
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Courtesy of Paula Hughson, April 4, 2016
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This photo includes my mother, May Barringer and her sister, Helen Barringer.  May married Judd Archer, Howard and Marion Archer’s son, in 1941. Hopefully, someone will be able to help us fill in some names. -Paula Hughson

Additional name:
From: Todd Henderson, May 5, 2016
The individual that I can identify is Lester Henderson and he is on the bottom row third from the left. He worked for the Reporter Co. for many years and retired in the early 1970’s. He passed away in 1979.

Since photo was put online, Linda Graves found identification as shown below:

Walton Reporter Photo of October 6, 1941

It appears that the Walton Reporter reprinted this photo and identified those in it at some later date. The year was not retained when my grandmother cut the article/picture from the newspaper. Helen Barringer went to work for the Walton Reporter after high school graduation in 1940 and moved from there in 1943, when she married. The picture is labeled with her married name. Helen Barringer Allmandinger remembers that each employee was given a copy of this photograph.

We divided the photograph into 3 sections for identification of people. Initially we relied on Helen’s memory, some now 74 years later!!! However, in plugging in the names from the newspaper, they matched! So, it was easy to put the two lists into one and feel that it is accurate within those guides.

First section starting with the picture’s lower left front row
1. John R. Clark
2. Alvin Griffin
3. Lester Henderson (ID by Todd Henderson too)
4. Howard Edwards
5. Thomas Doig
6. Mr. Clyde B. Merritt (Lived at the foot of Shepherd’s St.?)
7. Francis Tompkins and behind is John Howland
8. Francis Gadwood and behind is Fred Conklin
9. Glenn Petersen and behind is Harold Pierce and behind him, James Youmans
10. Clifford Dennis and behind is Lawrence Dutcher. These last men were part of the linotype operators. There were 6 linotype machines and 2 staffs were employed. How many were assigned depended on how many law briefs needed to be done.

Row (continues from above) beginning in the middle of the picture to the right under the words "The Walton Reporter."
1. Mrs. Dorothy Voorhees
2. Fern DuMond Cranston (married Charles) lived on West St. in 2nd house from Ogden St.
3. Mrs. Isabelle Crane
4. Mrs. Jenny Robinson (lived up Odgen St. Cranstons moved in, when they moved away)
5. Mrs. Estella Stern who was a Proof Reader
6. Charles Maybie (He also went to the Methodist Episcopal Church in Walton.)
7. Emma Vercelli who married Marcel Guley the coach of SU Basketball team. Helen saw her obituary in the Syracuse Post-Standard.
8. Edward S. White (brother of George…bosses, top-notch)
9. Mrs. Nora Rogers (married Herbert J.)
10. Jacob (Jake) Schwarz
11. George F. White (brother of Edward)
12. J. C. Burrhus
13. W. D. Osgood (so he is the far right person)

Back row starting on the left of the picture. The store next to the Reporter Co. was Baxter & Wood’s store and manikins are in the window.
1. Arthur Taylor, (part of night shift); there is a manikin behind him.
2. Frank Rockwell, (part of night shift); there is a manikin behind him.
3. Paul Meadows
4. J. Richard Kinch; there is a manikin behind him.
5. Lawrence McGrade
6. Mrs. Ralph Baxter
7. May Barringer (married Judd Archer)
8. Leona Maritato, behind her is Charles Loker
9. Helen Barringer (sister of May; married Walter Allmandinger)
10. J. Francis Brown
11. Ray Baxter
12. Maurice Hinkley
13. Floyd Gregory
14. Stewart Benedict

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger