This school house is on the corner of Whiskey Hollow and Dibble Rd. town of Harpersfield.
Pamphlet and photo courtesy of Pat Gray, 1 August 2017.
School attendance pamphlet for School District No. 6, Town of Harpersfield, Delaware Co, NY, for the term commencing March 31, 1902 and ending July 23, 1902.
Names of Pupils: Floyd Champlin, 8; Mabel Champlin, 5; Alvin Misner, 11; Sarah Misner, 9; Albert Misner, 7; Floyd Misner, 5; Elsie Simmonson, 8; Mary Belle Place, 13; Flosie Porteus, 6; Richard Mihoiko, 6
Mary Lindsley, Teacher;
Albert Simonson, Trustee
US census 1900 Findings on the children listed above as students of Dist. No. 6, Town of Harpersfield for the term commencing March 31, 1902 thru July 23, 1902:
Harpersfield Township Stamford village (prt.), Delaware, New York, United States - District: 18
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Fred H Champlin Head M 34 New York
Ina Champlin Wife F 30 New York
*Floyd S Champlin Son M 6 New York DOB: June 1894
*Mable J Champlin Dau F 4 New York DOB: Oct 1896
Fremont Township, Election District 2, Sullivan, New York, United States - District: 89
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Wesley Misner Head M 31 New York
Catherina Misner Wife F 28 New York
*Alva W Misner Son M 10 New York DOB: Oct 1890
*Sarah Misner Dau F 7 New York DOB: Feb 1893
*Albert Misner Son M 6 New York DOB: Nov 1894
*Floyd E Misner Son M 4 New York DOB: Feb 1896
Harpersfield Township Stamford village (prt.), Delaware, New York, United States - District: 18
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
** Albert Simonson Head M 33 New York
Lulu B Simonson Wife F 29 New York
* Elsie M Simonson Dau F 7 New York DOB: Dec 1893
** = Trustee
Kortright Township, Delaware, New York, United States - District: 19
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Jacob V Ryer Head M 73 New York
Betsy A Ryer Wife F 67 New York
George Ryer Son M 32 New York
Jane A Place Daughter F 35 New York
Nealie Place Granddaughter F 8 New York
* Mary Place Granddaughter F 12 New York DOB: Sept 1888
Nora Place Granddaughter F 10 New York
Fred Ryer Grandson M 20 New York
Harpersfield Township Stamford village (prt.), Delaware, New York, United States - District: 18
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Charles H Smith Head M 35 New York
Eliza A Smith Wife F 38 New York
Leticua B Porteus Stepdaughter F 20 New York
Wilber R Porteus Stepson M 18 New York
James R Porteus Stepson M 10 New York
* Florence M Porteus Stepdaughter F 5 New York DOB: Oct 1985
Hearld A Smith Son M 0 New York
Harpersfield Township Stamford village (prt.), Delaware, New York, United States - District: 18
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Michael Mihalko Head M 41 Austria Immigration year to USA: 1880
Mary E Mihalko Wife F 39 Austria Immigration year to USA: 1880
Alex M Mihalko Son M 19 New York
Archie S Mihalko Son M 15 New York
John A Mihalko Son M 10 New York
* Richard E Mihalko Son M 3 New York DOB: Jan 1897
Lizzie Sury Servant F 21 Austria