April 1863. His great-grandfather, the first of this family in America, had an interesting and romantic history. The ship which brought him and his parents to these shores was wrecked off the Connecticut coast, and the little boy of three years was the only one saved, no trace of the others ever being discovered. Upon being questioned, the little fellow said his name was "Sammie Todd". And by this name he was called. A compassionate man took the child, raised and educated him. At eighteen he entered the American army, and served through the Revolutionary War. When he had married and was about to seek a new home, he received from hid foster father two oxen, a horse and a cart. With this limited capital Samuel Todd settled on a hundred acres of land in Middletown, Delaware County, and began to earn a support for himself and his brave young wife, who dared to share his hard fortune. Eight children were born to the stout-hearted settler. Samuel Todd lived to the remarkable age of one hundred and two years.

Isaac, their youngest son, lived on the place settled by his father, and married Miss Fanny Bouton, of the same county. He bought a farm of one hundred and thirty-six acres at the upper end of Dry Brook, and later one hundred and sixty more at Clovesville. In the early days of these settlements the pioneer farmers lived for the most part on the deer which abounded here, selling the skins and purchasing their other supplies. A family of seven children were reared by Isaac and Fanny Todd. It fell to the lot of the eldest son, Burr, to stay and work on the farm, so he missed the meager chance of an education that the country schools afforded at that time. But, being naturally quick and intelligent, he learned to read and write, and became an extremely enterprising and successful business man.

Burr Todd came into possession of his father's farm, but enlarged his business by carrying the neighboring farmers' produce to Kingston in his line of wagons, and fetching back groceries and family supplies. So entirely trustworthy was he that he established quite a business by this simple arrangement. At thirty-eight years of age he bought the hardware store of W. D. Doolittle, and was equally successful as he had been in other lines of business. In 1856, at Griffin's Corners, where he established himself in mercantile life, he married Miss Susan Stone. Miss Stone was born December 5, 1835, and was a daughter of Robert and Caroline (Griffin) Stone. Robert, her father, was born in Clovesville, and was the son of Russell Stone, an early settler and a man of progressive ideas. Ten children were reared by the parents of Mrs. Todd: Hannah; Augustus; Susan L.; John F.; Mary; George; William H.; Josephine; and Rutson and Hudson, who were twins.

Burr Todd and his wife were the parents of three children. The eldest, Carrie T., born July 27, 1858, married Allen Doolittle, of Griffin's Corners, and has one child, Roy C. Lilian, the other daughter, born February 21, 1873, married Charles V. Spriggs, and lives in Arkville. Burr Todd was a stanch Republican and a zealous worker in the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he was a member. He helped to build the old church, and was one of the first subscribers to the new one built in 1885; but he only lived to see the corner-stone laid, being called to that "mansion not made with hands, eternal in the skies."

Augustus H., the only son of Burr and Susan (Stone) Todd, received his early education in the school in Griffin's Corners, at fourteen spent three months in Eastman's Business College at Poughkeepsie, and at twenty went into partnership with his father in the hardware store. Six years after the death of his father he sold out to Mr. J. M. Hicks. In 1883 he began to work as a plumber. A shop was built across the creek on Main Street in the fall of 1893, for plumbing and other work; and here a large business is done, a four-horse-power water-motor being employed in the establishment, where general repairing of machinery is a specialty. He has also a turning-lathe, and employs an expert to take charge of this branch of the business. Mountain staff, souvenirs, and various small fancy articles are made here from the woods of the Catskills and find a ready sale and large market over the United States. Mr. Todd is superintendent and a heavy stockholder of the water works of this place, and has put in the water works of Roxbury and Griffin's Corners.

Mr. Augustus H. Todd wooed and won Miss Sarah Beardsley, a daughter of Nelson and Melissa Beardsley. Nelson Beardsley lives at Kelly's Corners, and has three daughters and one son--Sarah, Nettie, Addie, and Earl C. Two children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus H. Todd: Otis. H. and Marea H.

The political influence of Mr. Todd has always been used in disseminating the principles of the Republican party, of which he is a strong advocate. In religious views he is strong, liberal, and charitable, and bears in all the relations of life the impress and influence of judgment and sagacity.

Index to Biographical Review

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